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Lofi Focus Timer Video

Animated Remotion Logo


Welcome to the Lofi Focus Timer Video project, a creative coding endeavor designed to transform your resources into a relaxing Lofi music video.

Discover more on my YouTube channel: LofiFocus Timer

This tool enables you to craft a personalized Lofi music video by supplying your resources. Experience it firsthand by accessing the provided demo resources located at public/ Simply unzip the file and follow the instructions to get started.

While the project's codebase may be straightforward, unrefined, and lacks documentation, it efficiently accomplishes the following six tasks:

  1. Incorporates an introduction sequence.
  2. Embeds a customizable logo.
  3. Sets up a background image.
  4. Layers the chosen audio tracks.
  5. Integrates audio visualization (Special thanks to: Marcus Stenbeck).
  6. Features a progress timer to indicate video duration.

Getting Started

The project utilizes bun as its package manager. You are free to choose any package manager that suits your development needs.

Setting Up the Demo

To use the demo's resources:

unzip public/ -d public/

Initiating the Project

Launch the project with:

bun start --port=9527 --props=./public/2024_05_16_12_26_English_1_hours/props.json

Rendering the Video

Execute the following command to render your Lofi music video:

bun remotion render --output ./out/one_hours.mp4 --timeout 300000000 --concurrency=1 --props=./public/2024_05_16_12_26_English_1_hours/props.json --gl angle


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