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As seen on my blog.

We will create a store that keeps track of the window size in an application. We will call this store WindowSizeStore.

The store will need a screenWindow observable to keep track of the window:

// windowSizeStore.js

import { extendObservable, computed } from 'mobx';

export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      screenWindow: null

Next we will need a setter for screenWindow, this is all basic mobx:

// windowSizeStore.js
export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      screenWindow: null

  setWindow = () => {
    // make sure the window is available
    if(typeof window === 'object'){
      this.screenWindow = window

We need to check if the window is an object (it will be null if the window is not available). If you are using this store in React, you will call this setWindow method in componentDidMount lifecycle method. This is the first safe method if you are using Server Side Rendering.

Next we will need an observable for the window width:

// windowSizeStore.js
export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      screenWindow: null,
      windowWidth: null

  setWindowWidth = (width) => {
    this.windowWidth = width
    return this.windowWidth


Now that we have screenWindow and windowWidth, we need a method that changes windowWidth based on a given width.

// windowSizeStore.js
export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      screenWindow: null,
      windowWidth: null

  setWindow = () => {
    // make sure the window is available
    if(typeof window === 'object'){
      this.screenWindow = window

  setWindowWidth = (width) => {
    this.windowWidth = width
    return this.windowWidth

  handleWindowWidthChange = () => {
    const width = this.screenWindow.innerWidth


Notice that we called handleWindowWidthChange in setWindow. This sets the inital value of windowWidth. Now we need the to call this method everytime the window size changes:

// windowSizeStore.js
export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      screenWindow: null,
      windowWidth: null

  setWindow = () => {
    // make sure the window is available
    if(typeof window === 'object'){
      this.screenWindow = window
      this.screenWindow.addEventListener("resize", this.handleWindowWidthChange)



We dont need handleWindowWidthChange to fire while the user is changing screen sizes, so we should debounce our method.

import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'

export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      windowWidth: null,
      screenWindow: null


  handleWindowWidthChange = debounce(() => {
    const width = this.screenWindow.innerWidth
  }, 100)

Now we are ready for the store to compute what size the screen currently is.

() => {
const SIZES = {
  'sm': inRange(this.windowWidth, 0, 639),
  'm': inRange(this.windowWidth, 640, 1023),
  'l': inRange(this.windowWidth, 1024, 1250),
  'xl': inRange(this.windowWidth, 1250, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
  'ns': inRange(this.windowWidth, 640, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)

return reduce(SIZES, (result, value, key) => {
  if (value){
    result = [...result, key]
  return result
}, [])

This method uses lodashes inRange method to tell if the current windowWidth is between a screen range. Next we reduce over these sizes. Say out windowWidth was 530 then the SIZES object would look like this:

  'sm': true,
  'm': false,
  'l': false,
  'xl': false,
  'ns': false

This method would return ['sm']. We will use this method as a computed mobx property.

Here is the full store we've build:

import { extendObservable, computed } from 'mobx';
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
import inRange from 'lodash/inRange'
import reduce from 'lodash/reduce'

export default class WindowSizeStore {
    extendObservable(this, {
      windowWidth: null,
      screenWindow: null,
      windowSizes: computed(() => {
        const SIZES = {
          'sm': inRange(this.windowWidth, 0, 639),
          'm': inRange(this.windowWidth, 640, 1023),
          'l': inRange(this.windowWidth, 1024, 1250),
          'xl': inRange(this.windowWidth, 1250, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
          'ns': inRange(this.windowWidth, 640, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
        return reduce(SIZES, (result, value, key) => {
          if (value){
            result = [...result, key]
          return result
        }, [])

  setWindow = () => {
    if (typeof window === 'object'){
      this.screenWindow = window
      this.screenWindow.addEventListener("resize", this.handleWindowWidthChange)

  handleWindowWidthChange = debounce(() => {
    const width = this.screenWindow.innerWidth
  }, 100)

  setWindowWidth = (width) => {
    this.windowWidth = width
    return this.windowWidth

Now that we have the store set up, it is pretty easy to use.

Heres how you would use it with react:

// App.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {observer} from 'mobx-react'
import includes from 'lodash/includes'

class App extends Component {


  render() {
    const {windowSizeStore} = this.props
    const isMobileView = includes(windowSizeStore.windowSizes, 'sm')
    const isMediumView = includes(windowSizeStore.windowSizes, 'm')
    const isLargeView = includes(windowSizeStore.windowSizes, 'l')
    const isExtraLargeView = includes(windowSizeStore.windowSizes, 'xl')
    const isNotSmallView = includes(windowSizeStore.windowSizes, 'ns')
    return (
        <p>The window width is: </p>
        {isMobileView && `Mobile!`}
        {isMediumView && `Medium`}
        {isLargeView && `Large`}
        {isExtraLargeView && `Extra Large`}
        {isNotSmallView && `, Not Small`}

export default observer(App);

// index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import WindowSizeStore from './windowSizeStore'
import './index.css';
import App from './App';

const windowSizeStore = new WindowSizeStore()

  <App windowSizeStore={windowSizeStore} />, 

We create the store in the index of the app, then you can use the store in any of the sub components that need to know about screen size.

Heres a working demo on Github