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Re‐using profiles for similar applications. Example with qutebrowser and chromium.

igo95862 edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 1 revision

If an application is missing a profile but there is a related software with existing profile that profile can be used.

For example, chromium profile can be used on any chromium derived browser such as qutebrowser.

Frist, Install qutebrowser from your distro repositories.

Once qutebrowser has been installed, generate a bubblejail instance using chromium profile but disable the desktop entry creation.

[username@hostname ~] bubblejail create --no-desktop-entry --profile chromium qutebrowser

Now a desktop entry can be created from the qutebrowser's desktop entry.

[username@hostname ~] bubblejail generate-desktop-entry --desktop-entry /usr/share/applications/org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop qutebrowser

The sandboxed qutebrowser can now be launched with qutebrowser bubble desktop entry.

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