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Releases: ijtools/sliding-strel

Sliding Strels 1.0

01 Jul 15:26
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Implementation of mathematical morphology based filtering using sliding structuring elements (disk and ball), provided as plugins for the ImageJ software.

Sliding structuring elements are expected to run faster than default (naive) implementation. However, as the native ImageJ implementation uses multi-threading, the gain appears only for large structuring elements.

To use it, simply copy the Sliding_Strel-1.0.jar file into the plugins directory of the ImageJ installation, and restart ImageJ. The plugins appear into the "MorphoLibJ Plus -> Sliding Strels" menu.

Sliding Strel v0.1

18 Jun 13:23
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Implementation of mathematical morphology based filtering using sliding structuring elements, provided as plugins for the ImageJ software.

To use it, simply copy the Sliding_Strel-0.x.jar file into the plugins directory of the ImageJ installation, and restart ImageJ. The plugins appear into the "MorphoLibJ Plus -> Sliding Strels" menu.