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Quick start

The fastest way to get started is to look at the examples/ directory, which has examples on how to compute transit depths from planetary parameters, and on how to retrieve planetary parameters from transit depths. This page is a short summary of the more detailed examples.

To compute transit depths, look at, then go to :class:`.TransitDepthCalculator` for more info. In short:

from plato.transit_depth_calculator import TransitDepthCalculator

star_radius = 7e8 # all quantities in SI
planet_g = 9.8
planet_radius = 7e7
planet_temperature = 1200

calculator = TransitDepthCalculator(star_radius, planet_g)
calculator.compute_depths(planet_radius, planet_temperature, logZ=0, CO_ratio=0.53)

You can adjust a variety of parameters, including the metallicity (Z) and C/O ratio. By default, logZ = 0 and C/O = 0.53. Any other value for logZ and C/O in the range -1 < logZ < 3 and 0.2 < C/O < 2 can also be used. You can use a dictionary of numpy arrays to specify abundances as well (See the API). You can also specify custom abundances, such as by providing the filename or one of the abundance files included in the package (from ExoTransmit). The custom abundance files specified by the user must be compatible with the ExoTransmit format:

calculator.compute_depths(planet_radius, planet_temperature, logZ=None,
                          CO_ratio=None, custom_abundances = filename)

To retrieve atmospheric parameters, look at, then go to :class:`.Retriever` for more info. In short:

from plato.fit_info import FitInfo
from plato.retriever import Retriever

# Set your best guess
fit_info = retriever.get_default_fit_info(star_radius, planet_g, planet_radius,
                                          planet_temperature, logZ=0)

# Decide what you want to fit for, then set the lower and upper limits for
# those quantities

fit_info.add_fit_param('R', 0.9*planet_radius, 1.1*planet_radius)
fit_info.add_fit_param('T', 0.5*planet_temperature, 1.5*planet_temperature)
fit_info.add_fit_param("logZ", -1, 2)

#Fit using Nested Sampling
result = retriever.run_multinest(bins, depths, errors, fit_info)

Here, bins is a N x 2 array representing the start and end wavelengths of the bins, in metres; depths is a list of N transit depths; and errors is a list of N errors on those transit depths.

The example above retrieves the planetary radius (at a base pressures of 100,000 Pa), the temperature of the isothermal atmosphere, and the metallicity. Other parameters you can retrieve for are the C/O ratio, the cloudtop pressure, the scattering factor, the scattering slope, and the error multiple--which multiplies all errors by a constant.

Once you get the result object, you can make a corner plot:

fig = corner.corner(result.samples, weights=result.weights,
                    range=[0.99] * result.samples.shape[1],

Additionally, result.logl stores the log likelihoods of the points in result.samples.

If you prefer using MCMC instead of Nested Sampling in your retrieval, you can use the run_emcee method instead of the run_multinest method. Do note that Nested Sampling tends to be much faster and it does not require specification of a termination point:

result = retriever.run_emcee(bins, depths, errors, fit_info)

For MCMC, the number of walkers and iterations/steps can also be specified. The result object returned by run_emcee is slighly different from that returned by run_multinest. To make a corner plot with the result of run_emcee:

fig = corner.corner(result.flatchain, range=[0.99] * result.flatchain.shape[1],