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IDANN Triage

IDANN Triage utilizes interpretable deep neural networks with attention to predict critical patient outcomes and resources, aiding emergency departments with patient prioritization.

This repository contains refactored code (first round) from the original repository used during MIDS w210 capstone course:
MIDS-Capstone-EHR-ED-Care (UCB capstone instructors have access to this repository). The code was re-factored for easy reading and replication, keeping model's architecture and performance levels (we are creating other project to evolve the initial model).

The table below lists the notebooks that can be executed in the specified order to replicate results.

Pre-Processing and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
1a Pre-Processing Transforms CDC fixed format files to CSV format.
Notebook: transform_fixed_to_csv.ipynb
Input: data/raw/ED[year],
Output: data/interim/ED[year].csv
1b Pre-Processing Consolidates files from different years into one and applies exclusion criteria.
Notebook: consolidating_files.ipynb
Input: data/interim/ED[year].csv
Output: data/processed/ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv ,
2 EDA Exploratory Data Analysis of CDC data from 2009 to 2015.
Notebook: CDC_eda_ESI_CO.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2015.csv

Training Models

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
3 LR_BAS: Baseline Model Logistic Regression replication Model that predicts critical outcomes.
Notebook: CDC_LR_2009_baseline.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
4a LR_RMH: Improving LR Model Logistic Regression with additional features like: Reason for Visit (RFV) codes as vectors to capture its hierarchical semantic.
Notebook: CDC_LR_2009_more_features.ipyn
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
4b RF: Random Forest We also implemented a Random forest (RF) model which provides a list of feature importance, relevant for model interpretation. However its performance was lower than the LR model.
Notebook: CDC_RF_2009.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
4c FNN:Feed-Forward Neural Newtwork FNN with the same features than RF and LR_RMH.
Notebook: CDC_NN_2009_modeling.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
4d FNN_TE: FNN and Embeddings Forward Neural Newtwork (FNN) with embedding for the Reason for Visit (RFV) codes.
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
5 FNN_TE_ATT: FNN Attention for Critical Outcomes FNN_TE with Attention Layer, predicts critical outcomes, with the attention layer.
Notebooks: CDC_ATT_NN_2009_Text_Emb.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
6 FNN_TEA_RS: FNN Attention for Resource estimation FNN_TE with Attention Layer, with multiclass outcome for resource utilization, Notebook: CDC_ATT_RSS_NN_2009_Text_Emb.ipynb Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv

Determining ESI thresholds

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
7 Prediction prediction with 2009 data to determine ESI thresholds.
Notebook: Batch_2009_Prediction_for_Thresholds_Optimization.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2009_2009.csv
Output: data/result/Predictions_2009_DataForThresholds.json
8 Thresholds Determining thresholds for ESI values.
Notebook: ESI_threshold_optimization.ipynb
Input: data/result/Predictions_2009_DataForThresholds.json
Output: data/result/thresholds.json

Test Evaluation with 2010 data

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
8 Prediction prediction with 2010 for evaluation.
Notebook: Batch_Prediction_2010.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2010_2010.csv
Output: data/result/Predictions_2010_DataForThresholds.json
9 Results Viz Several Visualizations comparing new ESI with original ESI and its performance improvement .
Notebook: ESI_vs_pred_ESI_Viz.ipynb , test_evaluation/ESI_sankeys_viz.ipynb
Input: data/result/ thresholds.json,
Output: viz images and report

Prediction and pulling attention relative weights

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
10 Prediction Example of predicting for one record and pulling attention relative weights from the model that had just done the prediction
Notebook: CO_ATT_prediction_interpretability_sample.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2010_2010.csv
11 Prediction Example of how to predict for one record (it includes call to py method that is used in the cloud api-service)
Notebook: ATTNN_predict_for_one_record.ipynb
Input: data/processed/ ED_TOTAL_2010_2010.csv

ESI Prediction API

N. Type Task and its Notebook files
12 API Service call to REST API example.
Notebook: API_Service_Call_example.ipynb

Project structure based on:


interpretable deep neural networks to predict critical patient outcomes for Triage






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