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How to use the SDK

This document encompasses the installation and basic uses of the iGrafx P360 Live Mining SDK. It also contains SQL and Pandas examples.

The iGrafx P360 Live Mining SDK is an open source application that can be used to manage your mining projects. It is a python implementation of the iGrafx P360 Live Mining API.

With this SDK, you will be able to create and manipulate workgroups, projects, datasources and graphs (and graph instances). You will also be able to create and add a column mapping.

Please note that you must have an iGrafx account in order to be able to use the SDK properly. Please contact us to create an account.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing
  2. Requirements
  3. Getting Started
  4. Workgroups and Projects
  5. Sending Data (File Structure and Column Mapping)
  6. Graphs
  7. Graph Instances
  8. Datasources
  9. Using Pandas methods
  10. Using SQL Queries
  11. Using the public API
  12. Predictions
  13. Access Druid database via JDBC
  14. Access database via Druid Rest SQL queries
  15. Generating the Documentation with SphinxDocs
  16. Further Documentation


With pip:

To install the current release of the iGrafx P360 Live Mining SDK with pip, simply navigate to the console and type the following command:

pip install igrafx_mining_sdk


This package requires python 3.10 or above. Get the latest version of Python.

The requirements of this SDK work with Poetry. Please install it before proceeding further. Eventually, specify poetry env if you handle multiple python versions. The following commands could help you :

which python
poetry env use ~/.pyenv/pyenv-win/versions/your/version

You must also make sure you add Poetry to your PATH.

Afterward, you can install the dependencies in the .venv virtual environment. This command produces a poetry.lock file that is not versioned to Git.

poetry update
poetry lock

The following command installs the dependencies:

poetry install

The pyproject.toml contains the projects details and all the necessary dependencies. If you wish, you can see the versions of the packages used in it.

Reinstall python and poetry procedure:

If you are encountering issues, you may wish to reinstall both Python and Poetry from scratch.
Follow these steps in the project directory:

  1. Delete .venv file in your project
  2. Delete Python interpreter from your IDE Settings
  3. Delete poetry.lock file
  4. Run command curl -sSL | python3 - --uninstall
  5. Run command pyenv uninstall <version_number>
  6. Run command pyenv install --skip-existing $(cat .python-version)
  7. Run command curl -sSL | python3 -
  8. Run command poetry lock. You should end up with a new poetry.lock file and a new .venv directory.
  9. Create Python Poetry interpreter from your IDE Settings, pointing to the created .venv directory.
  10. Run command poetry install

Getting Started

First, open up Process Explorer 360, and go to your workgroup settings. In the settings page, go to the Public API tab. There, you should see your workgroup's ID and secret key. These are the values that will be used by the SDK to log in to the iGrafx P360 Live Mining API.


To begin:

Go ahead and import the package:

import igrafx_mining_sdk as igx   # the 'as igx' is entirely optional, but it will make the rest of our code much more readable

Workgroups and Projects

The first step of using the iGrafx P360 Live Mining SDK will be to create a workgroup, using the credentials you copied from Process Explorer 360:

w_id = "<Your Workgroup ID>"
w_key = "<Your Workgroup KEY>"
api_url = "<Your Mining Platform API URL>"
auth_url = "<Your Mining Platform Auth URL>"
wg = igx.Workgroup(w_id, w_key, api_url, auth_url)

Once the workgroup is created, you can access the list of projects associated with the workgroup through the get_project_list() method:

project_list = wg.get_project_list()

The list of project IDs associated with the workgroup can be accessed with:

project_id_list = [ for p in project_list]

A specific project ID can be accessed from the list by specifying its index:


The project ID can also be found in the URL:

https://<Mining Platform URL>>/workgroups/<Workgroup ID>/projects/<Project ID>/data

On top of that, if you already know the ID of the project you want to work with you can use:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")

Once you have the project you want to use, several actions can be taken.

You can check if the project existsand get its name:


Furthermore, the column mapping of a project can be retrieved:


This method returns the entirety of the column mapping of a project in a JSON format (as shown directly below). This JSON can directly be used to add a column mapping, and thus to add a file. For more details on how to add a column mapping using a JSON, view the next section.

"col1": {"name": "case_id", "columnIndex": "0", "columnType": "CASE_ID"},
"col2": {"name": "task_name", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "TASK_NAME"},
"col3": {"name": "time", "columnIndex": "2", "columnType": "TIME", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"}

More precisely, the mapping infos of the project can be retrieved:


The project can also be deleted:


Its variants and completed cases can also be retrieved:

my_project.get_project_variants(<Page Index>, <Limit>, "<Search>" ) 
my_project.get_project_completed_cases(<Page Index>, <Limit>, "<Search Case ID>")

Where Page Index is the page index for pagination, Limit is the maximum number of items to return per page, Search is the search query to filter variants by name (optional) and Search Case ID is the search query to filter cases by ID (also optional).

Moreover, you can reset the project if needed:


Alternatively, if you wish to create your own project, you can do so as follows:

w = Workgroup(w_id, w_key, api_url, auth_url)
project_name = "<Your Project name>"
project_description = "<Your Project description>"
created_project = w.create_project(project_name, project_description)

Note that the description is optional. If not needed, you can do the following:

created_project = w.create_project(project_name)

Sending Data

To be able to add data, you must create a file structure and add a column mapping. A column mapping is a list of columns describing a document(.CSV, .XLSX, .XLS).

To add a column mapping, you must first define the file structure:

filestructure = FileStructure(

It is important to note that aside from the file_type(which can be set to CSV, XLSX or XLS) and the sheet_name(which is optional), the attributes above are set by default. That means that unless the value of your attribute is different, you do not need to set it.

Now, a column mapping can be created:

column_list = [
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>),
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>),
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>, time_format='<Your time format>')
        column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
  • Column name is the name of the column.
  • Column index is the index of the column of your file. Note that the column index starts at 0.
  • Colulmn Type is the type of the column. It can be CASE_ID, TASK_NAME, TIME, METRIC (a numeric value) or DIMENSION(can be a string).

Please note that your time format must use the Java SimpleDateFormat format.

This means you must mark the date by using the following letters (according to your date format):


For example, your date format may look like this:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS

In the following examples, do not forget to change the time_format before using the code.

It is also possible to check whether a column mapping exists or not:


Furthermore, a column can also be created from a JSON.

json_str = '{"name": "test", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "CASE_ID"}'
column = Column.from_json(json_str)

Therefore, a Column Mapping can also be created from a JSON column dictionary. For example:

column_dict = '''{
"col1": {"name": "case_id", "columnIndex": "0", "columnType": "CASE_ID"},
"col2": {"name": "task_name", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "TASK_NAME"},
"col3": {"name": "time", "columnIndex": "2", "columnType": "TIME", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"}
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(column_dict)

The Column Mapping can also be created from a JSON column list. The major difference between the list and the dictionary is that in the dictionary you have to enunciate the column number before giving the other information.

column_list = '''[
{"name": "case_id", "columnIndex": "0", "columnType": "CASE_ID"},
{"name": "task_name", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "TASK_NAME"},
{"name": "time", "columnIndex": "2", "columnType": "TIME", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"}
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(column_list)

Moreover, it is possible to return the JSON dictionary format of the Column with the to_dict() method. By doing that, we can then create a Column Mapping with the from_json() method. The json.dumps() function will convert a subset of Python objects into a JSON string.

column_list = [
    Column('case_id', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('task_name', 1, ColumnType.TASK_NAME),
    Column('time', 2, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm")
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
json_str = json.dumps(column_mapping.to_dict())
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(json_str)

After creating it, the column mapping can be added:

my_project.add_column_mapping(filestructure, column_mapping)

Finally, you can add CSV, XLSX or XLS files:

wg = Workgroup(w_id, w_key, api_url, auth_url)
p = Project("<Your Project ID>", wg.api_connector)

filestructure = FileStructure(
column_list = [
    Column('Case ID', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('Start Timestamp', 1, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('Complete Timestamp', 2, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('Activity', 3, ColumnType.TASK_NAME),
    Column('Ressource', 4, ColumnType.DIMENSION),
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
p.add_column_mapping(filestructure, column_mapping)

Furthermore, grouped tasks can also be declared if needed. If a grouped task is created in a column, there must be grouped tasks declared in other columns as well as they cannot function individually:

column_list = [
    Column('case_id', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('time', 1, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('task_name', 2, ColumnType.TASK_NAME, grouped_tasks_columns=[1, 3]),
    Column('country', 3, ColumnType.METRIC, grouped_tasks_aggregation=MetricAggregation.FIRST),
    Column('price', 4, ColumnType.DIMENSION, grouped_tasks_aggregation=GroupedTasksDimensionAggregation.FIRST)
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)

The grouped_tasks_columns represent the list of column indices that must be grouped. If grouped_tasks_columns is declared, it has to at least have the index of a column of type TASK_NAME and the index of a column of type METRIC, DIMENSION or TIME. It must not have the index of a column of type CASE_ID.

The grouped_tasks_aggregation represents the aggregation of the grouped tasks.

Moreover, if a grouped task aggregation's column type is METRIC, then the grouped task's type must be of MetricAggregation type. Similarly, if a grouped task aggregation's column type is DIMENSION, then the grouped task's type must be of GroupedTasksDimensionAggregation type. Finally, if grouped_tasks_columns is declared, the column's type must be TASK_NAME.


Additionally, you can access the project components: the model Graph, the Graph Instances, and the datasources.

The model graph is accessed through the .graph() function:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
g = my_project.graph()

The Graph class inherits from the NetworkX library. This means that it is possible to create a display method according to your liking in the Graph class:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

"""Displays the graph using NetworkX library"""
# Using the kamada kawai layout algorithm
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(g)
# Set the START node to green and the END node to red
color_mapper = {"START": "green", "END": "red"}
labels = {n: g.nodes[n]["name"] for n in g.nodes} # Use name as label
colors = [color_mapper.get(g.nodes[n]["name"], 'blue') for n in g.nodes] # Set nodes colors (default to blue)

# Draw and show the graph
nx.draw(g, pos=pos, labels=labels, node_color=colors, node_size=1000, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2')

It will give us a graph similar to the subsequent one: Graph_for_howto.png

The graph can then be saved as GEXF:

nx.write_gexf(g, 'graph_name.gexf')

It can also be saved as GML:

nx.write_gml(g, 'graph_name.gml')

Graph Instances

Moreover, the graph instances can be accessed as a list with:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances()

It is possible to set a limit to get_graph_instances(). This allows us to only load a given number of graph instances.

graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances(limit=3)

It is also possible to set a shuffle option to get_graph_instances(). If set to True, the list of graph instances returned is shuffled. If set to False, the list of graph instances returned is not shuffled.

graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances(limit=5, shuffle=True)

The process keys can also be accessed as a list with:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
process_key_list = my_project.process_keys

A graph instance can directly be requested by using one of the project's process keys:

pk = process_key_list[0]
gi = my_project.graph_instance_from_key(pk)


Each project is linked to datasources. Those datasources have 3 types: vertex, simplifiedEdge and cases. To access those we can do:

db1 = my_project.nodes_datasource # For vertex
db2 = my_project.edges_datasource # For simplifiedEdge
db3 = my_project.cases_datasource # For cases

Those datasources are Python objects that can be used to facilitate access to corresponding data. Once created, they are empty and need to be requested so that data can be fetched.

The easiest way to do this is to use the .load_dataframe() method, which is equivalent to a SELECT * FROM [datasource] request. Optionally, the load_limit parameter can be used to fetch a subset of the dataframe. This method returns a Pandas Dataframe object.

df = db1.load_dataframe(load_limit=10) # load 10 rows of nodes_datasource

You can also return a list of all datasources associated with the workgroup. Note that in that case, all types of datasources are returned in the same list:

datasources_list = wg.datasources

If there are open connections, they can be closed if necessary:

wg = Workgroup(w_id, w_key, api_url, auth_url)
p = Project("<Your Project ID>", wg.api_connector)
ds = Datasource("<Your Datasource Name>", "<Your Datasource Type>", "<Your Host>", "<Your Port>", p)

Using Pandas methods

The Pandas methods is the simplest option when it comes to handling your dataset (compared to SQL queries) but may be less performant. Pandas can also be used to easily plot graphs.

If you want to see the structure of the datasource, you can use the .columns method:

df = my_project.edges_datasource.load_dataframe(load_limit=1000)

Operations can be done on dataframe. For example, we can calculate the mean value of the duration column:

duration_mean = df['duration'].to_numpy().mean()

We can also get the maximum or minimum of the enddate column:

enddate_max = df['enddate'].max()
enddate_min = df['enddate'].min()

Moreover, in the next example, we group the dataframe by case ID:

by_caseid = df.groupby('caseid')

Furthermore, the Pandas .describe() method can be applied to our dataframe:

stats_summary = df.describe()

This method returns a statistics summary of the dataframe provided. It does the following operations for each column:

  • count the number of not-empty values
  • calculate the mean (average) value
  • calculate the standard deviation
  • get the minimum value
  • calculate the 25% percentile
  • calculate the 50% percentile
  • calculate the 75% percentile
  • get the maximum value

It then stores the result of all previous operations in a new dataframe (here, stats_summary).

If need be, you can directly use the datasource's connection and cursor methods, which can be used as specified in the Python Database API:

ds = my_project.edges_datasource

Using SQL Queries

In the last section, it was shown how to load the entire dataframe and do operations with Pandas. With SQL you can load the dataframe and do the operations in the same query, hence why it is faster. Those requests are often more powerful and performant than the Pandas methods presented above. However, the Pandas methods are simpler to use and understand.

In those requests, the name of the table is accessible through the name attribute and must be given in between double quotes. The use of f-strings is highly recommended.

A description of the tables is available here. It contains a glossary and descriptions of the different elements in a table.

Therefore, the following request returns all the columns of the given datasource for the specified process key.

ds = my_project.edges_datasource
edges_filtered = ds.request(f'SELECT * FROM \"{}\" WHERE "processkey" = \'<Your Process Key>\'')

We can also calculate the mean value of the duration column. For example:

edge_duration_mean = ds.request(f'SELECT AVG(duration) FROM \"{}\"')

In a similar manner, the subsequent requests return respectively the minimum and the maximum value of the enddate column:

edge_enddate_min = ds.request(f'SELECT MIN(enddate) FROM \"{}\"')
edge_enddate_max = ds.request(f'SELECT MAX(enddate) FROM \"{}\"')

Finally, the following SQL statement lists the number of cases by detail destination, sorted high to low:

count = ds.request(f'SELECT COUNT(caseid), detail_7_lpkr_destination FROM \"{}\" GROUP BY detail_7_lpkr_destination ORDER BY COUNT(caseid) DESC')

Using the public API

Workgroups and projects can also be accessed with the public API. The documentation for the iGrafx P360 Live Mining API can be found here.

To do so, we use curl.

First of all, we must retrieve a token else we will not be able to do the desired requests. Please note that these tokens have a time limit and so, if you notice that the requests are not working anymore, simply regenerate the tokens.

curl -X POST   <Your authentication URL>/protocol/openid-connect/token   --data "grant_type=client_credentials"   --data "client_id=<Your workgroup ID>"   --data "client_secret=<Your workgroup Key>" | jq

Note that the | jq is optional, but it will be easier to read the result if you include it.

Then, we can use the GET HTTP method to access the list of available projects. Don't forget to use the token:

curl -X "GET" "https://<Your API URL>/pub/projects" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>"

With the same method, we can access a project graph model:

curl -X GET "https://<Your API URL>/pub/project/<Your Project ID>/graph?mode=gateways" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>"

In a similar manner, the projects' datasources are returned by:

curl -X GET "https://<Your API URL>/pub/datasources?id=<Your Project ID>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>"

Furthermore, with the HTTP method POST, several actions can be done.

You can create a project:

curl -X POST "https://<Your API URL>/pub/project?name=<Your project name>&workgroupId=<Your Workgroup ID>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>" -d ""

The project's column mapping can be posted:

curl -X POST "https://<Your API URL>/pub/project/<Your Project ID>/column-mapping" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{\"fileStructure\":{\"charset\":\"UTF-8\",\"delimiter\":\";\",\"quoteChar\":\"\\\"\",\"escapeChar\":\"\\\\\",\"eolChar\":\"\\\\",\"header\":true,\"commentChar\":\"#\",\"fileType\":\"csv\",\"sheetName\":\"string\"},\"columnMapping\":{\"caseIdMapping\":{\"columnIndex\":0},\"activityMapping\":{\"columnIndex\":0},\"timeMappings\":[{\"columnIndex\":0,\"format\":\"string\"}],\"dimensionsMappings\":[{\"name\":\"Activity\",\"columnIndex\":0,\"isCaseScope\":true,\"aggregation\":\"FIRST\"}],\"metricsMappings\":[{\"name\":\"Activity\",\"columnIndex\":0,\"unit\":\"string\",\"isCaseScope\":true,\"aggregation\":\"FIRST\"}]}}'

A file can then be added:

curl -X POST "https://<Your API URL>/pub/project/<Your Project ID>/file?teamId=<Your Workgroup ID>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@output.csv;type=text/csv"

Additionally, to reset all project data except it's name, description and user rights, we can use the subsequent curl command:

curl -X POST "https://<Your API URL>/pub/project/<Your Project ID>/reset" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>"

Finally, DELETE methods can be used.

For instance, we can use that method to stop the train task for a project:

curl -X DELETE "https://<Your API URL>/pub/train/<Your Project ID>" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Your generated Token>"


Once you have your project, you can train it and run predictions on it. For the training, the project has the .launch_train() and .stop_train() methods, as well as the .train_status property, which can be used like so:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")




Once the train is complete, you can run predictions on the case IDs you want in your project:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
my_project.train_status # we can make sure the training is finished

case_list = ["<Case ID 1>", "<Case ID 2>", "<Case ID 3>"]
prediction_data = my_project.prediction(case_list)

Access Druid database via JDBC

The Druid database can be accessed via JDBC. To do so, it is recommended to use Avatica JDBC driver. We then use the connect string jdbc:avatica:remote:url=https://<Mining Platform Data URL>/druid/v2/sql/avatica/.

Please note that JDBC uses Java. Thus, we can use the subsequent code to connect to Druid:

// Connect to /druid/v2/sql/avatica/ on your Broker.
String url = "jdbc:avatica:remote:url=https://<Mining Platform Data URL>/druid/v2/sql/avatica/";

// Set any connection context parameters you need here
// Or leave empty for default behavior.
Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();

try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, connectionProperties)) {
  try (
      final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
      final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query)
  ) {
    while ( {
      // process result set

Access database via Druid Rest SQL queries

Sending a query:

The database can also be accessed with Druid Rest SQL queries.

To do so, first of all, using a POST method, send your query to the Router. Curl can be used to send SQL queries from the command-line:

curl  -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <Your Workgroup ID>:<Your Workgroup KEY> https://<Your Mining Platform URL>/druid/v2/sql/ --data-raw '{"query": "SELECT * FROM <> "}'

The query must be specified after "query", in --data-raw.

Alternatively, SQL queries can also be sent as follows:

 cat query.json
{"query": "SELECT * FROM <> "}
curl  -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <Your Workgroup ID>:<Your Workgroup KEY> https://<Your Mining Platform URL>/druid/v2/sql/ --data-raw @query.json


The result format of the query can be specified with "resultFormat":

  "query": "SELECT * FROM <>",
  "resultFormat": "array"

More information can be found in the section Further documentation.

Generating the Documentation with SphinxDocs

You may generate documentation from the code using Sphinx.

To do this you must first install Sphinx by using the following command:

pip install -U sphinx

Afterward, go to the sphinx_docs directory by doing:

cd sphinx_docs/

Now you can generate the documentation as follows:

make html

If you wish to clean the build directory, you may use this command:

make clean

The documentation has now been generated. To open it, go to the build directory, then into the html directory. Double-click on the index.html to open it. Else, right click and click open with and pick a browser to open it with.

Further documentation

In this section, documentation can be found for further reading.

Support is available at the following address: