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The Office



Use theoffice data from the schrute package to predict IMDB scores for episodes of The Office.

## Rows: 55,130
## Columns: 12
## $ index            <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1…
## $ season           <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ episode          <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ episode_name     <chr> "Pilot", "Pilot", "Pilot", "Pilot", "Pilot", "Pilot"…
## $ director         <chr> "Ken Kwapis", "Ken Kwapis", "Ken Kwapis", "Ken Kwapi…
## $ writer           <chr> "Ricky Gervais;Stephen Merchant;Greg Daniels", "Rick…
## $ character        <chr> "Michael", "Jim", "Michael", "Jim", "Michael", "Mich…
## $ text             <chr> "All right Jim. Your quarterlies look very good. How…
## $ text_w_direction <chr> "All right Jim. Your quarterlies look very good. How…
## $ imdb_rating      <dbl> 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 7.…
## $ total_votes      <int> 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706, 3706…
## $ air_date         <fct> 2005-03-24, 2005-03-24, 2005-03-24, 2005-03-24, 2005…

Fix air_date for later use.

theoffice <- theoffice %>%
  mutate(air_date = ymd(as.character(air_date)))

We will

  • engineer features based on episode scripts
  • train a model
  • perform cross validation
  • make predictions

Note: The episodes listed in theoffice don’t match the ones listed in the data we used in the cross validation lesson.

theoffice %>%
  distinct(season, episode)
## # A tibble: 186 x 2
##    season episode
##     <int>   <int>
##  1      1       1
##  2      1       2
##  3      1       3
##  4      1       4
##  5      1       5
##  6      1       6
##  7      2       1
##  8      2       2
##  9      2       3
## 10      2       4
## # … with 176 more rows

Exercise 1 - Calculate the percentage of lines spoken by Jim, Pam, Michael, and Dwight for each episode of The Office.

office_lines <- theoffice %>%
  group_by(season, episode) %>%
    n_lines = n(),
    lines_jim = sum(character == "Jim") / n_lines,
    lines_pam = sum(character == "Pam") / n_lines,
    lines_michael = sum(character == "Michael") / n_lines,
    lines_dwight = sum(character == "Dwight") / n_lines,
  ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(season, episode, episode_name, contains("lines_")) %>%
  distinct(season, episode, episode_name, .keep_all = TRUE)

Exercise 2 - Identify episodes that touch on Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas.

theoffice <- theoffice %>%
  mutate(text = tolower(text))

halloween_episodes <- theoffice %>%
  filter(str_detect(text, "halloween")) %>% 
  count(episode_name) %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
  mutate(halloween = 1) %>%

valentine_episodes <- theoffice %>%
  filter(str_detect(text, "valentine")) %>% 
  count(episode_name) %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
  mutate(valentine = 1) %>%

christmas_episodes <- theoffice %>%
  filter(str_detect(text, "christmas")) %>% 
  count(episode_name) %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
  mutate(christmas = 1) %>%

Exercise 3 - Put together a modeling dataset that includes features you’ve engineered. Also add an indicator variable called michael which takes the value 1 if Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) was there, and 0 if not. Note: Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) left the show at the end of Season 7.

office_df <- theoffice %>%
  select(season, episode, episode_name, imdb_rating, total_votes, air_date) %>%
  distinct(season, episode, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  left_join(halloween_episodes, by = "episode_name") %>% 
  left_join(valentine_episodes, by = "episode_name") %>% 
  left_join(christmas_episodes, by = "episode_name") %>% 
  replace_na(list(halloween = 0, valentine = 0, christmas = 0)) %>%
  mutate(michael = if_else(season > 7, 0, 1)) %>%
  mutate(across(halloween:michael, as.factor)) %>%
  left_join(office_lines, by = c("season", "episode", "episode_name"))

Exercise 4 - Split the data into training (75%) and testing (25%).

office_split <- initial_split(office_df)
office_train <- training(office_split)
office_test <- testing(office_split)

Exercise 5 - Specify a linear regression model.

office_mod <- linear_reg() %>%

Exercise 6 - Create a recipe that updates the role of episode_name to not be a predictor, removes air_date as a predictor, and removes all zero variance predictors.

office_rec <- recipe(imdb_rating ~ ., data = office_train) %>%
  update_role(episode_name, new_role = "id") %>%
  step_rm(air_date) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal(), -episode_name) %>%

Exercise 7 - Build a workflow for fitting the model specified earlier and using the recipe you developed to preprocess the data.

office_wflow <- workflow() %>%
  add_model(office_mod) %>%

Exercise 8 - Fit the model to training data and interpret a couple of the slope coefficients.

office_fit <- office_wflow %>%
  fit(data = office_train)

## # A tibble: 12 x 5
##    term           estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##    <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)    6.39     0.323      19.8     9.73e-41
##  2 season         0.0423   0.0240      1.76    8.03e- 2
##  3 episode        0.0118   0.00427     2.77    6.47e- 3
##  4 total_votes    0.000512 0.0000625   8.19    2.32e-13
##  5 lines_jim      0.629    0.664       0.946   3.46e- 1
##  6 lines_pam     -0.00587  0.717      -0.00818 9.93e- 1
##  7 lines_michael -0.743    0.623      -1.19    2.35e- 1
##  8 lines_dwight   0.348    0.545       0.639   5.24e- 1
##  9 halloween_X1  -0.183    0.180      -1.01    3.12e- 1
## 10 valentine_X1  -0.120    0.158      -0.759   4.49e- 1
## 11 christmas_X1   0.246    0.137       1.79    7.56e- 2
## 12 michael_X1     0.598    0.166       3.61    4.43e- 4

Exercise 9 - Perform 5-fold cross validation and view model performance metrics.

folds <- vfold_cv(office_train, v = 5)
## #  5-fold cross-validation 
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
##   splits           id   
##   <list>           <chr>
## 1 <split [112/28]> Fold1
## 2 <split [112/28]> Fold2
## 3 <split [112/28]> Fold3
## 4 <split [112/28]> Fold4
## 5 <split [112/28]> Fold5
office_fit_rs <- office_wflow %>%

## # A tibble: 2 x 6
##   .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config             
##   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>               
## 1 rmse    standard   0.362     5  0.0226 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 2 rsq     standard   0.553     5  0.0782 Preprocessor1_Model1

Exercise 10 - Use your model to make predictions for the testing data and calculate the RMSE. Also use the model developed in the cross validation lesson to make predictions for the testing data and calculate the RMSE as well. Which model did a better job in predicting IMDB scores for the testing data?

New model

office_test_pred <- predict(office_fit, new_data = office_test) %>%
  bind_cols(office_test %>% select(imdb_rating, episode_name))

rmse(office_test_pred, truth = imdb_rating, estimate = .pred)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##   .metric .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 rmse    standard       0.444

Old model

office_mod_old <- linear_reg() %>%

office_rec_old <- recipe(imdb_rating ~ season + episode + total_votes + air_date, data = office_train) %>%
  # extract month of air_date
  step_date(air_date, features = "month") %>%
  step_rm(air_date) %>%
  # make dummy variables of month 
  step_dummy(contains("month")) %>%
  # remove zero variance predictors

office_wflow_old <- workflow() %>%
  add_model(office_mod_old) %>%

office_fit_old <- office_wflow_old %>%
  fit(data = office_train)

## # A tibble: 12 x 5
##    term                estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##    <chr>                  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)         6.50     0.234        27.7   5.68e-56
##  2 season             -0.0240   0.0156       -1.54  1.27e- 1
##  3 episode             0.0524   0.00841       6.23  6.12e- 9
##  4 total_votes         0.000538 0.0000585     9.19  8.92e-16
##  5 air_date_month_Feb -0.0927   0.119        -0.778 4.38e- 1
##  6 air_date_month_Mar -0.249    0.133        -1.87  6.36e- 2
##  7 air_date_month_Apr -0.238    0.124        -1.92  5.70e- 2
##  8 air_date_month_May -0.192    0.154        -1.25  2.14e- 1
##  9 air_date_month_Sep  0.660    0.161         4.11  7.02e- 5
## 10 air_date_month_Oct  0.463    0.128         3.62  4.27e- 4
## 11 air_date_month_Nov  0.368    0.122         3.00  3.20e- 3
## 12 air_date_month_Dec  0.368    0.145         2.54  1.23e- 2
office_test_pred_old <- predict(office_fit_old, new_data = office_test) %>%
  bind_cols(office_test %>% select(imdb_rating, episode_name))

rmse(office_test_pred_old, truth = imdb_rating, estimate = .pred)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##   .metric .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 rmse    standard       0.498