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Commit counting webpage 365 commits-a-year challenge

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Commit counter for 365 Commits Challenge

Commit Counter generates simple webpage for tracking your progress in 365 Commits Challenge. It can be easily deployed as Google Cloud Function.



  1. Create .env.yaml config file from the provided template template:
    cp .env.yaml.template .env.yaml
  2. Generate GitHub access token:
    Go to your GitHub's Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens or click here.
    Generate new token with repo and user permissions.
  3. Put generated token into GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in .env.yaml file.
  4. Adjust start, end and commit count settings in .env.yaml file.
    Note: Make sure that all values are strings.
  5. Make sure your gcloud configuration is correct:
    # Check your active project:
    gcloud config list
    # Make sure you have set correct region for function deployment:
    # Note: compute/region doesn't affect functions.
    gcloud config set functions/region <region-close-to-you>
  6. Deploy solution by executing script:
  7. Visit function endpoint with webbrowser and start coding!


  • Display challenge info
    • Start/end date
    • Commits left
    • Days to go
    • Current progress
    • Nice progress bar
  • Group commits shown by date and repository
  • Serve placeholder site when visiting root page and update commit data interactively.
  • Add setting for holding repo blacklist - repositories that should not count in the challenge.
  • Make use of DEBUG setting.
  • Generate .env.yaml by --generate-settings (or similar) invocation - get rid of template.