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Releases: idblr/ndi


23 Jan 20:11
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  • 'DescTools' is now Suggests to fix Rd cross-references NOTE
  • Fixed 'lost braces in \itemize' NOTE for anthopolos(), atkinson(), bell(), bemanian_beyer(), bravo(), duncan(), krieger(), messer(), powell_wiley(), sudano(), and white() functions
  • Fixed 'Moved Permanently' content by replacing the old URL with the new URL
  • Fixed citation for Slotman et al. (2022) in CITATION


01 Feb 23:20
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New Features

  • Added atkinson() function to compute the aspatial income or racial/ethnic Atkinson Index (AI) based on Atkinson (1970) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Added bell() function to compute the aspatial racial/ethnic Isolation Index (II) based on Shevky & Williams (1949; ISBN-13:978-0837156378) and Bell (1954)
  • Added white() function to compute the aspatial racial/ethnic Correlation Ratio (V) based on Bell (1954) and White (1986)
  • Added sudano() function to compute the aspatial racial/ethnic Location Quotient (LQ) based on Merton (1939) and Sudano et al. (2013)
  • Added bemanian_beyer() function to compute the aspatial racial/ethnic Local Exposure and Isolation (LEx/Is) metric based on Bemanian & Beyer (2017)


  • car is now Imports
  • Fixed bug in reverse dependency check failure for anthopolos() and bravo() functions removing returnValue() when data are not missing
  • Thank you, Roger Bivand, for the catch. Relates to ndi Issue #5
  • Updated duncan(), gini(), krieger(), messer(), and powell_wiley() for consistency in messaging when data are not missing
  • Updated tests for anthopolos() and bravo() if Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != ""
  • Added omit_NAs argument in duncan() function to choose if NA values will be included in its computation
  • In duncan() function, if any smaller geographic unit has zero counts the output for its larger geographic unit will be NA
  • Fixed bug in duncan() function for multiple subgroup and subgroup_ref selections
  • Updated documentation throughout
  • Added GitHub R-CMD-check
  • Updated citation style for CITATION file


01 Dec 17:05
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New Features

  • Added duncan() function to compute the Dissimilarity Index (DI) based on Duncan & Duncan (1955) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward.
  • Thank you for the feature suggestion, Jessica Madrigal.
  • Added 'utils.R' file with internal di_fun() function for duncan() function


  • Fixed bug in bravo() function where ACS-5 data (2005-2009) are from the "B15002" question and "B06009" after
  • Fixed bug in missingness warning for all metrics
  • utils is now Imports
  • Updated vignette and README with new features
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated tests
  • Updated CITATION with new citation for the additional metric
  • Updated maintainer contact information


01 Oct 16:40
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New Features

  • Added krieger() function to compute the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE) based on Feldman et al. (2015) and Krieger et al. (2016) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward.
  • Thank you for the feature suggestion, David Berrigan.
  • Added df argument for the messer() and powell_wiley() functions to specify a pre-formatted dataset input for the NDI computation
  • Added round_output argument for the messer() and powell_wiley() functions to provide raw output as the default and rounded output as optional.
  • Thank you for the suggested enhancements, Chris Prener
  • Added DCtracts2020 a testing dataset for the ndi package and its documentation


  • Fixed bug in powell_wiley() function where the internal PCA will now run properly if only one factor has an eigenvalue above 1
  • Optimized the code to calculate missingness in all functions
  • Thank you for the suggested bug fixes, Jacob Englert
  • Fixed bug in powell_wiley() function where "PctNoPhone" before 2015 is "DP04_0074PE" and "DP04_0075PE" after
  • Thank you for alerting this issue, Jessica Gleason
  • Relaxed year argument in functions to include any year after 2009 or 2010 for the indices
  • Cleaned-up output formatting in functions
  • usethis is now Suggests and LazyData is set to 'true'
  • Updated tests for the df argument in messer() and powell_wiley() functions
  • Updated vignette and README with new features
  • Fixed typos throughout documentation
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION and fixed typos
  • Updated 'package.R' with new details
  • Updated CITATION with new citations for the additional metric


15 Aug 14:42
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New Features

  • Added anthopolos() function to compute the Racial Isolation Index (RI) based on based on Anthopolos et al. (2011) for specified counties/tracts 2009-2020
  • Added bravo() function to compute the Educational Isolation Index (EI) based on based on Bravo et al. (2021) for specified counties/tracts 2009-2020
  • Added gini() function to retrieve the Gini Index based on Gini (1921) for specified counties/tracts 2009-2020
  • Thanks for the suggestions, Jessica Madrigal.


  • Matrix and sf are now Depends
  • Updated vignette and README for new features
  • Fixed typos throughout documentation
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated 'package.R' with new details and section
  • Updated CITATION with new citations for the additional metrics


13 Aug 14:16
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Initial CRAN release