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This software allows for the conversion, extraction, and transformation of malware behavior data from "Malware Configuration And Payload Extraction" (CAPEv2) sandbox reports, to Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX). This allows for further analysis to be performed, sharing of threat data, and transit to a graph database.



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The purpose of this project is to automatically analyze malware in CAPE and then convert CAPE data into STIX 2.1 data.
CAPE (Config And Payload Extraction) is a malware sandbox. It was derived from Cuckoo with the goal of adding automated malware unpacking and config extraction. Automated unpacking allows classification based on Yara signatures to complement network (Suricata) and behavior (API) signatures. There is a free community instance online which anyone can use: CAPE Sandbox

When working with the CAPE2STIX repository, there are a few important notes to keep in mind.
First, the documentation lays out the start-to-finish instructions for setup and usage. This README contains links to other markdown files, all of which are best read in a markdown display, such as Github's web-view or VSCode's markdown preview.
Second, This project contains git submodules. Use the following commands to ensure all submodules are available

    git clone --recursive
    cd cape2stix/
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Once the repository is cloned with submodules, users will be able to set up the pipeline AMA/CAPE2STIX environment. The deployment pipeline is as follows:

Automated Malware Analysis Deployment

ama_deploy/ is the directory containing all setup for building CAPE from scratch using virtual machine images. In addition to deploying CAPE, it also contains the functionality to setup the cape2stix and neo4j docker containers. See ama_deploy documentation for further instructions. Users can return to this page after exporting malware reports from CAPE-Web; the user will then be ready to use the cape2stix converter.
The assumed target for deployment is ubuntu 22LTS or similar.


cape2stix can convert CAPE reports to STIX 2.1 and submit them to a neo4j database. Installation can be done either manually or automatically.
The assumed target for deployment is ubuntu 22LTS or similar.

Manual Installation

Manual setup is preferred for smale-scale conversion without database submission. Users will need to install and run poetry

python3 -m pip install poetry # install poetry
poetry install                # install dependencies under poetry environment
poetry shell                  # enter the poetry environment

A virtual environment will be created that can now be accessed by running poetry shell. This should be used to run all Python scripts

Automated Installation

ama_deploy/ can build and deploy the docker containers necessary for cape2stix and the neo4j database. For more information on how to use this tool, see the ama_deploy documentation

Usage is a script that will convert a JSON report generated by CAPEv2 to a STIX bundle The usage of the script can be seen below.

usage: [-h] [--log_level {warn,debug,info}] [--disallow_custom] [--small] (-u | -f FILE)

CAPE json conversion to STIX. Using mainly the report.json output

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--log_level {warn,debug,info}
-u                    run tests with base file
-f FILE, --file FILE  path to file ie: ./report.json

Example usage:

python3 cape2stix/scripts/ -f input/test.json --log_level info

The resulting STIX JSON file will be placed in output.
Note: this needs to run from the repository's top level directory


Converted STIX should be stored in a Neo4j database. For more information on database setup, please see our Neo4j documentation


  • when running poetry install, poetry may generate errors. Ignore these unless they cause the command to fail altogether


This software allows for the conversion, extraction, and transformation of malware behavior data from "Malware Configuration And Payload Extraction" (CAPEv2) sandbox reports, to Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX). This allows for further analysis to be performed, sharing of threat data, and transit to a graph database.







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