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Game File Structure

MyLegGuy edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 8 revisions

StreamingAssets is the folder where all the files for a specific game are stored.
Inside StreamingAssets, you have a bunch of different folders.

  • Scripts
    • Folder containing all your script files. They all must be .txt except for _GameSpecific.lua. The programming language is Lua.
    • For VNDS games, the file extension is .scr and the language is the VNDS scripting format. _GameSpecific.lua can still be used.
  • CG
    • Folder containing all your busts and backgrounds.
  • CGAlt
    • Alternate graphics folder that can be selected in the in-game options. If a file isn't found in the folder the user has chosen, the game will fall back on the other folder.
  • BGM
    • Folder with all your background music played with the PlayBGM command.
  • voice
    • Folder with sound files played with the PlayVoice command.
  • SE
    • Folder with all sound files play with PlaySE command

The engine will fall back on the other sound directories and image directories if it doesn't find the file it's looking for. Because of this, VNDS games can put the images in CG or CGAlt and put the sound files in any of the three sound directories.

All audio files must be MP3 (Higurashi-Vita v2.4+) or OGG with the file extension .mp3 or .ogg.
If an audio file isn't found in the directory it's supposed to be in (voice sound file not found in "voice" folder, for example) then the program will fallback on the other two directories.

As of v2.9.3, images can be PNG or JPG. But be careful. If the image crashes libvita2d or won't draw with transparency, make it an rgba8/32bpp PNG image.