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Security: icecream17/


Security Policy

Lol this code isn't gonna handle any passwords or stuff like that. It's... probably fine.

Supported Versions

Use this section to tell people about which versions of your project are currently being supported with security updates.

Version Supported
Version "Now"
Version "Future"

Reporting a Vulnerability

Simply go to "Issues" and explain the vulnerability

I'm kinda new

Use this section to tell people how to report a vulnerability. Tell them where to go, how often they can expect to get an update on a reported vulnerability, what to expect if the vulnerability is accepted or declined, etc.

Github Auto-Security file maker

Give resources and assume I didn't know anything about it (because I don't) so I can understand, learn and stuff

I'll respond in a randomish time, because this is a hobby thing (kinda).

Status / Response Codes

Note: Multiple "codes" can happen at the same time

Code Description
Seriously? Your suggestion is obviously ridiculous and will be closed
Aargh Probably won't be closed for awhile...
Working on it TODO:
Done Yas

stuff/stuff folder

If there's a problem in there, you can fix it yourself. See the folder readme for more information

There aren’t any published security advisories