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Autoencoder Testing Environment (ATE) v.1.0 Experimental and testing environment for autoencoders

Related to the work:

Stable training of autoencoders for hyperspectral unmixing

Source code for the review process of the 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2021).


Copyright 2021 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences (ITAI PAS) Authors:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


  • Autoencoder training & retraining in order to avoid bad initialisations described in the paper
  • Unmixing and reconstruction error/spectra evaluation
  • Simplex evaluation
  • RayTune hyperparameter selection (GS+ASHA)


  • Autoencoders architectures are loaded from ./architectures/ subfolder. One file per autoencoder.
  • An example experiment using a synthetic dataset can be run from file.


  • ate/ate_*.py: Autoencoder Testing Environment core files.
  • ate/ate_tests*.py: ATE tests.
  • exp_*.py: Experiment files.
  • architectures/*.py: Autoencoder files. One file contains one autoencoder.
  • util_*.py: External libraries (to be removed in future).


All datasets have to be inserted into ./data/ folder. The example, synthetic Custom is used by the demonstration experiment file (


Three autoencoder architectures are prepared:

  • original: an architecture with sigmoid activation function from Palsson et al. paper;
  • modified: a modification of the above architecture;
  • basic: a simple architecture with ReLU activation function.


Copy and rename file to exp_<your_name_here>.py file. Ensure that paths in params_globals, params_aa are correct (see demo). Put your autoencoders into architectures/ directory with the Autoencoder class name. Tests use parameters in, ensure that paths are consistent with paths in params.


  1. Copy and rename file to exp_<your_name_here>.py file.
  2. Put your autoencoders into architectures/ directory with the Autoencoder class name.
  3. Modify run() function's body:
    1. The only hyperparameter from default_params_aa that is used is the no_epochs, which describes for how many epochs the model will be trained after finding the best parameters.
    2. You need to define
      • autoencoder_name (name that is recognizable by get_autoencoder, e.g. 'basic');
      • dataset_name (name recognizable by get_dataset, e.g. 'Custom');
      • params_aa, params_global - dictionaries with hyperparameters described in ';
      • tune_config: parameters with their ranges to be found by the RayTune optimizer, details are contained in the architecture files;
      • loss_function: loss function for optimization, possible options: Mean Squared Error LossMSE() or Spectral Angle Distance LossSAD();
      • experiment_name: anything which can be a filename;
      • grace: parameter of ASHA Scheduler defining interval between stopping of trials;
      • no_epochs: the maximum number of epochs during RayTune optimization;
      • num_samples: parameter defining a number of sampling from the space of hyperparameters;
      • resources_per_trial: CPU and GPU resources to allocate per trial. More details connected with RayTune parameter are contained in the official RayTune documentation.
    3. invoke experiment_tune() function passing arguments as described in its definition and docstring.
  4. In if __name__ == "__main__"'s body
    1. init_env()
    2. run()
  5. Run the file from shell with python exp_<your_name>.py.


Experimental and testing environment for autoencoders







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