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CRM System on Vue 3 Composition Api

This project is based on Vue 3 Composition API using Vuetify UI library. Bundled with Vite.

Powered on Supabase SDK

crm-vue-supabase1.png crm-vue-supabase2.png crm-vue-supabase3.png crm-vue-supabase4.png

This CRM system allows you to calculate expenses by created categories, as well as view expenses statistics. You can convert watch your bill and history on different currency rates - automatic conversion enabled. There is a built-in support for languages: English Russian, Ukrainian. The application contains pages: Your Account, History, Planning, New Entry, Category.

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Github Pages

Copy repo code and setup it with package manager (pnpm recommended):

git clone
cd ./crm-vue-supabase
pnpm i
pnpm dev