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High Precision Text Line Segmentation for Handwritten Documents

ICDAR 2023

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Table of contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Model Overview
  3. Model Inference
  4. Training
  5. Finetuning
  6. Citation
  7. Contact

Getting Started

To make the code run, install the necessary libraries preferably using conda or else pip environment manager.

conda create -n seamformer python=3.7.11
conda activate seamformer
pip install -r requirements.txt

Model Overview

Overall Two-stage Architecture: Stage-1 generated binarised output with just text content along with a scribble map. Stage-2 uses these two intermediate outputs to generate Seams and finally the required text-line segmentation.

Overall Architecture

Stage - 1: Uses Encoder-Decoder based multi-task vision transformer to generate binarisation result in one branch and scribble(strike-through lines) in another branch.

stage 1

Stage - 2: Uses binarisation and scribble output from previous stage to create custom energy map for Seam generation. Using which final text-line segments are produced

stage 2


The SeamFormer is split into two parts:

  • Stage-1: Binarisation and Scribble Generation [ Requires Training ]
  • Stage-2: Seam generation and final segmentation prediction [ No Training ]

Preparing the Data

To train the model dataset should be in a folder following the hierarchy: In case of references to datacode , it is simply a codeword for dataset name . For example , Sundanese Manuscripts in short form is known as SD.

│   ├── <DATASET>_Train
│   │   ├── images/
│   │   ├── binaryImages/
│   │   ├── <DATASET>_TRAIN.json
│   ├── <Dataset>_Test
│   │   ├── images/
│   │   ├── binaryImages/
│   │   ├── <DATASET>_TEST.json
├── ...

Preparing the configuration files

For each experiment, internal parameters have been extracted to an external configuration JSON file. To modify values for your experiment, please do so here. For quick reference , check out Sample_Exp_Configuration.

Parameters Description Default Value
dataset_code Codename for dataset I2
data_path Dataset Folder /data/
model_weights_path Location to store trained weights /weights/
visualisation_folder Folder path to store visualisation results /vis_results/
learning_rate Initial learning rate of optimizer (scheduler applied) 0.005-0.0009
weight_logging_interval Epoch interval to store weights, i.e 3 -> Store weight every 3 epoch 3
img_size ViT input size 256 x 256
patch_size ViT patch size 8 x 8
encoder_layers Number of encoder layers in stage-1 multi-task transformer 6
encoder_heads Number of heads in MHSA 8
encoder_dims Dimension of token in encoder 768
batch_size Batch size for training 4
num_epochs Total epochs for training 30
mode Flag to train or test. Either use "train"/"test" "train"
train_scribble Enables scribble branch train false
train_binary Enables binary branch train true
pretrained_weights_path Path location for pretrained weights(either for scribble/binarisation) /weights/
enableWandb Enable it if you have wandB account, else the results are stored locally in visualisation_folder false
wid WandB experiment Name (optional) I2_V0_Train_lr_0.001


Stage 1 comprises of a multi-task vision transformer for binarisation and scribble generation. You can refer to our sample Sundanese dataset JSON here.

Sample train/test.json file structure

  {"imgPath": "./ICDARTrain/SD_DATA/SD_TRAIN/images/palm_leaf_1.jpg",
   "imgDims": [2000,1000],
   "gdPolygons": [[11,20]..[13,25],....[[101,111]..[1121,2111]]],
  {"imgPath": "./ICDARTrain/SD_DATA/SD_TRAIN/images/palm_leaf_2.jpg",
   "imgDims": [1111,7777],
   "gdPolygons": [[77,21]..[11,21],....[[222,233]..[1121,1111]]],

Training Data Preparation : Binarisation & Scribble Generation

The Stage I architecture of the SeamFormer pipeline is dependent on image patches (default : 256 x 256 pixels). Therefore, by providing the path folder and relevant parameters, the following script arranges the patch data within their corresponding folders. For the provided polygon/box annotations within we have generate the scribbles.

Note : The argument binaryFolderPath is optional , and in case if your dataset does not have a binarisation ground truth , it will rely Sauvola-Niblack technique to create the binarisation images.

python \
 --datafolder './data/' \
 --outputfolderPath './SD_patches' \
 --inputjsonPath './data/ICDARTrain/SD_DATA/SD_TRAIN/SD_TRAIN.json' \
 --binaryFolderPath './data/ICDARTrain/SD_DATA/SD_TRAIN/binaryImages'

Training Binarisation Branch

For the SeamFormer pipeline , we first start out by training the encoder and binarisation branch (while freezing scribble branch ) . To start the process , you can optionally initialise with DocENTR's pretrained weights.

python --exp_json_path 'Sample_Exp_Configuration.json' --mode 'train' --train_binary

After every epoch , we perform validation and we store the train loss , average PSNR and few randomly selected image patches along with their ground truth in visualisation_folder. If enableWandB is configured to be 'true' , then they automatically get synced to corresponding WandB account's dashboard and will be tracked across experiment runs. Additionally , you can override the parameter by specifying --wandb flag while executing the above command.

Training Scribble Branch

For training of the binarisation branch , we initialise the branch weights with the prior binary branch weights for better text localisation.

python --exp_json_path 'Sample_Exp_Configuration.json' --mode 'train' --train_scribble


For leveraging Stage II - Scribble conditioned seam generation independantly , we need to provide set of image path , binary image path and the corresponding scribbles as input . If these are avaiable in a JSON file , then the following command can be executed :

python3 --jsonPath 'XYZ.json'  --outputjsonPath './OUT_XYZ.json'

The script will return the predicted text lines and store the results in the configured outputjsonPath.Please note that internal parameters like alpha , beta and gamma are configured to the optimal value.

Downloading Pre-Trained Weights

Download our existing modelcheckpoints for SeamFormer network via the following commands , additionally you have to override pretrained_weights_path in experiment configuration file accordingly.

pip install gdown 

For Indiscapes2 Dataset Checkpoint

gdown 1O_CtJToNUPrQzbMN38FsOJwEdxCDXqHh

For Balinese/Sundanese/Khmer Checkpoint

gdown 1nro1UjYRSlMIaYUwkMTrfZzrE_kz0QDF

Alternatively , you can also run the file for one shot download of all the various dataset pretrained weights . Please configure the destination path inside the bash script.


Inference :

For our pipeline infrence, we have provided two options for our users : via an input json file & input image folder path . In the former case , we expect details of imgPath of the test samples present in the JSON File . Please note , you will have to enable flag input_json or input_folder accordingly.

Case I : Via JSON File

python3 --exp_name "v0" --input_image_json 'test.json' --output_image_folder './output' --model_weights_path '' --input_json 

Case I : Via Image Folder Path

python3 --exp_name "v0" --input_image_folder './test/images/' --output_image_folder './output' --model_weights_path '' --input_folder

Please note , by default we store all the visualisations - binary image , raw scribble image and scribble overlaid images in the sub-directories of visualisation_folder , you can turn it off via 'vis flag.

FineTuning : Custom Dataset

For leveraging SeamFormer for your custom dataset , these points can be useful in deciding the parameters and model checkpoint that would be optimal for you .

  • Parameters that are to carefully configured.
    • In
      • THICKNESS - This parameter defines the thickness of scribble ground truth. Reduce this as needed if the predicted scribbles are so thick so that two scribbles merge into one.
      • OVERLAP - If you think you have fewer number of images in your dataset , increase overlap to 0.50 or 0.75 so that you get more training patches.
  • Choose learning rate and a finetuning strategy (refer topic 'When and how to fine-tune' in CS231n Notes) based on available data at hand and its closeness to pretrained data.
    • You can choose to unfreeze decoder(for binariser/scribble branch) alone and train decoder alone. Additionally , you can choose to unfreeze few layers of the decoders as well . Or you can choose to unfreeze both decoder and encoder for binarisation, but it is preferred to always freeze encoder during scribble generation and only finetune its decoder.
    • Freezing and unfreezing parameters can be configured in builModel() in using the command param.requires_grad = False appropriately
      • By default
        • During Binarisation: Scribble decoder branch's weights is freezed
        • During Scribble Generation: Binary branch's decoder and also the encoder is freezed.
  • Configuration of GPU that we used and typical training time to achieve these results :
    • 1 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU, 12 GB of GDDR5X VRAM , 20 CPUs.
  • Refer sample training setup that we used for Sundanese Dataset here.

Visual Results

Attached is a collated diagram , starting top (clockwise ) from Bhoomi , Penn-In-Hand (PIH) , Khmer Palm Leaf Manuscript and Jain Manuscript . Of particular significance is the intrinsic precision exhibited by the predicted polygons depicted within, handling the presence of considerable image degradation, a complex multi-page layout, and an elevated aspect ratio, etc.

Visual results


Please use the following BibTeX entry for citation .

    title = {SeamFormer: High Precision Text Line Segmentation for Handwritten Documents},
    author = {Vadlamudi,Niharika and Rahul,Krishna and Sarvadevabhatla, Ravi Kiran},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
    year = {2023},


For any queries, please contact Dr. Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla


This project is open sourced under MIT License.


Official repository accompaying the ICDAR 2023 paper







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