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GSoC Final Report

This summer I have been working with Patrick to improve packages in JuliaNLSolvers family, especially for LsqFit.jl. I'm extremely thankful for GSoC and all the support I received from Patrick and Julia community to help me get through this project and attend JuliaCon London.


In this part, I will summarize the main work I've done.

Part 1: Documentation

Documentation has always been important for users, and could never be enough.

Optim.jl has good documentation but lacks some examples. I built two notebooks using Optim.jl to show the usage of maximum likelihood and optimization trace. These notebooks can be found in /Notebooks.

LsqFit.jl is the most basic package in JuliaNLSolvers, the documentation is the in the GitHub page and covers only the usage of functions. I made a documentation covering introduction, getting started, and tutorials to help users understand how and why behind the code. This documentation is generated using Documenter.jl. The source code and updated could be found in /LsqFit.jl/docs and /LsqFit.jl. Part of the documentation is online since some codes have not been merged.

Part 2: Functionality

I added more functionalities for LsqFit.jl to fix the error weight problem, assess goodness of fit, show fitting results in an elegant way and more algorithms.

There is a mistake in the weighted calculation of LsqFit.jl and I proposed the fix. But now I think it should be handled using keyword argument.

Now LsqFit.jl could asssess goodness of fit by using following functions:

  • mse(fit)
  • sse(fit)
  • sst(fit)
  • r2(fit)
  • adjr2(fit)

The fit result is now printed as:

# fit data
>julia fit = curve_fit(DoseResp, xdata, ydata, initial_p)

# output
Results of Least Squares Fitting:
* Algorithm: Levenberg-Marquardt
* Iterations: 8
* Converged: true
* Estimated Parameters: [0.178863, 1.00522, -5.82878, 0.830257]
* Sample Size: 9
* Degrees of Freedom: 5
* Weights: Float64[]
* Sum of Squared Errors: 0.0007
* Mean Squared Errors: 0.0001
* R²: 0.9991
* Adjusted R²: 0.9983

Variance Inferences:
k   value std error     95% conf int
1  0.1789    0.0116   (0.149, 0.209)
2  1.0052    0.0145   (0.968, 1.043)
3 -5.8288    0.0321 (-5.911, -5.746)
4  0.8303    0.0519   (0.697, 0.964)

The working version of these features is in [curve-fit-tools]( branch and /LsqFit.jl/utilities`.

I also worked on adding two more algorithms:

  • Gauss-Newton
  • Steepest Descent

The building of algorithms motivates the reconstruction work in part 3 since we need more abstractions and involve linesearch. The reconstruction work is still in progress and therefore algorithms need to wait until the reconstruction work finishes to be added. The rough work could be seen in /LsqFit.jl/solvers.

Part 3: Reconstruction

The main goal of the reconstruction is to keep the same interface as Optim.jl and involve functionalities from NLSolversBase.jl and LineSearches.jl. It will also provide more abstractions for solvers. Gauss-Newton and Steepest Descent method will be added after the reconstruction finishes.

There will be a new function least_squares() which behaves similar to optimize() but accept only least squares algorithms. curve_fit() will then keep the same interface. For example, to pass x_tol, the code will be:

curve_fit(m, tdata, ydata, p_init, LsqFit.Options(x_tol = 1e-8))

To pass algorithm's parameters, the code will be:

curve_fit(model, tdata, ydata, p_init, LevenbergMarquardt(min_step_quality = 1e-3))}

We can also use different automatic differentiation method:

curve_fit(m, tdata, ydata, p_init, autodiff = :forward)

This has been the most challenging work so far. NLSolversBase assumes the objective to be 1-d for Optim.jl or squared-shape for NLSolve.jl, but not rectangular-shape residual function for LsqFit.jl. Some functions needed have not yet supported for LsqFit.jl. I submitted several PRs for NLSolversBase, #88 and #90, to fix these issues.

There are a lot of bugs because the reconstruction involves too many changes at the same time. And when the reconstruction collides with Julia upgrading to v1.0, there are even more bugs. The reconstruction is still in the progress of debugging. The rough work could be seen in /LsqFit.jl.


  • It is difficult to imagine what users need and what difficulties users are facing. For example, in the discourse post, users are finding difficulty in the model definition, which I never thought of.
  • Tracing bugs and errors in Julia is hard. Hopefully Rebugger.jl will make it a lot easier.
  • My original proposal involves too many packages for different problems that I lose focus.

Future Work

I'll continue working after GSoC ends since I started late. The plans include:

  • Continue the reconstruction (debugging) and algorithm work.
  • Adding plot and bootstrap functionalities in LsqFit.jl.
  • A lot of interface problems need to be discussed, for example, the Options() and wt argument.
  • Benchmarks against other packages and languages.


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