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This repository provides Artificial Intelligence extensions to Stephen Lavelle's Puzzlescript, an open-source HTML5 Puzzle Game Engine available at

Getting Started

First, load up editor.html. Then start any game and load up its first level (e.g., Microban).

Then, the place to look would be to the javascript file:

  • simulator.js

In simulator.js: you should find the two basic search algorithms (bfs, bestfs). It should be pretty straightforward to extend them. For example, if you wanted to solve a particular level of a given game, open up your browser’s javascript console at input:

moves = bestfs(level.dat, 1200)     // use bestfs to solve the level within 1200 iterations

You will then see the search algorithm printing out its status every 100 iterations. If it manages to find a solution, you will find the solution stored in the moves array.

The rest of simulator.js has utility methods to simulate moves on a given game. You should be able to poke around by seeing how bestfs and bfs make use of the methods.

There are a couple of extra utilities, such the method makeGIF(moves) which will make a GIF given a series of moves. The moves array contains objects of the same type as PuzzleScript’s inputHistory array, which is what it uses internally to perform undo/redo. So you technically can just do:

inputHistory = bestfs(level.dat, 1200) 

And hit ‘U’ and ‘R’ on the keyboard to undo/redo and see how the solution pans out.

Referencing/Citing this work

The PuzzleScript-AI extensions including the simulator and evolver were presented at the Computational Intelligence and Games 2014 Conference in Dortmund, Germany. To cite:

  • Chong-U Lim and D. Fox Harrell. (2014) "An Approach to General Videogame Evaluation and Automatic Generation using a Description Language", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), Dortmund, Germany, 2014. 8 pp.


PuzzleScript-AI is dual-licensed.


AI Extensions for PuzzleScript






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