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RISCV-VP++ is a extended and improved successor of the RISC-V based Virtual Prototype (VP) RISC-V VP. It is maintained at the Institute for Complex Systems, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.



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RISC-V VP++ is a extended and improved successor of the RISC-V based Virtual Prototype (VP) RISC-V VP. It is maintained at the Institute for Complex Systems, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.

A BibTex entry to cite the paper presenting RISC-V VP++, Manfred Schlägl, Christoph Hazott, and Daniel Große. RISC-V VP++: Next generation open-source virtual prototype. In Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation, 2024., can be found in the last section.

Key features of RISC-V VP++

More related information can be found at

Key features of the original RISC-V VP

(commit 9418b8abb5)

  • RV32GC and RV64GC core support (i.e. RV32IMAFDC and RV64IMAFDC)
  • Implemented in SystemC TLM-2.0
  • SW debug capabilities (GDB RSP interface) with Eclipse
  • Virtual Breadboard GUI (interactive IO) featuring C++ and Lua modeled digital devices (separate repository)
  • FreeRTOS, RIOT, Zephyr, Linux support
  • Generic and configurable bus
  • CLINT and PLIC-based interrupt controller + additional peripherals
  • Instruction-based timing model + annotated TLM 2.0 transaction delays
  • Peripherals, e.g. display, flash controller, preliminary ethernet
  • Example configuration for the SiFive HiFive1 (currently only Rev. A) board available
  • Support for simulation of multi-core platforms
  • Machine-, Supervisor- and User-mode (including user traps) privilege levels and CSRs
  • Virtual memory support (Sv32, Sv39, Sv48)

The original documentation of RISC-V VP can be found here

1) Build requirements

Mainly the usual build tools and boost is required:

On Ubuntu 22, install these:

sudo apt install cmake autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo libgoogle-perftools-dev libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-log-dev qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake libvncserver-dev

On Fedora, following actions are required:

sudo dnf install autoconf automake curl libmpc-devel mpfr-devel gmp-devel gawk bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib-devel expat-devel cmake boost-devel qt5-qtbase qt5-qtbase-devel libvncserver-devel
sudo dnf groupinstall "C Development Tools and Libraries"
#optional debuginfo
sudo dnf debuginfo-install boost-iostreams boost-program-options boost-regex bzip2-libs glibc libgcc libicu libstdc++ zlib

2) Build this RISC-V Virtual Prototype:

Note: By default the VPs are build without optmization and debug symbols. To enable the optimizations set the environment variable RELEASE_BUILD=ON.

To create an optimized release build, type


To create a debug build without optimisations, type


3) Building SW examples using the GNU toolchain


In order to test the software examples, a configured RISC-V GNU toolchain is required in your $PATH. Several standard packages are required to build the toolchain. For more information on prerequisites for the RISC-V GNU toolchain visit With the packages installed, the toolchain can be build as follows:

# in some source folder
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
git submodule update --init --recursive # this may take a while
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/../riscv-gnu-toolchain-dist-rv32imac-ilp32 --with-arch=rv32imac --with-abi=ilp32
make -j$(nproc)

If wanted, move the riscv-gnu-toolchain-dist-rv32imac-ilp32 folder to your /opt/ folder and add it to your path in your ~/.bashrc (e.g. PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv-gnu-toolchain-dist-rv32imac-ilp32/bin)

Running the examples

In sw:

cd simple-sensor    # can be replaced with different example
make                # (requires RISC-V GNU toolchain in PATH)
make sim            # (requires *riscv-vp*, i.e. *vp/build/bin/riscv-vp*, executable in PATH)

Please note, if make is called without the install argument in step 2, then the riscv-vp executable is available in vp/build/src/platform/basic/riscv-vp.

This will also copy the VP binaries into the vp/build/bin folder.


Q: How do I exit the VP?

A: All VPs use the input TTY in raw mode and forward all control characters to the guest. For this reason, one cannot use Ctrl-c to exit the VP. Instead, press Ctrl-a to enter command mode and press Ctrl-x to exit the VP.

Q: How do I emit a Ctrl-a control character?

A: Enter control mode using Ctrl-a and press Ctrl-a again to send a literal Ctrl-a control character to the guest.

RISC-V VP++: Next generation open-source virtual prototype

Manfred Schlägl, Christoph Hazott, and Daniel Große. RISC-V VP++: Next generation open-source virtual prototype. In Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation, 2024.

  author =        {Manfred Schl{\"{a}}gl and Christoph Hazott and
                   Daniel Gro{\ss}e},
  booktitle =     {Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation},
  title =         {{RISC-V VP++}: Next Generation Open-Source Virtual
  year =          {2024},


RISCV-VP++ is a extended and improved successor of the RISC-V based Virtual Prototype (VP) RISC-V VP. It is maintained at the Institute for Complex Systems, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.







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