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💎 Showcase


  • 💎 - Fullstack • (NestJS backend, ReactJS frontend)
  • 💎 Armory - Backend and GameServer Worker • (NestJS backend, Java GameServer worker)
  • 💎 - Frontend • (Pebble template engine)
  • 💎 IEC Online Exams - Fullstack • A private online exam CMS and exam session backend (NestJS backend, ReactJS + Reactstrap frontend)

Open-source Projects/Frameworks/Boilerplates

🌗 Frontend Coding Stack

( ⭐: Frequently used; 🌀: Has knowledge to use with ease; 🌿: Has a limited knowledge )

Dev Tools

  • Typescript - Type safe Javascript transpiler
  • React - Frontend VDOM framework
  • React Router 6 - Routing mechanism for React apps
  • Zustand - Global state management
  • Redux with RTK - Global state management
  • Redux-persist - Global state de/hydration for the projects I use RTK
  • Axios - HTTP/S client for API integrations
  • Socket.IO - Websocket integrations
  • GraphQL - When backend exposes a GQL API (A query language as a protocol between backend and frontend apps )
  • Apollo Client - An amazingly easy GraphQL Client, that I use with React apps
  • 🌀 Handlebars.js - A template render engine, which comes in handy when storing mail templates as an artifact
  • 🌀 Pebble - A Java template render engine
  • 🌀 P5.js - A very high level GL canvas, pretty good for 2D draw contexts
  • 🌀 Three.js - A very high level GL canvas, pretty good for 3D draw contexts
  • 🌿 WebGL - OpenGL wrapper that works on web

Stylesheet Tools

  • Sass - CSS transpiler with awesome syntactic sugars
  • TailwindCSS - A CSS toolkit/library
  • 🌀 Bootstrap - A CSS toolkit/library

Build-time Tools

  • Vite - Build pipe and bundling stuff, both for Web apps and Figma plugins
  • Tauri - Builder and bundler for Desktop apps
  • 🌀 Electron - Builder and bundler for Desktop apps
  • 🌀 ESLint - Linter for JS projects

Testing Tools

  • Vitest - Testing with blazing-fast Vite speed
  • Jest - Simple testing framework
🌓 Backend Coding Stack

( ⭐: Frequently used; 🌀: Has knowledge to use with ease; 🌿: Has a limited knowledge )

Dev Tools

  • Typescript - Type safe Javascript transpiler
  • NodeJS - Javascript runtime environment
  • NestJS - A very powerful backend framework
  • Socket.IO - Websocket integrations
  • Mongoose - An ORM for Mongo driver
  • LokiJS - In-memory database implementation
  • 🌀 Strapi - An Open-source React CMS, which I often use when I need a fast CMS implementation
  • 🌀 Sequelize - An abstracted ORM library, works with most of the SQL DBMS'
  • 🌀 Redis - In-memory data store, generally comes in handy when I need to cache stuff
  • 🌀 Firebase - An app development platform, which I generally use when I need a quick diff pubsub database solution
  • 🌀 RabbitMQ - Message queueing tool, which I mostly use as an IPC barebone
  • 🌀 Handlebars.js - A template render engine, which comes in handy when storing mail templates as an artifact
  • 🌀 Express - A barebones of a HTTP/S backend framework
  • 🌀 FeathersJS - A backend framework
  • 🌿 Fastify - Sort of a faster Express, I generally use it to fasten up NestJS' underlying transports
  • 🌿 Docker - An OS-level virtualization tool, that I generally use to run development database images

Database Management Systems

  • MongoDB - My all-times favourite NoSQL DBMS
  • 🌀 MySQL - When I need an SQL DBMS, I prefer this one

Build-time Tools

  • NestJS-CLI - Since I use NestJS very often, I use its CLI to build NestJS projects
  • Gulp.js - Task automation tool like Gradle
🌑 Other Technologies/Stacks

( ⭐: Frequently used; 🌀: Has knowledge to use with ease; 🌿: Has a limited knowledge )


  • Minecraft Forge - A Minecraft mod development platform
  • Minecraft Architectury - A Minecraft mod development platform, that exports cross-platform builds
  • Gradle - A build tool for Java projects
  • JUnit - A testing framework for Java

IDE's I Use

  • Visual Studio Code - A very customizable IDE, which I mainly use to develop JS-related projects
  • IntelliJ IDEA - A Java focused IDE, which I basically use for every Java code piece I write
  • 🌀 Eclipse - A Java focused IDE with high customizability. I used to use it, when I was studying university lectures


  • lsp4j - A Language Server Protocol (LSP) framework for Java, which I mainly use while developing TSL VSCode extension
  • 🌀 Antlr4 - A language recognition tool, which has its own syntax and generates parsers


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