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EE292D Micro DNN (udnn)


In this project, you will implement an inference-only DNN framework that is capable of running various kinds of network architectures on CPU with native instructions. You will be able to transfer your (quantized) weights from TensorFlow based models and use them in your own DNN framework.

Getting started

We will be distributing assignments with git. Here is what you need to do to get the starter code:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j2

Build instructions

This project has been thoroughly tested on Linux. You should be able to run it on OSX, but we cannot guarantee support for that. If you do not have access to a Linux machine, you can ssh into to use Stanford's linux machines.


  • A C++14 compiler: GCC 5.4+ or Clang++ 3.4+
  • cmake 3.8+
  • Python with development package installed

If you are on a debian based system, you can do

sudo apt install cmake g++ python3 python3-dev

If you do not have sudo access to the Linux machine, e.g., on cardinal, you can install cmake through pip install cmake after setting up virtual environment (see how to build the Python binding). Notice that if you're on cardinal, you won't be able to run the latest Tensorflow2 due to lack of AVX instructions. You need to back port the tests to older version of Tensorflow.

Build the native C++ code

Once you're in the root folder of the project, do

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Once cmake successfully generates the Makefile, do

make -j

This will build the entire project as well as the sample tests. To make sure it is working, you can type

make test

Which runs some sample tests. Don't worry if some of them fail: it is part of the project to make the tests green!

Build the Python binding

It is always a good idea to use some sort of virtual environment when using Python to isolate different Python packages. To do so, you can use virtualenv or any Python virtual environment package you prefer. In the project root folder, do

virtualenv --python=python3 env
source env/bin/activate

You are now in the virtual environment and free to install any packages even though you don't have root access. To install the Python binding, simply do

pip install -e .

Where -e allows to link the package to our root folder, which makes easy to develop. To build the package in debug mode (see more details in the tips section), you can do

DEBUG=1 pip install -e .

Your udnn code will run a little slower, but that allows you to attach gdb when you debugging your code with Python-based tests. To install test dependencies, simply do

pip install pytest keras tensorflow

If you have limited disk space, you can use tensorflow==2.0 instead. To make sure your Python binding is installed correctly, simply do

pytest tests/

You shall not see any alarming errors except that some tests fail.

Starter code structure

The starter code includes two set of implementations: C++ for the core functionality, and Python for helper class and tests against Tensorflow. As a result, there are 4 main components in the project

  • src/*: these are C++ files that you have to deal with most of the time.
  • python/*: these are the Python binding code
  • tests/*: these are the test code, in GoogleTest and pytest
  • udnn/*: these are the Python helper code

Tensor and Layers

In src/tensor.hh, we already provide an implementation of 4D tensor suitable for most use cases. Notice that the dimension of the Tensor class is defined by TensorSize, whose dimension is defined as (y, x, c, k), where k is default to 1 if not specified.

Since Tensor is a templated class, to instantiate a Tensor object, you need to provide a type, such as Tensor<int>. To access the content, you can use auto a = t(y, x, c, k) or auto a = t(y, x, c), where t is the Tensor object. To assign values to the tensor object, you can simply do t(y, x, c, k) = value.

Defined in src/layer.hh, the Layer class is templated in the same way as the Layer class. The base class has already populated some default behaviors of the layer, such as whether it has weights or bias. The forward function will be called to compute the actual activation. Notice that the starter code already gives some common layer partial implementation to get you familiar with the code.


The Model class is defined in src/model.hh and src/, it allows different layers to be connected to each other as well as doing some sanity check on the dimensionality. You can add more helper functions to it if the change makes it easier for you to construct complex models, but modification to this file is not required by this project.

Python binding

python/ defines a series of Python binding that's exposed as _udnn in Python. We will cover some basic approaches to adding new layers to Python in the section below. You can refer to this guide if you want to learn or experiment more about the Python bindings.

Python helper code

udnn/ offers some utility functions to instantiate or convert numpy array into tensor, the usage is

t = tensor((4, 3, 2, 1), "int8")

If we want to instantiate a Tensor with signed 8-bit byte and shape (4, 3, 2, 1). Since we have implemented standard Python buffer protocol for you, you can also pass in a numpy array with corresponding type:

array = np.ones((4, 3, 2, 1), dtype="int8")
t = tensor(array, dtype="int8")

Notice that the binding only takes either 3D or 4D array, you need to reshape the numpy array when necessary.

udnn/ offers some example code that illustrates how to instantiate a C++ layer with *args, where args are the same constructor parameter in your C++ code.

udnn/ allows you construct a model in Python as well as load weights from or dump weights to a folder. It mimics some interface of the keras Model class. You can see more usage in tests/

Provided sample tests

We have also provided some sample tests in tests/ folder to help you become familiar with the environment. They primarily serve as an example of how to use the starter code API. You should definitely add more tests as you implement more layers and models as you finish up the project.

Project Tasks

There are several task you need to accomplish in this project. Although they are not required to be completed in order, it is highly recommended to do so as it makes the debugging easier.

Task 1: Train a CNN for CIFAR-10

Your model should achieve at least 60% classification accuracy on CIFAR-10. Although you're free to use any framework you want, the start code is provided with Tensorflow 2 in mind.

You will need weights for your own udnn model, since we are not going to implement training in this project. You can either perform a post-training quantization on your weights, or use quantized weights when training (for Task 4).

If you're unsure about how to set up a network to train or how to obtain the dataset, keras' official website has an excellent code example of setting up basic layers and train them against CIFAR-10. All the layers used in the code example are required in Task 2. Notice that you have to port that code into Tensorflow2 keras interface, which is trivial to do.

Task 2: Implement layers in C++

You will implement these layers in C++ using the given starter code. For each layer, you are required to write a corresponding pytest unit test to test the arithmetic against Tensorflow 2.

You are required to implement the following set of layers, in addition to the layers you used in Task 1:

  • Conv2D
  • Dense
  • Relu
  • Sigmoid
  • Flatten
  • MaxPooling2D
  • MinPooling2D [optional]
  • DropOut

To add a custom layer to Python binding, you can look at the following code in python/

setup_layer<FlattenLayer, const TensorSize &>(m, "FlattenLayer");

You need to put the class type in the first template argument, followed by its constructor signature. The string "FlattenLayer will be the class name in Python. Then you should also add a helper function to create a corresponding layer in udnn/ There are example code for you to re-use.

You are required to write unit tests for each layer you implement, using the same style as in tests/, i.e. constructing Tensorflow layers with random input/weights and compare it against your own implementation. Due to numeric precision error, you should use a delta when comparing results.

Task 3: Enhance C++ implementation with SIMD

You are required to re-implement all the layers with SIMD. We have provided you with a nice SIMD library called xsimd. The data in the Tensor class is already memory aligned. You can read tests/ to see how to use the SIMD library. In particular TEST(simd, add) demonstrates idiomatic way to write SIMD arithmetic.

Keep in mind that not all layers can be implemented in SIMD easily, such as Dropout layer.

Once you're done, you can use the unit tests you wrote from Task 2 to test against your SIMD implementation. They should pass all the tests if your SIMD implementation is correct.

Since xsimd is a portable library, you can develop your code on your own Intel/AMD machine. However, before you continue to Task 4, make sure that your code can be compiled and executed on an ARM CPU.

Some layers may require some "tricks" with SIMD implementation. For instance, you can pre-compute the mask for drop out layer implementation with a random number generator (this is what actually happens under the hood.)

Task 4: Benchmark your SIMD implementation and further optimization

You should benchmark your SIMD version of udnn against Tensorflow2 on your own machine as well as on your edge device, and use that to further optimize your SIMD implementation. Keep in mind that arithmetic operations are only a portion of time that the CPU spends executing the model, cache also plays an important role. You can experiment around how to make your tensor storage more cache friendly!

You should at least compare the following two cases with variable data types, such as int8, int16, int32, flaot32, and double:

  1. Benchmark performance impact on Intel (all data types).
  2. Benchmark against Tensorflow on Intel CPU (float32 and double).
  3. Benchmark against Tensorflow-Lite on ARM CPU (optional).
  4. Benchmark performance impact on ARM (all data types). You're free to write either C++ or Python for benchmark. Notice that Python version takes a while to compile.

For part 1, 2, and 3, you have to use your model and weights trained from Task 1. For part 4, random weights are allowed.

Notice that Tensorflow CPU requires the Conv2D layer to be at least floats; you only need to include float32 and double on Intel CPU.

Extra credit:

Given the nature of this project, only the sky is the limit! Here is an incomplete list of possible extra credits:

  • Implement extra layers such as average pooling, concatenate, etc. Feel free to modify the starter code to do so.
  • Out-perform Tensorflow implementation.
  • Run inference on Arduino. The Arduino we have uses a 32-bit processor, which allows up to 4 lanes of operations.
  • ...

Useful links:


  • Your source code without build artifacts in a zip file. Please make sure to populate the git submodules.
  • Your write up on Task 4 in txt or pdf format.


DNN Inference Framework






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