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Google Places demo

Specifications / Requirements

As a result from a Places search, the app should:

  • Display 10 places from the search area.
  • Default the search to a 10 miles area around the users current location.
  • Allow the user to extend the search radius.
  • For each row in the list should present: name, image, rating
  • Persist the search results in the app
  • Allow future visits see previous searches and their results.

Built With


This demo uses the Gradle build system.

  1. Download the demo by cloning this repository.
  2. In Android Studio, create a new project and choose the "Import Project" option.
  3. Select the root directory that you downloaded with this repository.
  4. If prompted for a gradle configuration, accept the default settings.
  • Alternatively use the gradlew build command to build the project directly.

Get a Maps API key

This demo app requires that you add your own Google Maps API key

  1. Follow instructions at Get Started on Google Maps Platform to create your API key
  2. Create a file in the root directory called (this file should NOT be under version control to protect your API key)
  3. Add a single line to that looks like MAPS_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY, where YOUR_API_KEY is the API key you obtained in the first step
  4. Build and run

Issues Encountered

  • Providing a method for 'injecting' the API KEY so the project could be shared publicly
  • Use of the DataBinding Library can often require to rebuild the project in order to generate Implementation classes.


An Instrumented test has been recorded to demonstrate the MainActivity functionality Instrumented tests much be run on a physical device


  • James Campbell - Android Developer -