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Updated App docs.
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igoramadas committed Dec 16, 2016
1 parent 6075e9f commit 9939fd6
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 21 deletions.
86 changes: 65 additions & 21 deletions docs/
@@ -1,44 +1,88 @@
# Expresser: App

This is the core of any Expresser app, and holds the HTTP(s) server along session and cookie secrets, paths to
static resources, asset bindings etc. By default it will bind to all local addresses on port 8080 (when running
on your local environment). The Express server is exposed via the `server` property on the App module.

### Before you start
#### Filename:

Make sure to enable the `` setting in case you're deploying to Heroku,
OpenShift or any other PaaS provider. By doing this the all modules will get IP, ports and other PaaS specific
settings from environment variables.
This is the core of Expresser framework. It holds the HTTP(s) server along session and cookie secrets, asset
bindings, middlewares etc. By default it will bind to all local addresses on port 8080 (when running
on your local environment). The Express server is exposed via the `server` property on the App module.

### Cookies and sessions
## Cookies and sessions

If you're planning to use cookies and/or sessions on your app, please update the `` and
`` with a strong key replacing the default values.
`` with a strong encryption key.

### Adding your own middleware
## Adding extra middleware

You can bind your own middlewares to the Express server by passing them as an option `extraMiddlewares` on
the main `init()` call. For example to use the `passport` middleware:
You can bind your own middlewares to the Express server by using the `prependMiddlewares` and `appendMiddlewares`
properties. For example to use the `passport` middleware, which must be registered before the main ones:

var expresser = require("expresser");
var passport = require("passport");

// Pass my custom middleware to the app.
var middlewares = [passport.initialize(), passport.session()];
expresser.init({extraMiddlewares: middlewares});;;

And similarly, if you want to register a middleware after the main ones:

var myCustomMiddleware = require("some-middleware");;

### Rendering / sending the response to the client
## Rendering / sending the response to the client

The App module has some helper methods to send the response to the browser using different formats. They are:
The App module has some helper methods to send the response to the browser using different formats.

#### renderView(req, res, view, options)

Renders a view (by default it uses Jade) with options.
Renders a Pug view with options. By default Pug views are stored on /views. For example
to render the `testview.pug` containing the placeholders `pageTitle` and `pageUrl`:

var app =;
var options = {pageTitle: "My Page", pageUrl: "/testview/some/url"};

app.server.get("/testview", function (req, res) {
app.renderView(req, res, "testview.pug", options);

#### renderJson(req, res, data)

Sends JSON data to the client.
Sends JSON data to the client. For example:

var app =;
var data = {something: "Here", code: 123, somethingElse: true};

app.server.get("/testjson", function (req, res) {
app.renderJson(req, res, data);

#### renderError(req, res, error, status = 500)

Sends an error to the client as JSON. For example when a procedure fails (access denied or another error):

var app =;

app.server.get("/dosomething", function (req, res) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.reason == "Not authorized") {
app.renderError(req, res, "You have no rights to access this resource.", 403);
} else {
app.renderError(req, res, ex);

#### renderImage(req, res, filename, options)

Renders an image (JPG, GIF, PNG etc...) to the client.

var app =;

app.server.get("/myimage", function (req, res) {
app.renderImage(req, res, __dirname + "/myimage.jpg");


*For detailed info on specific features, check the annotated source on /docs/app.html*
*For detailed info on specific features, check the annotated source on /docs/source/app.html*

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