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I've crafted a Python mini-project Hub that banishes manual labor to the digital wasteland. Here's the low-down:

Repo Breakdown:

  • Core: Python 3.11
  • Version: V.1 Last Update Jan 31 2024
  • Functionality: It is just a library of automation mini-projects/tools in python

YouTube Downloader:

YouTube Downloader is a Python tool that allows users to download videos from YouTube by providing a URL, enabling offline access to content for later viewing. It simplifies the process of saving YouTube videos locally on a device.

PDF Merger:

This Python tool utilizes the PyPDF2 library to merge multiple PDF files present in the current directory into a single PDF file named "combined.pdf," providing a convenient way to consolidate PDF documents.

Image Editor:

This Python tool, using the Pillow library, processes images from the "imgs" folder by applying a series of edits such as sharpening, converting to black and white, rotating, and adjusting contrast. The edited images are then saved in the "editedImgs" folder with appended filenames. Users can explore additional image enhancements using the Pillow library documentation.

Basic Translator:

This Python tool utilizes the googletrans library to create a simple translation tool. The user is prompted to input the source language, target language, and text to translate. The script uses Google Translate to perform the translation and prints the result. The translation process continues until the user types 'exit'.

QR Code Qeneration:

This Python tool generates QR codes for a given URL using the pyqrcode library. The user is prompted to enter a URL, and the script then creates both SVG and PNG versions of the QR code, saving them as "qr.svg" and "qr.png," respectively. The generated QR codes can be used for various purposes, such as linking to websites or sharing information in a visually scannable format.

Wealth Calculator:

This Python tool offers two financial calculators: one to estimate future wealth based on investments, and another to calculate the number of years until financial freedom. The user chooses the program ('returns' or 'freedom') and inputs relevant financial information. The script then performs the calculations and displays the results. The program allows users to plan their financial goals and understand the potential outcomes of their investments and savings.

Password Generator:

This Python tool generates a password based on user-defined criteria such as minimum length, inclusion of numbers, and special characters. It uses the random and string modules to create a secure password, ensuring that it meets the specified criteria. The script prompts the user for input and displays the generated password.

Google Drive Uploading Bot:

This Python tool interacts with the Google Drive API to upload files from a local directory to a specified folder in Google Drive. It authenticates the user using OAuth 2.0, handles token storage, and supports both single-file and bulk file uploads. The folder's ID is specified by folder_id, and the local directory path is filled in the directory_path variable.

Finance Manager:

This Python tool serves as a finance manager that reads a CSV file containing transaction data. It extracts transaction details such as the name, amount, and date, calculates the total sum of transactions, and prints the result. The file path is specified by the variable FILE, and the script outputs a list of transactions along with the total sum for the given month.

Downloads Folder Monitor:

This Python tool automates file organization by monitoring a specified source directory for changes using the Watchdog library. It categorizes files into different destination folders based on their types (audio, video, images, documents) and logs the movements. The script runs continuously, checking for changes every 10 seconds, until manually interrupted.

Desktop Cleaning Bot:

This Python tool organizes files in a source directory into specific destination folders based on their types, such as audio, video, images, and documents. It utilizes predefined lists of supported file extensions for each category and ensures unique filenames in the destination folders to avoid overwriting existing files. The script employs the logging module to log file movements and includes functions for checking and moving files of different types.

Currency Converter:

This Python tool implements a simple currency converter using the API. It allows users to list currencies, get exchange rates, and convert amounts between different currencies. The user interacts with the converter through a command-line interface.

code is poetry, automation is freedom! keep liberating your time with your lines!


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