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Getting Started

  1. Download from Github:
  2. Unzip and move to a folder in the project
  3. require_once 'path/to/Cametrics.class.php'
  4. Cametrics::initialize('your_secret_key') # visit:, register, and create a campaign/project
  5. Insert in your code: Cametrics::measure('your namespace', 'value', 'type of value')


The first argument (the namespace), or "key," is anything that you want. Cametrics system is a schemaless system. The system depends highly on your concept of way things should be related/organized. This reduces the complexity on the system, and leaves all the power (and responsibility) to you to make an educated hiearchy of your logging.

The following is an example of how to structure your namespaces:

L1: Cametrics::measure('visitor')
L2: Cametrics::measure('visitor.actions', visitor_actuated, 'string')


Every time that your code executes L1, the system records that you have a visitor. Since I did not include a second and third argument to the function, it defaults to 1 and 'number' respectively for each of the arguments. Because the type of the input is a number and since the value defaults to 1, the visitor becomes symbolic of a counter.

For L2 I'd like to understand what kind of actions, or features, of the system they use. If I log every function/feature/action name, I will be able to get a histogram of the user's usage of the system.


The histogram would have in the x-axis all the unique visitor_actuated values, and the y-axis would represent the total number of instances for the that visitor_actuated value that was logged.


DateTime Format


Cametrics::measure('visistor.arrived', date(Cametrics::DATETIME_FORMAT), 'datetime');


The difference between a location and coordinate is the naming convention for the axes. For location, the typical axes are: longitude and latitude. For coordinates, x and y.

The client can accept 5 different ways to input the location.

  1. Using a string with the following strict format: 'longitude,latitude' or 'x,y'
  2. Using an array with x, or longitude, as the first item and y, or latitude, as the second item: array('x', 'y') or array('longitude', 'latitude')
  3. Using an indexed array with defined longitude, or x, and latitude, or y, keys: array('longitude' => 102.2, 'latitude' => 34) or array('x' => 10, 'y' => 20)
  4. Using an indexed array with a short syntax for longitude as long, or latitude as lat, keys: array('long' => 102.2, 'lat' => 34)
  5. Using an indexed array with any combination of 3 and 4. array('long' => 102.2, 'y' => 23) or array('x' => 102.3, 'latitude' => 34.2)


Cametrics::measure('campaign.trace', '102.455,13.3', 'location');
Cametrics::measure('campaign.trace', array(102.455, 13.3), 'location');
Cametrics::measure('mouse.trace', array('x' => 102, 'y' => 13), 'coordinate');


The output returned from Cametrics will return longitude/latitude or x/y, depending on datum type.


Error/Log Handler

A very low level HTTP calls for logging errors and notices created by the client, by using set_error_handler

Client should validate calls before they occur, to reduce usage

DateTime, as an example, requires a certain format.


PHP Client for the Cametrics Logging System






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