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Introducing method returning unique fields in Factory

SonarQubeGithubPRChecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results succeeded Feb 9, 2024 in 19s

Quality Gate success


Analysis Details

6 Issues

  • Bug 0 Bugs
  • Vulnerability 0 Vulnerabilities
  • Code Smell 6 Code Smells

Coverage and Duplications

  • Coverage No coverage information (78.30% Estimated after merge)
  • Duplications 0.00% Duplicated Code (0.10% Estimated after merge)

Project ID: edu.ie3:PowerSystemDataModel

View in SonarQube


Check failure on line 21 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/models/timeseries/individual/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


"value" is the name of a field in "TimeSeriesEntry".

Check warning on line 26 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/io/factory/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


Change the visibility of this constructor to "protected".

Check warning on line 269 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/io/source/csv/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


Add 'since' and/or 'forRemoval' arguments to the @Deprecated annotation.

Check warning on line 270 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/io/source/csv/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


Add the missing @deprecated Javadoc tag.

Check notice on line 270 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/io/source/csv/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


Do not forget to remove this deprecated code someday.

Check warning on line 35 in src/main/java/edu/ie3/datamodel/io/source/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@sonarqubegithubprchecks sonarqubegithubprchecks / PowerSystemDataModel Sonarqube Results


This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.