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Orb. News server.

How to build and deploy Orb


  1. Download and install JDK Java SE 7 from here


  1. Create empty GAE application. It is described here;
  2. Download latest GAE SDK from here;
  3. Unzip it to some directory;
  4. Create envinronment variable GAE_HOME and set it`s value to path where GAE SDK was unzipped.


  1. Download and install Git. I think you can use any Git you like. Git executable file is needed for build process.


  1. Download and install Ant from here.


  1. Checkout repo ... ;
  2. Find in project directory and copy it to new file;
  3. Open in text editor;
  4. Fill email;
  5. Fill application.identifier;
  6. Fill git.executable;
  7. You may leave security.key, twitter.apiKey, twitter.apiSecret as is for now.
  8. Save the changes.

Local run

  1. Run dev_server.bat from project directory. Wait until server started;
  2. You can test appliication by visit locahost:8080 in your browser. Actually it is fully functional application but without cron jobs because they are not supported by GAE development server;
  3. If server started and application works you can stop it by Ctrl-C and deploy it on GAE server.

GAE deploy

  1. Stop local server by Ctrl-C if it is run;
  2. Run ant update from project directory and wait while it is completed;
  3. Test your Orb server by visit

If GAE deploy hangs

  1. Stop it by Ctrl-C;
  2. Run ant rollback from project directory;
  3. Repeat GAE deploy steps.