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codon-optimize Friendzymes Cookbook

A Github action to codon optimize sequences.

codon-optimize is a Github Action that receives a path for an amino acid fasta file (faa), a codon table with the absolute frequency of each triplet in JSON format, and a path and name of an output file that will be written. This action will use the provided codon table to codon optimize a given sequence.

If you have some feature that you think will make this action better, please feel free to create an issue.

All options

List of Options

Every argument is required.

Option Description Default
input-file A fasta file with all input sequences that will be read
output-file Path and file name where output fasta file will be written
input-codon-table A codon table in JSON file format

Detailed Options


This parameter is the path for your amino acid fasta file (faa) to be codon optimized. This parameter doesn't have any value by default.

Default: undefined


This parameter is the path and file name of the codon-optimized sequences that should be written as a fasta file. This parameter doesn't have any value by default.

Default: undefined


This parameter is the path and file name for the codon table. This table will be used to codon optimize a given sequence. This parameter doesn't have any value by default.

Default: undefined



- name: codon-optimizer
  uses: Open-Science-Global/codon-optimize@v0.2

See action.yml for a comprehensive list of all the options.

See Friendzymes Cookbook for further examples and sample data.