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brianmoose edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

#CIVET Continuous Integration, Verification, Enhancement, and Testing

Testing system initially created to support the MOOSE framework and its applications.

See moosebuild for current status.

This project is supported by Idaho National Laboratory.


  • Developed for a pull request workflow.
  • Works with GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket.
  • Comprehensive dashboard allows for quick viewing of the status of tested repositories and recent events.
  • Uses common recipe and script repository to allow for sharing of scripts across all applications. Scripts typically written in bash.
  • Test target dependencies. Only run test targets if others have passed.
  • Test target priorities. Higher priority test targets are run first.
  • Scheduled jobs. Long running jobs can be scheduled to be run over night.
  • Optional jobs can be added to a pull request. This allows for test targets to be added that are not part of the default testing.
  • Dynamic jobs that get automatically activated based on what files have changed. For example, if only files in docs have changed then only run the documentation test target.
  • Easily rerun test targets. You can also cancel a test target.
  • Auto cancel old tests on additional PR branch pushes.
  • Test clients can run anywhere that has access to the server and supports multiple configurations. For example, clients can support different compilers, operating systems, or custom environments.
  • For pull requests from unknown users, require approval from an authorized collaborator before performing tests.
  • Can hide test target output from non authorized users.
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