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Multiple bug fixes, added priors to engine_breg and allowed more th…
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…an one offset (#7)
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Martin-Jung committed Feb 6, 2022
1 parent dd90776 commit 56b69ea
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Showing 149 changed files with 1,802 additions and 1,078 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export(add_constrain_connectivity)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ exportMethods(add_constrain_connectivity)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/add_biodiversity.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ methods::setMethod(
#' @param x A [`data.frame`], [`sf`] or [`Spatial`]) object of biodiversity information
#' @param field_occurrence A [`numeric`] or [`character`] location of biodiversity records.
#' @param field_space A [`vector`] on the column names (Default: \code{'X'}, \code{'Y'})
#' @param field_space A [`vector`] on the column names (Default: \code{'x'}, \code{'y'})
#' @param ... Other parameters passed down
#' @import sf
Expand All @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ methods::setMethod(
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

format_biodiversity_data <- function(x, field_occurrence, field_space = c('X','Y'),...){
format_biodiversity_data <- function(x, field_occurrence, field_space = c('x','y'),...){
# Final checks
if(inherits(x,'sf')) assertthat::assert_that(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(x)) %in% c('POINT','MULTIPOINT',
Expand All @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ format_biodiversity_data <- function(x, field_occurrence, field_space = c('X','Y
assertthat::assert_that( all(assertthat::has_name(x, field_space)),
msg ='No spatial column found in the dataset. Specify manually or set to [X] and [Y].')
msg ='No spatial column found in the dataset. Specify manually or set to [x] and [y].')
# Select and format
out <- subset(x, select = c(field_space, field_occurrence) ) %>%
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188 changes: 148 additions & 40 deletions R/add_offset.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,111 @@
#' Specify an offset object for a species
#' Specify a spatial explicit offset
#' @description
#' Including offsets is another option to integrate spatial prior information
#' in linear and additive regression models. Here, offset simply shift the intercept of
#' the regression fit. Since offsets only make sense for linear regressions (and not for instance
#' in linear and additive regression models. Offsets shift the intercept of
#' the regression fit by a certain amount. Although only one offset can be added
#' to a regression model, it is possible to combine several spatial-explicit estimates into
#' one offset by calculating the sum of all spatial-explicit layers.
#' @details
#' This function allows to set any specific offset to a regression model. The offset
#' has to be provided as spatial [`RasterLayer`] object. This function simply adds the layer to
#' a [`distribution()`] object.
#' **Note that any transformation of the offset (such as \code{log}) has do be done externally!**
#' If the layer is range and requires additional formatting, consider using the
#' function [`add_offset_range()`] which has additional functionalities such such distance
#' transformations.
#' @note
#' Since offsets only make sense for linear regressions (and not for instance
#' regression tree based methods such as [engine_bart]), they do not work for all engines.
#' Offsets specified for non-supported engines are ignored during the estimation
#' @param x [distribution()] (i.e. [`BiodiversityDistribution-class`]) object.
#' @param layer A [`sf`] or [`RasterLayer`] object with the range for the target feature.
#' @param add [`logical`] specifiying whether new offset is to be added. Setting
#' this parameter to \code{FALSE} replaces the current offsets with the new one (Default: \code{TRUE}).
#' @param ... Other parameters or arguments (currently not supported)
#' @references
#' * Merow, C., Allen, J.M., Aiello-Lammens, M., Silander, J.A., 2016. Improving niche and range estimates with Maxent and point process models by integrating spatially explicit information. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 25, 1022–1036.
#' @family offset
#' @keywords prior, offset
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- distribution(background) %>%
#' add_predictors(covariates) %>%
#' add_offset(samplingBias)
#' }
#' @name add_offset

#' @name add_offset
#' @rdname add_offset
#' @exportMethod add_offset
#' @export
signature = methods::signature("x", "layer"),
function(x, layer, add = TRUE) standardGeneric("add_offset"))

#' @name add_offset
#' @rdname add_offset
#' @usage \S4method{add_offset}{BiodiversityDistribution, raster}(x, layer)
methods::signature(x = "BiodiversityDistribution", layer = "RasterLayer"),
function(x, layer, add = TRUE) {
assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "BiodiversityDistribution"),
# Messenger
if(getOption('ibis.setupmessages')) myLog('[Setup]','green','Adding spatial explicit offset...') <- names(layer)

# Check that background and range align, otherwise raise error
if(compareRaster(layer, x$background,stopiffalse = FALSE)){
warning('Supplied layer does not align with background! Aligning them now...')
layer <- alignRasters(layer, x$background, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
names(layer) <-
# Check whether an offset exists already
if(!is.Waiver(x$offset) && add){
# Add to current object
of <- x$offset
layer <- raster::resample(layer, of, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
names(layer) <- # In case the layer name got lost
of <- raster::stack(of) |> raster::addLayer(layer)
x <- x$set_offset(of)
} else {
# Add as a new offset
x <- x$set_offset(layer)

#' Specify a expert-based species range as offset
#' @description
#' This function has additional nuance compared to the more generic
#' [`add_offset()`], allowing to specify transformations and modifications.
#' It is customized specifically for expert-based ranges as offsets.
#' @details
#' As options allow specifying including the range either as binary or using distance
#' as parameter following Merow et al. (2017). In this case the existing range needs
#' to be transformed first, for instance using the [bossMaps] package.
#' @note
#' Only one offset per distribution object can currently be specified. This might
#' change in the future.
#' @param x [distribution()] (i.e. [`BiodiversityDistribution-class`]) object.
#' @param range A [`sf`] or [`RasterLayer`]object with the range for the target feature.
#' to be transformed first, for instance using the \pkg{bossMaps} package.
#' @inheritParams add_offset
#' @param method [`character`] describing how the range should be included (Options: \code{"binary"} | \code{"distance"}).
#' @param name [`character`] A name of the species if the offset is not specified.
#' @param distance_max Numeric threshold on the maximum distance (Default: \code{150000} [m]).
#' @seealso [bossMaps]
#' @references
#' * Merow, C., Wilson, A.M., Jetz, W., 2017. Integrating occurrence data and expert maps for improved species range predictions. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 26, 243–258.
#' * Merow, C., Allen, J.M., Aiello-Lammens, M., Silander, J.A., 2016. Improving niche and range estimates with Maxent and point process models by integrating spatially explicit information. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 25, 1022–1036.
#' @keywords prior
#' @keywords prior, offset
#' @family offset
#' @name add_offset_range

Expand All @@ -32,55 +115,70 @@ NULL
#' @export
signature = methods::signature("x", "range", "method"),
function(x, range, method = 'distance', name = 'range_distance', distance_max = 150000) standardGeneric("add_offset_range"))
signature = methods::signature("x", "layer", "method"),
function(x, layer, method = 'distance', distance_max = 150000, add = TRUE) standardGeneric("add_offset_range"))

#' Function for when raster is directly supplied (precomputed)
#' @name add_offset_range
#' @rdname add_offset_range
#' @usage \S4method{add_offset_range}{BiodiversityDistribution, raster}(x, range)
#' @usage \S4method{add_offset_range}{BiodiversityDistribution, raster}(x, layer)
methods::signature(x = "BiodiversityDistribution", range = "RasterLayer"),
function(x, range, method = 'range_distance') {
methods::signature(x = "BiodiversityDistribution", layer = "RasterLayer"),
function(x, layer, method = 'range_distance', add = TRUE) {
assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "BiodiversityDistribution"),
# Messager
if(getOption('ibis.setupmessages')) myLog('[Setup]','green','Adding range offset...')

# Save name <- names(layer)

# Check that background and range align, otherwise raise error
if(compareRaster(range, x$background,stopiffalse = FALSE)){
if(compareRaster(layer, x$background,stopiffalse = FALSE)){
warning('Supplied range does not align with background! Aligning them now...')
range <- alignRasters(range, x$background, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
layer <- alignRasters(layer, x$background, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
names(layer) <- # In case the layer name got lost
names(range) <- method

# Add as a new offset
x <- x$set_offset(range)
# Check whether an offset exists already
if(!is.Waiver(x$offset) && add){
# Add to current object
of <- x$offset
layer <- raster::resample(layer, of, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
names(layer) <- # In case the layer name got lost
of <- raster::stack(of) |> raster::addLayer(layer)
x <- x$set_offset(of)
} else {
# Add as a new offset
x <- x$set_offset(layer)

#' @name add_offset_range
#' @rdname add_offset_range
#' @usage \S4method{add_offset_range}{BiodiversityDistribution,sf, vector}(x, range, method)
#' @usage \S4method{add_offset_range}{BiodiversityDistribution, sf, vector}(x, layer, method)
methods::signature(x = "BiodiversityDistribution", range = "sf", method = "character"),
function(x, range, method = 'distance', name = 'range_distance', distance_max = 150000 ) {
methods::signature(x = "BiodiversityDistribution", layer = "sf", method = "character"),
function(x, layer, method = 'distance', distance_max = 150000, add = TRUE ) {
assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "BiodiversityDistribution"),
inherits(range, 'sf'),
inherits(layer, 'sf'),
method %in% c('binary','distance'),
is.null(distance_max) || is.numeric(distance_max)
is.null(distance_max) || is.numeric(distance_max),
# Messager
if(getOption('ibis.setupmessages')) myLog('[Setup]','green','Adding range offset...')

# Reproject if necessary
if(st_crs(range) != sf::st_crs(x$background)) range <- sf::st_transform(range, sf::st_crs(x$background))
if(st_crs(layer) != sf::st_crs(x$background)) layer <- sf::st_transform(layer, sf::st_crs(x$background))

# Template raster for background
Expand All @@ -92,41 +190,51 @@ methods::setMethod(

# Rasterize the range
range$id <- 1:nrow(range) # Assign an id if not already existing
layer$id <- 1:nrow(layer) # Assign an id if not already existing
if( 'fasterize' %in% installed.packages()[,1] ){
ras_range <- fasterize::fasterize(range, temp, field = NULL)
ras_range <- fasterize::fasterize(layer, temp, field = NULL)
} else {
ras_range <- raster::rasterize(range, temp,field = NULL)
ras_range <- raster::rasterize(layer, temp,field = NULL)

# -------------- #
if(method == 'binary'){
dis <- ras_range
names(dis) <- 'binary_range'
names(dis) <- "range_binary"
} else if(method == 'distance'){
# TODO: The below can be much more sophisticated.
# - For instance adding a exponential decay
# Calculate the linear distance
dis <- raster::distance(ras_range)
dis <- raster::mask(dis, x$background)
# Set areas not intersecting with range to 0
suppressMessages( suppressWarnings( range <- sf::st_buffer(range, 0)) )
suppressMessages( suppressWarnings( layer <- sf::st_buffer(layer, 0)) )

dis <- raster::mask(dis,
x$background[unlist( st_intersects(range, x$background) ),]
x$background[unlist( sf::st_intersects(layer, x$background) ),]
# If max distance is specified
if(!is.null(distance_max)) dis[dis > distance_max] <- NA # Set values above threshold to NA
# Convert to relative for better scaling
dis <- 1 - predictor_transform(dis,option = 'norm') #1 - (dis / cellStats(dis,'max') )
names(dis) <- name
dis <- 1 - predictor_transform(dis, option = 'norm') #1 - (dis / cellStats(dis,'max') )
names(dis) <- "range_distance"

# Add as a new offset
x <- x$set_offset(dis)
# Check whether an offset exists already
if(!is.Waiver(x$offset) && add){
# Add to current object
of <- x$offset <- names(dis)
dis <- raster::resample(dis, of, method = 'bilinear', func = mean, cl = FALSE)
names(dis) <- # In case the layer name got lost
of <- raster::stack(of) |> raster::addLayer(dis)
x <- x$set_offset(of)
} else {
# Add as a new offset
x <- x$set_offset(dis)

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/add_predictors.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ NULL
#' Not every engine does actually need covariates. For instance it is perfectly legit
#' to fit a model with only occurrence data and a spatial latent effect ([add_latent]).
#' This correspondents to a spatial kernel density estimate.
#' Certain names such \code{"offset"} are forbidden as predictor variable names. The function
#' will return an error message if these are used.
#' @aliases add_predictors
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +137,12 @@ methods::setMethod(
names(env) <- names

# Check that all names allowed
problematic_names <- grep("offset|w|weight|spatial_offset|Intercept|spatial.field", names(env),fixed = TRUE)
if( length(problematic_names)>0 ){
stop(paste0("Some predictor names are not allowed as they might interfere with model fitting:", paste0(names(env)[problematic_names],collapse = " | ")))

# If priors have been set, save them in the distribution object
if(!is.null(priors)) {
# FIXME: Ideally attempt to match varnames against supplied predictors vis match.arg or similar
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/bdproto-biodiversitydataset.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,8 +76,13 @@ BiodiversityDatasetCollection <- bdproto(
assertthat::assert_that(is.Id(id) || is.character(id))
# Get data
o <- self$get_data(id)
o <- guess_sf(o)
# Add lowercase coordinates for consistency
o$x <- sf::st_coordinates(o)[,1]
o$y <- sf::st_coordinates(o)[,2]

# Return coordinates
if(hasName(o,'geom')) sf::st_coordinates(o$geom) else o[,c('X','Y')]
if(hasName(o,'geom')) sf::st_coordinates(o) else o[,c('x','y')]
# Remove a specific biodiversity dataset by id
rm_data = function(self, id) {
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions R/bdproto-biodiversitydistribution.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ BiodiversityDistribution <- bdproto(
# Query information from the distribution object
ex = self$show_background_info()
pn = ifelse(is.Waiver(self$get_predictor_names()),'None',name_atomic(self$get_predictor_names(), "predictors"))
of = ifelse(is.Waiver(self$offset), '', paste0( "\n offset: <", self$get_offset(),">" ) )
of = ifelse(is.Waiver(self$offset), '', paste0( "\n offset: <", name_atomic(self$get_offset()),">" ) )
pio = ifelse(is.Waiver(self$priors), '<Default>', paste0('Priors specified (',self$priors$length(), ')') )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,15 +164,23 @@ BiodiversityDistribution <- bdproto(
# Set offset
# FIXME: For logical consistency could define a new bdproto object
set_offset = function(self, x){
assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "Raster"))
if (!is.Waiver(self$offset)) warning("Overwriting previously defined offset.")
bdproto(NULL, self, offset = x )
# Get offset (print name)
get_offset = function(self){
if(is.Waiver(self$offset)) return('None')
if(is.Waiver(self$offset)) return( self$offset() )
names( self$offset )
# Plot offset
plot_offset = function(self){
if(is.Waiver(self$offset)) return( self$offset() )
of <- sum(self$offset,na.rm = TRUE)
of <- raster::mask(of, self$background)
} else {of <- self$offset}
raster::plot(of, col = ibis_colours$viridis_orig, main = "Combined offset")
# Get log
get_log = function(self){
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