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People of GNOME

The source for the The People of GNOME


People of GNOME is a website that contains lists and indexes of all the past and current Contributors of GNOME. The site is developed with and maintained using Jekyll, a Static Site Generator developed with Ruby. The site uses following types of files for the content generation:

  • HTML files with extension .html
  • Markdown files with extension .md

The data used by the site is stored in the form of following files:

  • YAML files with extension .yml
  • JSON files with extension .json

Project Structure

├── .gitlab/                            #contains GitLab template files for bugs and merge requests
├── _data/                              #contains site's data files
│   ├── members/                        #contains all the members/contributors stored in the platform in YML format
│   ├── navigation.yml                  #links to be added to the site's header and footer sections
│   ├── member-template.yml             #contains template to add members
│   ├── projects.json                   #contains all the GNOME projects metadata
│   ├── badges.json                     #contains metadata of all GNOME Badges/Tags
│   ├── events.json                     #contains metadata of all GNOME conferences
│   └── social_networks.json            #contains all kind of supported social networks
├── _includes/                          #contains numerous templates like headers and footer
│   ├── footer.html                     #the footer of the site
│   ├── header.html                     #the meta data of the site
│   ├── navbar.html                     #the navbar of the site
│   ├── subheader.html                  #the subheader of the site
│   ├── contributors/                   #contains templates for the contributors pages
│   ├── foundation/                     #contains templates for the foundation pages
│   ├── speakers/                       #contains templates for the speakers pages
│   └── sections/                       #generic templates reused across the website
│       ├── members.html                #contains the member widget template
│       ├── member-badges.html          #contains a sub-widget for displaying a member badges
│       ├── member-events.html          #contains a sub-widget for displaying a member events list
│       ├── member-posts.html           #contains a sub-widget for displaying blog posts
│       └── member-social.html          #contains a sub-widget for displaying a member social networks
├── _layouts/     
│   ├── member.html                     #contains permanent profile page template for each members
│   ├── post.html                       #contains complete single blog post template
├── assets/                             #contains site's valuable entities
│   ├── font/                           #contains site's font: Red Hat Display
│   ├── img/                            #contains site's images and illustrations
│   ├── js/                             #contains the scripts used in the site
│   └── scss                            #contains site's preprocessor stylesheets
│       ├── colorful.scss               #stylesheet for syntax highlighting
│       ├── index.scss                  #stylesheet for user defined styles
│       ├── markdown.scss               #stylesheet for styling the markdown content
│       └── theme.scss                  #stylesheet for website's theme. Generated from Bootstrap
├── collections/                        #contains the site's collections
│   └── _pages/                         #contains site's main pages
├── _config.yml                         #contains Jekyll settings for the site
├── .gitignore
├── .gitlab-ci.yml                      #for GitLab Continuous Integration and Deployment
├── 404.html                            #custom not found page. Only works when deployed to GitLab Pages
├── Gemfile                             #contains gem dependencies for the site.
├── Gemfile.lock
├── LICENSE.txt
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json                        #contains node dependencies for the site.
└──                            #script for setting up the website

Adding yourself to the Website

Create a new YAML file on _data/members/ directory containing the following entries. You can also look at this template

Field Description Example Type
ID Your file name member-template string
Name Your name John Smith string
Nick Name Your nick name ovflowd string
Pronoun Your pronoun he\him string
Bio Your bio/description Kindness is amazing! string
Country Your country/favourite emoji 💫 emoji
Avatar Your Avatar Image string/boolean
Position Your current position at the GNOME Project Community Manager string
Badges All the badges/roles you held at GNOME/Foundation ['engagement-team'] array:entries from badges.json
Status If you're a current/active GNOME Contributor true boolean
Projects The Projects/Repositories you're working on ['gtk'] array:entries from projects.json
Mentors Programs in which you mentored students ['gsoc-2021'] array:entries from activities.json
Mentees Programs in which you were mentored ['outreachy-2020'] array:entries from activities.json
Events The Events you participated in ['guadec-2018'] array:entries from events.json
Socials Social media handles {'twitter': 'handle'} collection:key from social_networks.json;value:string

After this, add a new entry and commit the changes with a Merge Request. If details are filled in correctly, it will be approved.

Adding blog posts

Create a new directory in collections/_posts/ having similar name of your ID used in your profile. To create a blog post add a file in your respective directory with the following format:

Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:

You can also look at this sample blog post for reference.

Field Description Example Type
layout Post post string
title Blog post title GNOME 40 Release! string
author Your name Claudio Wunder string
author_id Your ID claudio-wunder string
tags Tags used (Optional Field) [GNOME 40, Features, Release] array
banner_img Link of banner image (Optional Field) https://xyz/image.png string

Add Custom Badges/Social Networks and Projects

You're also free to add new Badges and Social Networks and Projects/Repositories, by creating new entries on the social_networks.json, badges.json and projects.json.

Installing & Running


  • Software Dependencies
    • Ruby
    • Ruby Development Package (aka ruby-dev)
    • NodeJS
  • Installing Dependencies in Ubuntu/Debian
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y build-essential ruby ruby-dev nodejs npm bash git rsync
    sudo gem update --system '2.7.9' 
  • Installing Dependencies Windows
    • Please use WSL
  • Installing Dependencies in macOS
    brew install node rsync

Setting up the repository

To get the site up and running locally, follow the below steps:

PS.: You need to have a full Bash environment. If you're on Windows, please use WSL.

  • Create a local clone of the website:
    git clone
  • Change into the people-of-gnome directory
    cd people-of-gnome
  • Perform the following commands to install dependencies and structure the website properly:
  • Build the site and make it available on your local server
  • Browse http://localhost:4000 to view the website.

Project Dependencies

This project relies on the dependencies as well. These dependencies are provided in the Ruby Gemfile or NPM's package.json. Following table shows the list of dependencies used by this project:

Package Version File Source
bootstrap 4.6.0 package.json GitHub
@fortawesome/fontawesome-free 5.15.3 package.json GitHub
jquery-slim 3.0.0 package.json GitHub
popper.js 1.16.1 package.json GitHub
slick-carousel 1.8.1 package.json GitHub
moment 2.24.0 package.json GitHub
node-sass 4.13.1 package.json GitHub
jekyll 3.8.5 Gemfile GitHub

Read about adding/updating/removing dependencies on how to contribute.


The pipeline used by the website is the top-level component of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.

The pipeline defined by this repository uses the Ruby2.5 image. The pipeline consists of a script that runs before the site is tested/deployed. The script that runs before the test/deployment of the website basically installs all the gem/npm dependencies and then builds the website before testing/deploying.

test stage is performed on all branches but master. deploy stage on the other hand is performed only on master branch.

Code of Conduct

This project is an open source project with a contributor community that spans across the globe. We want everyone in our community to feel safe and encourage the participation of people from all backgrounds, regardless of experience level, age, gender, identity, race, religion, or nationality. We expect all contributors to uphold the Code of Conduct.

License Information

This project is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA-4.0.