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Project Activity Flow States

tjhunt1 edited this page Jul 25, 2022 · 6 revisions

There are multiple possible project states during the CPS funding cycles, below are the most common:

State Description
Active Proposal was accepted for funding, is now submitting progress reports for voting.
Completed Proposal has completed all milestones and all progress reports were successfully accepted, resulting in full disbursement of requested funding.
Disqualified Proposal did not reach super-majority acceptance on consecutive progress reports, is no longer eligible for funding
Draft Proposal was submitted as a draft for future editing before submitting for official on-chain voting.
Paused Proposal did not reach super-majority acceptance on previous progress report, or did not submit a progress report at all.
Pending Proposal is pending sponsorship request acceptance from a Validator before entering "Voting" state.
Rejected Proposal did not reach super-majority acceptance during initial voting phase.
Voting Initial proposal was submitted during the application period and is currently being voted on by Validators during the voting period.

projectactivityflowstates drawio (2)