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BlueZeeKing edited this page Nov 21, 2022 · 1 revision

What are permissions?

Permissions change what certain players and factions are allowed to do in your claim. Permissions can be used to change the access of "Guest" rank users in "Member" level claims or to change another factions access to your claims. Permissions can be modified using the /f permission command.

What types of permissions are available?

There are currently 6 different permissions available:

  • USE_BLOCKS - open doors, use crafting tables, etc.
  • PLACE_BLOCKS - place blocks and liquids (water, lava, etc.)
  • BREAK_BLOCKS - self explanatory
  • USE_ENTITIES - trade with villagers, shear sheep, etc.
  • ATTACK_ENTITIES - self explanatory
  • USE_INVENTORIES - open chests, use barrels, etc. (works with any modded block that implements LockableContainerBlockEntity)
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