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NOTE: Accord was made for use with zig master, it is not guaranteed to and likely will not work on release versions


  • Automatically generate and fill a struct based on input parameters.
  • Short and long options.
  • Short options work with both -a -b -c -d 12 and -abcd12.
  • Long options work with both --option long and --option=long.
  • Everything after a standalone -- will be considered a positional argument. The index for this will also be stored, so you can slice the positionals before or after -- if you want to have a distinction between them.
  • Positional arguments stored in a struct with items storing the actual slice, separator_index storing the aforementioned index of -- if it exists, and beforeSeparator and afterSeparator functions to get the positionals before and after the -- (if there's no --, then before will return everything and after will return nothing).
    • Positional arguments must be manually freed using positionals.deinit(allocator).
  • Types:
    • Strings ([]const u8)
    • Signed and unsigned integers
    • Floats
    • Booleans (must have true or false as the value)
    • Flags with no arguments via void (or the accord.Flag alias for readability)
    • Enums by name, value, or both
    • Optionals of any of these types (except Flag)
    • Mask type via accord.Mask(INT OR ENUM TYPE)
      • Takes a delimited list of ints/enums and bitwise ORs them together
    • Array of any of these types (except Flag)
      • If you don't fill out every array value, the rest will be filled with the defaults (maybe it should be an error instead? need to think on it)
    • Optional array, array of optionals, and optional array of optionals
  • Type settings:
    • Integers have a radix u8 setting, defaults to 0.
      • A radix of 0 means assume base 10 unless the value starts with:
        • 0b = binary
        • 0o = octal
        • 0x = hexadecimal
    • Enums have an enum_parsing enum setting with the values name, value, and both, defaults to name. Enums also have the integer radix setting for parsing by value.
      • name means it will try to match the value with the names of the fields in the enum.
      • value means it will try to match the values of the fields.
      • both means it will first try to match the field values, and if that fails it will try to match the field names.
    • Arrays and masks have an array_delimiter and mask_delimiter string setting respectively, defaults to "," for arrays and "|" for masks. They will also inherit any settings from their child type (e.g. an array or mask of enums would also have the enum_parsing and radix settings available)


const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
var args_iterator = std.process.args();
const options = try accord.parse(&.{
    accord.option('s', "string", []const u8, "default", .{}),
    accord.option('c', "color", u32, 0x000000, .{ .radix = 16 }),
    accord.option('f', "float", f32, 0.0, .{}),
    accord.option('m', "mask", accord.Mask(u8), 0, .{}),
    accord.option('a', "", accord.Flag, {}, .{}), // option without long option
    accord.option(0, "option", accord.Flag, {}, .{}), // option without short option
    accord.option('i', "intarray", [2]?u32, .{ 0, 0 }, .{ .array_delimiter = "%" }),
}, allocator, &args_iterator);
defer options.positionals.deinit(allocator);

The above example called as

command positional1 -s"some string" --color ff0000 positional2 -f 1.2e4 --mask="2|3" -a positional3 --intarray="null%23" -- --option positional4 positional5

would result in the following value:

    string = "some string"
    color = 0xff0000
    float = 12000.0
    mask = 3
    a = true
    option = false
    intarray = { null, 23 }
    positionals.items = { "command", "positional1", "positional2", "positional3", "--option", "positional4", "positional5" }
    positionals.beforeSeparator() = { "command", "positional1", "positional2", "positional3" }
    positionals.afterSeparator() = { "--option", "positional4", "positional5" }

Possible things to add in the future

  • Multidimensional arrays
    • I have a few ideas about how I could do this, would possibly require a bit of restructuring and I'm not sure if it'd be worth the effort
  • Unions
    • Sort the fields by type, parse for each type until one of them succeeds.
    • Potential issues/considerations:
      • If there are two optional types in the union, and the parse value is null, which field should be set?
        • Perhaps it doesn't make sense to support optionals for unions anyway, since you could instead make the union itself an optional
      • Multiple fields of the same type (is there a reason you would do this? if not it can just be a compiler error to do so)
      • Should I ensure that every field in a union is a valid, parseable field?
      • How should enums prioritize relative to integers when parsing by value?
      • Does it make sense to allow multiple similar types, e.g. multiple unsigned integers, multiple signed integers, multiple floats
    • probably not worth the effort
  • Definable prefix for short and long arguments, instead of forcing --.
    • This could include an empty prefix, allowing you to do things like command option value
    • Ensure short and long prefixes are different
    • If short prefix > long prefix, check short prefix first
      • or make it an error for short to be greater than long
  • More and/or customizable acceptable values for bools
    • e.g. yes/no, 1/2, t/f, etc


A simple argument parser for Zig







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