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Jun Matsushita edited this page Jul 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the openmentoring-mobile wiki!

Install Fdroid Server

(tested on OSX)

git clone
cd fdroidserver
virtualenv env/
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
python2 install


Configure local fdroiddata repo with upstream

Add to .git/config

[remote "upstream"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*

Locally test Fdroid build

git pull upstream master
source ../fdroidserver/env/bin/activate
fdroid readmeta
fdroid rewritemeta org.iilab.openmentoring
fdroid checkupdates org.iilab.openmentoring (or edit metadata/org.iilab.opementoring.txt if auto update don't work)
fdroid lint org.iilab.openmentoring
fdroid build -v -l org.iilab.openmentoring (or fdroid build -v -l org.iilab.openmentoring:VERSIONCODE)


Update App

Bump config.xml version. Locally build and commit generated code in platform/android to openmentoring-mobile repo. Edit metadata/org.iilab.openmentoring.txt Follow local fdroid build instruction above to test.


Deleting the build/org.iilab.openmentoring/ folder is not enough to reset it! Linting errors can happen on both the platform/android/build.gradle and the platform/android/cordovaLib/build.gradle Totally confused about not being able to run the local build because of this ENV error: