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Extracting statistics for the Hololive Fan Server Bettel Royale game to SQLite for further processing.

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Hololive Fan Server Bettel Royale statistics in SQL

For those of us who like to work with SQL. You can now browse data up to a specific point via this archive and query it for whatever you want.

How is the data collected?

  1. DiscordChatExporter is used to download an archive of all messages in the respective Battle Royale channel.
  2. A custom-written tool filters the data and extracts information with regex about each game, round, interaction (users/items, alive/killed) and event that happened.
  3. All extracted information is written to an SQLite database and then written out to an SQL dump.

Which data does the SQL dump contain?

The SQL dump itself is structured into multiple tables:

  • game - Every game that happened is listed here with the information of who hosted it (or NULL if it was an automatically scheduled game), which era it ran on, when it started, the XP multiplier, the amount of coins rewarded for a win, who won and Discord references such as channel, start post and end post IDs.
  • interactions - Every interaction that happened is listed here with the round that it occurred in. The message ID is the respective message template in the interaction_messages template.
  • interaction_messages - Every message template ever encountered as an interaction in-game. The placeholders are to be filled out with users from interaction_user_mention_mappings or items from interaction_item_mappings.
  • interaction_item_mention_mappings - Each mention of an item associated with the interaction it occurred in.
  • interaction_user_mention_mappings - Each mention of a user along with their killed/alive state and suffix associated with the interaction it occurred in.
  • rounds - Every round that happened is listed here with the game it occurred in, the round number within that game and the Discord post ID.
  • users - Contains Discord User ID of any Discord userreferenced in other tables. Used to contain user name but that is now in user_name_observations.
  • user_name_observations - Contains the observations of the tool when someone was first seen with what nickname. This is where you should map the user ID to a nickname. Usually, you want the newest entry from this for simplicity but you can also try and approximate the username that would be closest to an entry's timestamp, however these timestamps aren't exactly accurate to when the nickname was actually changed, only when it was first picked up by the tool as being used in the respective channels in any visible way.

Handling username changes over time

Whenever a user is referenced, there usually will be an ID and a name column. Out of these, the ID column is the "more exact" one as it allows assocating all names a user ever had to the same user. However, that column can rarely also be NULL at least temporarily.

In the rare case where the tool is unable to find a user ID associated with the name (e.g. a Discord archive ran late and the user changed their user name so quickly that it escaped the tool entirely), the ID will be NULL and only the name column will contain a value.

If you want accurate data for analysis, you most likely want to reference via ID, or at least re-resolve the latest name of a user through the ID as was done for the example queries, rather than rely on the name column since that value will change over time for the same user.

For examples on how to write queries against this data you can check out sql/queries/.


Rumble Royale allows users to assign their own pronouns. However, this introduces complexity to reversing the collected data to as close to original as possible: Especially the singular they pronouns can easily be mixed up with references to multiple persons or items.

This is a known issue still being worked on. For now, we only extract literal Discord usernames from the interaction messages but leave the pronouns intact as if they are part of the base template of the message. That means interactions will be duplicated but with different pronouns.

As a consequence of this, it is currently recommended to filter for interaction messages with LIKE '%...%' instead of looking for specific IDs.


Extracting statistics for the Hololive Fan Server Bettel Royale game to SQLite for further processing.



