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React + TypeScript + Vite + Tailwind

Assignment One: App One

I made a mouse tracking web application that display different results in the UI depending on where the user clicks, the application also have a custom cursor that changes styling after every click by using useEffect, useState and a timeout function.

This assignment was part of the Web & App development course.


Advice Animal website screenshot

Click here to view the live website.



  • Written in TypeScript
  • Utilizes the useState hook
  • Utilizes the useEffect hook
  • Uses one of Styled Components, Tailwind or Sass for styling
  • Must have a responsive design


  • Consistently organized files and naming conventions
  • Practical application of useState and useEffect
  • State is changed
  • Each App uses a different approach to styling
  • Shows an application of the features of the styling library (eg if Tailwind I would expect to see theme extension/ overrides and almost no CSS)

Feedback from teacher

You are welcomed to write your feedback here Rob! :D