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Merge pull request #71 from icapps/feature/#25-docs
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Feature/#25 docs
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vanlooverenkoen committed Jan 14, 2022
2 parents 834152d + 7e0c8a5 commit bcc444e
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Showing 19 changed files with 278 additions and 48 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ os: osx
osx_image: xcode12.2

- chmod +x ./tool/
- chmod +x ./tool/travis/
- chmod +x ./tool/travis/
- chmod +x ./tool/travis/

sudo: required

Expand All @@ -21,13 +23,13 @@ jobs:
- stage: quality
name: "Tests"
script: ./tool/
script: ./tool/travis/
- stage: quality
name: "Analyze"
script: flutter analyze || exit -1;
script: ./tool/travis/
- stage: quality
name: "Format"
script: flutter pub global run dart_style:format -n --set-exit-if-changed . || exit -1;
script: ./tool/travis/

- quality
Expand Down
190 changes: 189 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,192 @@ Architecture components used in icapps flutter projects

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### Custom Error handling
#### Localized error
This error can be used to map a localization key/localization to an Exception. So when the exception is thrown you don't have to do an extra mapping to get the correct text.

#### Network Error
A NetworkError is used simplify the DioErrors. A NetworkError is also a LocalizedError so it is easy to get the correct localization/localizationKey

### Extensions

#### Context
- `bool isAndroidTheme` (Returns true if the current theme is targeting the android platform)
- `bool isIOSTheme` (Returns true if the current theme is targeting the ios platform)
- `bool isTablet` (Returns true if the device indicates it is a tablet.)
- `bool isLandscape` (Returns true if the device indicates it is in landscape mode.)

#### MediaQueryData
- `bool isTablet` (Returns true if the device indicates it is a tablet.)
- `bool isLandscap` (Returns true if the device indicates it is in landscape mode.)

#### Iterable<T>
- `int count(bool Function(T) where)` (Counts all elements for which [where] returns true)
- `E sum<E extends num>(E Function(T) valueProducer)` (Sums the result of [valueProvider] for each item)
- `T? find(bool Function(T) where)` (Finds the first item that matches [where], if no such item could be found)
- `bool all(bool Function(T) where)` (Returns `true` if every item matches [where])
- `Map<S, T> associateBy<S>(S Function(T) key)` (Create a map by mapping every element using [key]. Duplicate values discarded)
- `Tuple2<List<T>, List<T>> split(bool Function(T) on)` (Splits the elements according to [on]. Items for which [on] is true will be stored in [Tuple2.item1], other items in [Tuple2.item2])
- `Iterable<R> mapIndexed<R>(R Function(int, T) mapper)` (Same as [] except that the [mapper] function also receives the index of the item being mapped)
- `void forEachIndexed(Function(int, T) f)` (Same as [Iterable.foreach] except that the [f] function also receives the index of the item)

##### Iterable<Iterable<T>>
- `List<T> flatten()` (Flattens the list of lists to a single flat list of items)

#### List<T>
- `void replaceAll(List<T> newData)` (Replaces all data in the list with [newData])
- `void replaceWhere(bool Function(T) where, T newData, {int? count})` (Replaces all items that matches where with [newData])
- `void sortBy<R>(Comparable<R>? by(T item), {bool ascending = true})` (Sorts the list based on the comparable returned by [by]. By default the sorting is [ascending])
- `void sortBy2<R, V>( Comparable<R>? by(T item), Comparable<V>? by2(T item), {bool ascending = true})` (Sorts the list by comparing first comparing using [by] and if the items are equal, by comparing them using [by2]. By default the sorting is [ascending])

#### Map<K?,V>
- `Map<K, V> removeNullKeys()` (Removes all null keys from the map)

#### Map<K,V?>
- `Map<K, V> removeNullValues()` (Removes all null values from the map)

#### T?
- `R? let<R>(R? Function(T) lambda)` (Execute the given lambda and return a result)

#### String?
- `bool isNullOrEmpty` (Will return if the string is null or empty)
- `bool isNotNullOrEmpty` (Will return if the string is not null and not empty)

### Interceptor
#### CombiningSmartInterceptor
Base class for simple [Dio] interceptors to be used in conjunction with CombiningSmartInterceptor
Upon returning an instance of [DioError] from [onRequest] or [onResponse], the error interceptors will NOT be called

### ChangeNotifierEx
Extended version of the foundation's [ChangeNotifier].
Has helper methods to determine if it has been disposed ([disposed]) and convenience methods to register listeners that will be cleaned up when the change notifier is disposed [registerDispose()] and [registerDisposeStream()]

### Routes
#### FadeInRoute
Page route that fades in the child page

### Theme
#### BaseThemeData
Holder class for the theme base. Fills in basic shared properties
- `baseTheme` (Gets the base theme to use to build new themes on)
- `PageTransitionsBuilder getCorrectPageTransitionBuilder(OsInfo info)` (Builds the correct page transition based on the current OS)

### Connectivity
#### ConnectivityHelper
Helper to determine if a device has connectivity
- `Future<bool> hasConnection()` (Returns true if the device is connected to an IP network)
- `Stream<bool> monitorConnection()` (Returns a stream that monitors the connectivity state of the device)

### Environment global variables
- `bool isInTest` (Returns true if the code is currently being execute by unit tests)
- `bool isInRelease` (Returns true if the current code is executing in release mode)
- `bool isInDebug` (Returns true if the current code is executing in debug mode)
- `bool isInProfile` (Returns true if the current code is executing in profile mode)

### OsInfo
- `int androidSdk` (The android sdk version int (if the app is running native). Eg: 21)
- `double iosVersion` (The ios major and minor version (if the app is running native). Eg: 14.4)
- `bool isWeb` (Indicates that this is a non-native application)
- `bool isAndroid` (Returns true if the app is running natively on android)
- `bool isIOS` (Returns true if the app is running natively on ios)
- `bool isAtLeastAndroid10` (Returns true if the app is running natively on android 10 and higher)
- `bool isAtLeastPie` (Returns true if the app is running natively on android P and higher)
- `bool isIOS13OrAbove` (Returns true if the app is running natively on at least ios 13)
- `Future<void> init` (Initializes the os info)
- `bool isDeviceAndroid` (Platform.isAndroid)
- `bool isDeviceIOS` (Platform.isIOS)

### ComputePool
A pool of isolate workers that will handle passed work.
Using a compute pool will greatly reduce the dart isolate startup overhead
- `ComputePool.createWith({int workersCount = 2})` (Create a new compute pool with the requested number of worker isolates)
- `void shutdown()` (Shuts down the compute pool. Submitting new work will result in an error future being returned)
- `ComputePool.createWith({int workersCount = 2})` (Submit a task to be executed on an isolate in this pool)

### FutureHelpers
Waits for n futures and returns a future containing a [TupleN] with the results for n futures
- `await2`
- `await3`
- `await4`
- `await5`
- `await6`
- `await7`

### Logger
Send logs, via the `staticLogger` or `logger`
You can specific when you you want to actualy print someting using the `Level`
- `void debug(String message)`
- `void info(String message)`
- `void warning(String message)`
- `void error(String message, {dynamic error, StackTrace? trace})`

### SharedPreferenceStorage
Utility class to facilitate storing shared preferences
- `Future<void> saveString({required String key, required String value})` (Saves the given string [value] to the storage with [key])
- `Future<void> saveBoolean({required String key, required bool value})` (Saves the given boolean [value] to the storage with [key])
- `Future<void> saveInt({required String key, required int value})` (Saves the given integer [value] to the storage with [key])
- `Future<void> saveDouble({required String key, required double value})` (Saves the given double [value] to the storage with [key])
- `String? getString(String key)` (Retrieves the stored string value for [key]/ Returns null if the value is not found)
- `bool? getBoolean(String key)` (Retrieves the stored boolean value for [key]. Returns null if the value is not found)
- `int? getInt(String key)` (Retrieves the stored integer value for [key]. Returns null if the value is not found)
- `double? getDouble(String key)` (Retrieves the stored double value for [key]. Returns null if the value is not found)
- `Future<void> deleteKey(String key)` (Deletes the value stored for [key])
- `bool containsKey(String key)` (Returns true if there is a value for [key])

### Restorable state
#### Bundle
Wrapper for storing generic values based on keys. The contained values are all serializable using platform channels
- `Bundle.from(Object data)` (Creates a bundle from the provided map. The map is assumed to be of type: `Map<Object?, Object?>`. See: [asFlatStructure])
- `void putBoolean(String key, bool? value)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void putInt(String key, int? value)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void putString(String key, String? value)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void putBundle(String key, Bundle? bundle)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void putDouble(String key, double? value)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void putStringList(String key, List<String>? values)` (Saves the given value to the map for the given key. If the value is null, the previous mapping is removed (if any))
- `void remove(String key)` (Removes the mapping for the given key (if any))
- `bool getBoolean(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `bool hasKey(String key)` (Checks if the bundle contains a value with the given key)
- `int getInt(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `String getString(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `double getDouble(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `List<String> getStringList(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `Bundle getBundle(String key)` (Force-gets the value for the given key, throws if null or wrong type)
- `bool? optBoolean(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `int? optInt(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `String? optString(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `double? optDouble(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `Bundle? optBundle(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `List<String>? optStringList(String key)` (Gets the value for the given key, returns null if null or wrong type)
- `Map<Object?, Object?> asFlatStructure() =>, value)` (Serializes the bundle to a flat structure that is used by the restoration framework. See [RestorationMixin])

### Restorable
Base class for restorable change view models
- `void restoreState(Bundle? data)` (Called when the system is restoring or creating a new instance. If the passed bundle is null, it is assumed to be a clean restoration without previous state)
- `void saveState(Bundle target)` (Called when the system needs to prepare data for later restoration. You should save all relevant required data to restore from later. Keep in mind that the system has only a limited amount of space reserved for this data: avoid storing large objects.)

#### RestorableViewModelHolder
Holder class for restorable view models, use with the flutter restoration
Provies you with some helper functions to make sure you can

### SimpleKeyValueStorage
- `Future<String?> getValue({required String key})` (Get the value associated with the given key. Returns null if the value does not exist.)
- `Future<void> setValue({required String key, required String value})` (Sets the value to be associated with the given key)
- `Future<bool> hasValue({required String key})`` (Check if there is a value associated with the given key)
- `Future<void> removeValue({required String key})` (Removes the value associated with the given key)

### AfterLayout
Added the AfterLayout implementation in our plugin

### Provider
- `BaseProviderWidget` is a widget that can be used to easily generate the viewmodels for your screen.
The `create` function will be used to create your viewmodel
`themeLookup` will be used to get your theme
`localizationLookup` will be used to get your localization implementation

- `BaseThemeProviderWidget` In some cases you need your theme or localizations you can use this in combination with the right builder function to get just that.

### Widgets
`ResponsiveWidget` (Will trigger the correct builder for your screensize)
`TouchFeedBack` (Will implement inkwell on Android and a scale animation an iOS)
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions example/lib/theme/theme.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class AppTheme {
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion example/lib/widget/provider/provider_widget.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import 'package:example/theme/theme.dart';
import 'package:example/util/locale/localization.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/src/extension/list_extensions.dart
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
extension ListExtensions<T> on List<T> {
///Replaces all data in the list with [newData]
/// Replaces all data in the list with [newData]
void replaceAll(List<T> newData) {

///Replaces all items that matches where with [newData]
/// Replaces all items that matches where with [newData]
void replaceWhere(bool Function(T) where, T newData, {int? count}) {
final replaceCount = count ?? length;
var currentReplaceCount = 0;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/src/viewmodel/restorable.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/src/extension/null_extensions.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/src/util/restorable/bundle.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/src/util/restorable/restorable.dart';

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/exception/network_error_test.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio/src/dio_error.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/src/exception/network_error.dart';

class TestableNetworkError extends NetworkError {
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/route/fade_in_route_test.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/theming/base_theme_test.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/widget/mixin/after_layout_test.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/widget/provider/provider_widget_test.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/widget/provider/theme_provider_widget_test.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:icapps_architecture/icapps_architecture.dart';

Expand Down
15 changes: 0 additions & 15 deletions tool/

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions tool/

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tool/travis/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

flutter analyze || exit -1;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tool/travis/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

dart format . --set-exit-if-changed || exit -1
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions tool/travis/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

dart run ./tool/travis/test_coverage_helper.dart || exit -1;

echo ""
echo "===="
echo "Start testing"
echo "===="
flutter test --coverage || exit -1;
echo "===="
echo "Finished testing"
echo "===="

echo ""
echo "===="
echo "Start coveralls upload"
echo "===="
coveralls-lcov coverage/
echo "===="
echo "Finished coveralls upload"
echo "===="

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tool/travis/test_coverage_helper.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import 'dart:io';

const packageName = 'icapps_architecture';

void main() {
'First create a file with all other files imported so flutter test coverage uses all files');

final imports = Directory('lib').listSync(recursive: true).where((element) {
if (Directory(element.path).existsSync()) return false;
if (element.path.endsWith('.g.dart')) return false;
if (element.path.endsWith('_web.dart')) return false;
if (element.path.endsWith('generated_plugin_registrant.dart')) return false;
return true;
}).map((element) {
final importPath = element.path.replaceFirst('lib', packageName);
return 'import "package:$importPath";';
final testFile = File('test/coverage_helper_test.dart');
if (!testFile.existsSync()) {
final content = '${imports.join('\n')}\nvoid main(){}';


class Logger {

static void debug(Object value) => print(value); // ignore: avoid_print

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