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sitemessage messenger classes implement clients for various protocols (smtp, jabber, etc.).

You can either use builtin classes or define your own.

Helper functions

  • sitemessage.toolbox.register_messenger_objects(*messengers)

    Registers (configures) messengers.

  • sitemessage.toolbox.get_registered_messenger_objects()

    Returns registered (configured) messengers dict indexed by messenger aliases.

  • sitemessage.toolbox.get_registered_messenger_object(messenger)

    Returns registered (configured) messenger by alias,

Builtin messengers

Builtin messengers are available from sitemessage.messengers:


aliased smtp


Uses Python's built-in smtplib.


aliased xmppsleek


Requires sleekxmpp package.

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

# Sending jabber message.
schedule_messages('Hello there!', recipients('xmppsleek', ''))


aliased twitter


Requires twitter package.

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

# Twitting example.
schedule_messages('My tweet.', recipients('twitter', ''))

# Tweet to somebody.
schedule_messages('Hey, that is my tweet for you.', recipients('twitter', 'idlesign'))


aliased telegram


Requires requests package and a registered Telegram Bot. See

To send messages to a channel, your bot needs to be and administrator of that channel.

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

# Let's send a message to chat with ID 12345678.
# (To get chat IDs from `/start` command messages sent to our bot
# by users you can use get_chat_ids() method of Telegram messenger).
schedule_messages('Hi there!', recipients('telegram', '12345678'))

# Message to a channel mychannel
schedule_messages('Hi all!', recipients('telegram', '@mychannel'))


aliased fb


Requires requests package, registered FB application and page.

See FacebookMessenger docstring for detailed instructions.

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

# Schedule a message or a URL for FB timeline.
schedule_messages('Hi there!', recipients('fb', ''))


aliased vk


Requires requests package, registered VK application and community page.

See VKontakteMessenger docstring for detailed instructions.

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

# Schedule a message or a URL for VK page wall. 1245 - user_id; use -12345 (with minus) to post to community wall.
schedule_messages('Hi there!', recipients('vk', '12345'))


Some messengers (vk, fb, telegram) are able to use proxies (e.g. SOCKS5).

One may pass proxy argument to use proxies.

TelegramMessenger('token', proxy={'https': 'socks5://user:pass@host:port'})

Sending test messages

After a messenger is configured you can try whether it works properly using its send_test_message method:

from sitemessage.messengers.smtp import SMTPMessenger

msgr = SMTPMessenger('', 'user1', 'user1password', host='', use_tls=True)
msgr.send_test_message('', 'This is a test message')

User defined messengers

To define a message type one needs to inherit from sitemessage.messengers.base.MessengerBase (or a builtin messenger class), and to register it with sitemessage.toolbox.register_messenger_objects (put these instructions into in one of your apps):

from sitemessage.messengers.base import MessengerBase
from sitemessage.toolbox import register_messenger_objects

class MyMessenger(MessengerBase):

    # Messengers could be addressed by aliases.
    alias = 'mymessenger'

    # Messenger title to show up in UI
    title = 'Super messenger'

    # If we don't want users to subscribe for messages from that messenger
    # (see get_user_preferences_for_ui()) we just forbid such subscriptions.
    allow_user_subscription = False

    def __init__(self):
        """This messenger doesn't accept any configuration arguments.
        Other may expect login, password, host, etc. to connect this messenger to a service.

    def get_address(cls, recipient):
        address = recipient
        if hasattr(recipient, 'username'):
            # We'll simply get address from User object `username`.
            address = '%s--address' % recipient.username
        return address

    def before_send(self):
        """We don't need that for now, but usually here will be messenger warm up (connect) code."""

    def after_send(self):
        """We don't need that for now, but usually here will be messenger cool down (disconnect) code."""

    def send(self, message_cls, message_model, dispatch_models):
        """This is the main sending method that every messenger must implement."""

        # `dispatch_models` from sitemessage are models representing a dispatch
        # of a certain message_model for a definite addressee.
        for dispatch_model in dispatch_models:

            # For demonstration purposes we won't send a dispatch anywhere,
            # we'll just mark it as sent:
            self.mark_sent(dispatch_model)  # See also: self.mark_failed() and self.mark_error().



Look through MessengerBase and other builtin messenger classes for more information and code examples.

After that you can schedule and send messages with your messenger as usual:

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients

user2 = ...  # Let's suppose it's an instance of Django user model.
# We'll just try to send PlainText message.
schedule_messages('Some plain text message', recipients('mymessenger', ['user1--address', user2]))