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Improved zh-Hant translation (#2525)
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ralphchung authored and uiryuu committed Jul 22, 2019
1 parent 1a70196 commit 37488ef
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Showing 30 changed files with 640 additions and 658 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/AboutWindowController.strings
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
"Dz6-CF-0bI.title" = "Table View Cell";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "關於";
"HMc-Oy-hBR.label" = "第三方庫開源許可";
"JlJ-V6-PVY.title" = "譯者:";
"JlJ-V6-PVY.title" = "翻譯者:";
"LIu-5z-G4n.title" = "Table View Cell";
"U9l-uR-i7g.title" = "iina/contributors";
"XWg-VQ-fRV.title" = "貢獻者";
"Z1e-XE-TR5.label" = "許可証";
"Z1e-XE-TR5.label" = "許可證";
"ZAx-ah-fbZ.title" = "mpv 0.0.0";
"dkA-td-UyX.title" = "IINA";
"gZA-85-Zaw.title" = "0.0.1";
"jEf-xN-6xb.title" = "許可証";
"jEf-xN-6xb.title" = "許可證";
"oIB-g4-IyG.label" = "貢獻者";
"qOQ-Ng-Ekp.title" = "Text Cell";
"qXK-O9-s6m.title" = "Box";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion iina/zh-Hant.lproj/CropSettingsViewController.strings
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
"bQc-2s-1MS.ibShadowedLabels[3]" = "5:4";
"bQc-2s-1MS.ibShadowedLabels[4]" = "3:2";
"bQc-2s-1MS.ibShadowedLabels[5]" = "21:9";
"eu5-yH-hHg.title" = "套用";
"eu5-yH-hHg.title" = "完成";
90 changes: 36 additions & 54 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/FilterPresets.strings
@@ -1,55 +1,37 @@

Created by lhc on 25/8/2017.
Copyright © 2017 lhc. All rights reserved.

/* It's optional to localize descriptions for each parameter! */

"crop" = "Crop";
"crop.w" = "Width (default: video width)";
"crop.h" = "Height (default: video height)";
"crop.x" = "Origin X (default: center)";
"crop.y" = "Origin Y (default: center)";

"expand" = "Expand";
"expand.w" = "Width (default: video width)";
"expand.h" = "Height (default: video height)";
"expand.x" = "Origin X (default: center)";
"expand.y" = "Origin Y (default: center)";
"expand.aspect" = "Expands to fit an aspect (e.g: 4/3)";
"expand.round" = "Rounds up to make divisible by this value";

"sharpen" = "Sharpen";
"sharpen.msize" = "Matrix size";
"sharpen.amount" = "Amount";

"blur" = "Blur";
"blur.msize" = "Matrix size";
"blur.amount" = "Amount";

"delogo" = "Delogo";
"delogo.w" = "Width";
"delogo.h" = "Height";
"delogo.x" = "Origin X";
"delogo.y" = "Origin Y";

"negative" = "Negative";

"vflip" = "Flip";
"hflip" = "Mirror";

/** Generated by IINA Translation Utility */

"blur" = "模糊";
"blur.amount" = "模糊量";
"blur.msize" = "矩陣大小";
"crop" = "裁切";
"crop.h" = "高度(預設:影片高度)";
"crop.w" = "寬度(預設:影片寬度)";
"crop.x" = "原點 X(預設:中央)";
"crop.y" = "原點 Y(預設:中央)";
"custom_ffmpeg" = "自定(FFmpeg)";
"" = "濾鏡名稱";
"custom_ffmpeg.string" = "濾鏡字串";
"custom_mpv" = "自定(mpv)";
"" = "濾鏡名稱";
"custom_mpv.string" = "濾鏡字串";
"delogo" = "去 logo";
"delogo.h" = "高度";
"delogo.w" = "寬度";
"delogo.x" = "原點 X";
"delogo.y" = "原點 Y";
"expand" = "擴展";
"expand.aspect" = "擴展以符合比例(例如:4/3)";
"expand.h" = "高度(預設:影片高度)";
"expand.round" = "往上四捨五入以被此值整除";
"expand.w" = "寬度(預設:影片寬度)";
"expand.x" = "原點 X(預設:中央)";
"expand.y" = "原點 Y(預設:中央)";
"hflip" = "水平翻轉";
"lut3d" = "3D LUT";
"lut3d.file" = "File";
"lut3d.interp" = "Interpolation mode";

"custom_mpv" = "Custom (mpv)";
"" = "Filter name";
"custom_mpv.string" = "Filter value";

"custom_ffmpeg" = "Custom (FFmpeg)";
"" = "Filter name";
"custom_ffmpeg.string" = "Filter value";
"lut3d.file" = "檔案";
"lut3d.interp" = "內插模式";
"negative" = "負片";
"sharpen" = "銳利化";
"sharpen.amount" = "銳利量";
"sharpen.msize" = "矩陣大小";
"vflip" = "垂直翻轉";
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/FilterWindowController.strings
Expand Up @@ -5,33 +5,33 @@
"4g6-LW-373.headerCell.title" = "濾鏡(指令串)";
"6fq-yx-3dE.title" = "取消";
"8Eh-v2-bbh.title" = "視窗";
"8JN-kb-kGF.title" = "儲存濾鏡後,你可以快速啟用/禁用它,或為其新增快捷鍵。";
"8JN-kb-kGF.title" = "儲存濾鏡後,您可以快速啟用/停用它,或為其新增快速鍵。";
"9Au-ZV-KXN.title" = "取消";
"9k2-lm-YGD.title" = "名稱:";
"9k2-lm-YGD.title" = "名稱";
"Dab-w9-6TY.title" = "編輯濾鏡";
"EXM-Xm-pvG.title" = "Table View Cell";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "濾鏡";
"G4c-Vf-UqH.title" = "Box";
"GXg-4l-PJC.title" = "Text Cell";
"IYf-IE-5cL.title" = "名稱:";
"IYf-IE-5cL.title" = "名稱";
"KGV-G1-A2l.title" = "儲存濾鏡";
"Kve-RD-QwY.title" = "Table View Cell";
"KwW-f1-HEd.title" = "Text Cell";
"M9z-ss-1Ma.title" = "快捷鍵:";
"Nzk-zW-mIL.title" = "快捷鍵:";
"M9z-ss-1Ma.title" = "快速鍵:";
"Nzk-zW-mIL.title" = "快速鍵:";
"VvZ-dI-3GD.title" = "Text Cell";
"WAS-rj-5Np.title" = "Table View Cell";
"XCQ-qu-0Gp.title" = "Text Cell";
"Xqd-Ft-hTS.title" = "取消";
"Zxl-uQ-3ud.title" = "視窗";
"amK-Iz-lu8.headerCell.title" = "#";
"b3o-Jl-ta3.title" = "Text Cell";
"dL4-so-Qss.title" = "按任意鍵開始錄製";
"dL4-so-Qss.title" = "按任一鍵開始錄製";
"gtr-Iv-kcK.title" = "Table View Cell";
"hsA-Hq-fPV.title" = "視窗";
"jJk-0R-KQo.title" = "按任意鍵開始錄製";
"ljR-R1-mo7.title" = "新增";
"jJk-0R-KQo.title" = "按任一鍵開始錄製";
"ljR-R1-mo7.title" = "加入";
"m5X-Zl-aOj.title" = "已儲存的濾鏡";
"t9F-EU-fKj.title" = "濾鏡字串:";
"t9F-EU-fKj.title" = "濾鏡字串";
"tPs-K2-ZPz.title" = "儲存";
"w2g-wR-hPu.title" = "新增";
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/FontPickerWindowController.strings
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
/** Generated by IINA Translation Utility */

"2Ld-md-U2v.headerCell.title" = "字體集";
"DwS-ve-MLJ.placeholderString" = "鍵入以過濾…";
"2Ld-md-U2v.headerCell.title" = "字體系列";
"DwS-ve-MLJ.placeholderString" = "輸入以過濾⋯";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "選擇字體";
"Ihd-HK-wsv.title" = "取消";
"Kt3-me-43R.placeholderString" = "sans-serif";
"S5m-SJ-Ggp.title" = "好";
"TPh-rU-Vee.title" = "Text Cell";
"TSI-Wt-Edx.title" = "選擇字型:";
"TSI-Wt-Edx.title" = "選擇字體:";
"Wib-jE-Vgi.title" = "Text Cell";
"XsF-e7-fXF.title" = "預覽";
"fez-Z3-dnL.headerCell.title" = "字樣";
"qwM-r2-9ki.title" = "測試";
"waR-LB-484.title" = "或輸入字型名稱:";
"waR-LB-484.title" = "或輸入字體名稱:";
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion iina/zh-Hant.lproj/FreeSelectingViewController.strings
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/** Generated by IINA Translation Utility */

"I8a-rb-zex.title" = "取消";
"SFp-iy-h4f.title" = "套用";
"SFp-iy-h4f.title" = "完成";
"XyF-Qa-CSn.title" = "請框出 logo 所在區域。";
"mCM-Di-cvS.title" = "選擇區域";
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/HistoryWindowController.strings
Expand Up @@ -2,27 +2,27 @@

"07n-bk-3ma.title" = "清除記錄";
"AZL-gY-Tob.title" = "完整路徑";
"CqL-By-26A.title" = "刪除...";
"CqL-By-26A.title" = "刪除";
"DIC-tR-R2F.headerCell.title" = "檔案";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "播放記錄";
"FPK-nx-hvF.title" = " Finder 中打開";
"FPK-nx-hvF.title" = "顯示於 Finder";
"Gx5-gP-rzr.title" = "在此搜尋";
"M7K-6H-OPw.headerCell.title" = "播放時間";
"MJU-JY-7fx.headerCell.title" = "進度";
"QBO-JS-dNV.title" = "日期";
"VH5-en-8FR.title" = "檔案夾";
"Wkp-Vn-JoJ.title" = "檔案名";
"Wkp-Vn-JoJ.title" = "檔案名稱";
"amS-Lf-wNT.title" = "Text Cell";
"cu8-Oe-yca.title" = "0:00:00";
"hAx-fJ-3rD.title" = "Table View Cell";
"kHb-nh-KTm.title" = "Text Cell";
"lR3-1E-Rwr.title" = "Context Menu";
"lyw-91-dHG.title" = "Text Cell";
"mXt-wb-fgT.title" = "在新視窗中播放";
"ndC-eb-4GZ.title" = "無搜尋記錄";
"mXt-wb-fgT.title" = "以新視窗播放";
"ndC-eb-4GZ.title" = "沒有最近的搜尋項目";
"oMR-4K-aR2.title" = "播放";
"tmr-oC-rNa.title" = "Item";
"vDR-ax-UJb.title" = "Table View Cell";
"z6c-c4-dgd.title" = "瀏覽方式:";
"z6c-c4-dgd.title" = "分類方式:";
"z9u-td-fQW.title" = "00:00 AM";
"zhe-yr-CTO.title" = "搜尋記錄";
"zhe-yr-CTO.title" = "最近的搜尋項目";
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/InitialWindowController.strings
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/** Generated by IINA Translation Utility */

"3aN-Hg-GkT.title" = "在偏好設定中取消「接受 beta 版本更新」,然後在<a href=\"\">官網</a>下載穩定版本覆蓋安裝即可。";
"BIz-NQ-0qD.title" = "請通過<a href=\"\">郵件</a>或者 <a href=\"\">GitHub issue</a> 向我們報告。";
"FKG-Tz-TCV.title" = "打開 URL";
"BIz-NQ-0qD.title" = "請透過<a href=\"\">電子郵件</a>或者 <a href=\"\">GitHub issue</a> 向我們報告。";
"FKG-Tz-TCV.title" = "打開 URL";
"FKk-kb-jEw.title" = "⌘O";
"H7D-2H-wQn.title" = "你在使用 IINA 的 beta 版本";
"H7D-2H-wQn.title" = "您正在使用 IINA 的 beta 版本";
"I6R-Jl-2Jk.title" = "發現了 bug?";
"KWZ-BM-GBN.title" = "繼續播放";
"UfC-Vv-Izn.title" = "Label";
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"g2g-dy-qBH.title" = "BETA";
"kBV-5X-8Bp.title" = "⇧⌘O";
"n70-xD-8He.title" = "IINA";
"qsU-lZ-WQq.title" = "打開";
"s3U-4u-gYp.title" = "想要回滾到穩定版本?";
"qsU-lZ-WQq.title" = "打開";
"s3U-4u-gYp.title" = "想要復原到穩定版本?";
"tzb-ey-DZ9.title" = "Label";
"zVA-nb-1Rx.title" = "Text Cell";
88 changes: 44 additions & 44 deletions iina/zh-Hant.lproj/InspectorWindowController.strings
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
/** Generated by IINA Translation Utility */

"0vG-Pg-DIl.title" = "強制性";
"1dz-Vt-0MO.title" = "幀率:";
"0vG-Pg-DIl.title" = "強制";
"1dz-Vt-0MO.title" = "FPS:";
"21M-40-ac5.title" = "Label";
"3bw-Kl-SeY.title" = "Label";
"4Ph-yc-lsv.title" = "Label";
"4di-sR-tOh.title" = "Label";
"4jf-w4-kkv.title" = "檔案路徑:";
"5H6-qJ-RDS.title" = "格式:";
"4jf-w4-kkv.title" = "檔案路徑";
"5H6-qJ-RDS.title" = "格式";
"6mx-wH-SBP.title" = "Label";
"7Iw-nT-Mdz.title" = "Label";
"7QX-tu-rvs.title" = "幀率:";
"9eq-rd-zGy.title" = "標識:";
"A4y-LL-x0z.title" = "比特率:";
"AYt-pH-UCi.title" = "錯位幀:";
"7QX-tu-rvs.title" = "FPS:";
"9eq-rd-zGy.title" = "標題:";
"A4y-LL-x0z.title" = "位元率:";
"AYt-pH-UCi.title" = "錯位影格:";
"Aes-4j-UT6.title" = "Label";
"AjU-1T-aGR.title" = "螢幕幀率:";
"CrF-UR-udW.title" = "丢失幀:";
"DHh-ne-10f.title" = "硬體解碼:";
"AjU-1T-aGR.title" = "螢幕 FPS:";
"CrF-UR-udW.title" = "減格數:";
"DHh-ne-10f.title" = "硬體解碼器:";
"ElK-iN-YiE.title" = "Label";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "檢視器";
"FIw-CH-b05.title" = "語言:";
"F0z-JX-Cv5.title" = "檢閱器";
"FIw-CH-b05.title" = "語言";
"Fqo-1c-3L1.ibShadowedLabels[0]" = "一般";
"Fqo-1c-3L1.ibShadowedLabels[1]" = "軌";
"Fqo-1c-3L1.ibShadowedLabels[2]" = "檔案";
"Fqo-1c-3L1.ibShadowedLabels[3]" = "高級";
"Fqo-1c-3L1.ibShadowedLabels[3]" = "狀態";
"Go3-bS-2ev.title" = "Label";
"I2E-6Z-Gnn.title" = "驅動:";
"I2E-6Z-Gnn.title" = "驅動";
"IME-9M-YdQ.title" = "Label";
"JN9-3E-OJp.title" = "估算的螢幕幀率";
"JN9-3E-OJp.title" = "預估螢幕 FPS:";
"JkC-3s-Ela.title" = "Multiline Label";
"Jxp-Wf-BhU.title" = "檔案路徑:";
"Jxp-Wf-BhU.title" = "檔案路徑";
"KS6-aw-wh6.title" = "Label";
"KqD-NM-WiK.title" = "大小:";
"Luq-rQ-aO4.title" = "聲道:";
"KqD-NM-WiK.title" = "大小";
"Luq-rQ-aO4.title" = "聲道";
"MKd-dP-Mkb.title" = "Label";
"MME-KZ-jrG.title" = "驅動:";
"MME-KZ-jrG.title" = "驅動";
"MTG-ez-V2R.title" = "Label";
"OCm-zb-deg.title" = "時長:";
"OCm-zb-deg.title" = "持續時間:";
"OZx-CU-1b5.title" = "Label";
"P65-zr-dOH.title" = "已啟用";
"PBk-VC-4gu.title" = "章:";
"PLL-fC-blc.title" = "加載檔";
"POj-mQ-zP9.title" = "版本:";
"PQD-yB-mm6.title" = "格式:";
"P65-zr-dOH.title" = "已選取";
"PBk-VC-4gu.title" = "章節數:";
"PLL-fC-blc.title" = "外部";
"POj-mQ-zP9.title" = "集數:";
"PQD-yB-mm6.title" = "格式";
"QTi-nO-v8c.title" = "Label";
"R14-IF-0dZ.title" = "Label";
"S3X-Df-UMB.title" = "默認";
"S3X-Df-UMB.title" = "預設";
"SzU-uF-10g.title" = "Label";
"UPK-o2-eTo.title" = "Label";
"UuR-M1-YLj.label" = "軌";
Expand All @@ -56,39 +56,39 @@
"YcG-9Y-Qn6.title" = "Label";
"ZIA-g4-WqZ.title" = "Label";
"Zaf-qd-A4D.title" = "Label";
"bki-sE-xCA.title" = "編碼:";
"bki-sE-xCA.title" = "編解碼器:";
"c6m-YO-xqZ.title" = "Label";
"cCV-DA-Kkq.title" = "Text Cell";
"cwF-5C-5nd.title" = "Label";
"daB-hU-mku.title" = "編碼:";
"dtn-wS-j6U.title" = "屬性:";
"daB-hU-mku.title" = "編解碼器:";
"dtn-wS-j6U.title" = "屬性";
"etG-FX-Rzo.title" = "Label";
"f2P-qb-wRx.title" = "大小:";
"f2P-qb-wRx.title" = "大小";
"f7a-XG-NCc.label" = "一般";
"f7i-wX-uxQ.title" = "軌:";
"f7i-wX-uxQ.title" = "軌";
"fYh-pA-yDU.title" = "Label";
"g8p-Ec-awO.title" = "估算的輸出幀率:";
"g8p-Ec-awO.title" = "預估輸出 FPS:";
"gDG-Eq-1Bc.title" = "視訊";
"iMk-qU-kVv.title" = "Label";
"iVK-Ck-Lyq.title" = "音畫異步:";
"it3-05-Pwu.title" = "聲道:";
"jCY-og-BAa.title" = "源序列:";
"iVK-Ck-Lyq.title" = "影音同步校正:";
"it3-05-Pwu.title" = "聲道";
"jCY-og-BAa.title" = "來源 ID:";
"jMN-aN-DqI.title" = "Label";
"jyV-Pd-UvH.title" = "比特率:";
"llF-4b-Z8b.title" = "採樣率:";
"mZG-ik-Led.title" = "序列:";
"mgl-Et-20K.title" = "格式:";
"n0s-eM-42w.title" = "編碼:";
"jyV-Pd-UvH.title" = "位元率:";
"llF-4b-Z8b.title" = "取樣頻率:";
"mZG-ik-Led.title" = "ID:";
"mgl-Et-20K.title" = "格式";
"n0s-eM-42w.title" = "編解碼器:";
"nrG-IH-kFg.title" = "音訊";
"qPy-MN-AEF.title" = "Label";
"rcA-a7-rVn.title" = "Label";
"sbO-Cn-gpI.title" = "總音畫同步:";
"sbO-Cn-gpI.title" = "總影音同步:";
"sgp-Kk-awA.title" = "Label";
"tNS-gW-PcC.title" = "監視";
"u39-dg-rLQ.title" = "Label";
"ujs-p7-wXC.title" = "Label";
"vrP-XL-Weg.title" = "採樣率:";
"vrP-XL-Weg.title" = "取樣頻率:";
"wMU-ig-9zP.title" = "Label";
"xIH-Dc-ZRT.title" = "Label";
"xix-0S-ehE.title" = "解碼器:";
"xix-0S-ehE.title" = "解碼器";
"ydW-J5-Kk2.title" = "Text Cell";

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