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Uni3: A Dictionary of Kagome v2

A dictionary package of kagome v2. This software includes a binary and/or source version of data from

  • unidic-cwj-3.1.1-full

which can be obtained from

Feature Fields

Features are information given to a word, such as follows:

公園	名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,*,コウエン,公園,公園,コーエン,公園,コーエン,漢,*,*,*,*,*,*,体,コウエン,コウエン,コウエン,コウエン,0,C2,*,3269956204634624,11896
に	助詞,格助詞,*,*,*,*,ニ,に,に,ニ,に,ニ,和,*,*,*,*,*,*,格助,ニ,ニ,ニ,ニ,*,名詞%F1,*,7745518285496832,28178
行っ	動詞,非自立可能,*,*,五段-カ行,連用形-促音便,イク,行く,行っ,イッ,行く,イク,和,*,*,*,*,*,*,用,イッ,イク,イッ,イク,0,C2,*,470874511778436,1713
た	助動詞,*,*,*,助動詞-タ,終止形-一般,タ,た,た,タ,た,タ,和,*,*,*,*,*,*,助動,タ,タ,タ,タ,*,動詞%F2@1,形容詞%F4@-2,*,5948916285711019,21642
No. feature name description
0 POS hierarchy 品詞大分類 The POS name and each level in its hierarchical structure.
1 POS hierarchy 1 品詞中分類
2 POS hierarchy 2 品詞小分類
3 POS hierarchy 3 品詞細分類
4 cType 活用型 Inflection type indicates a category that is an inflected form, e.g. 五段-カ行.
5 cForm 活用形 Inflected form, e.g. 連用形-促音便.
6 lForm 語彙素読み A possible reading for a lemma entry. Readings are given in katakana, e.g. コウエン, イク.
7 lemma 語彙素表記 A lemma, e.g. 公園, 行く.
8 orth 書字形 A conjugation form for an orthBase. e.g. 行く -> 行っ.
9 pron 発音形 A possible pronunciations for an orthToken. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. コーエン, イッ.
10 orthBase 書字形基本形 A form of dictionary headword, e.g. 行っ -> 行く.
11 pronBase 発音形基本形 A possible pronunciations for an entry headword. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. イク.
12 goshu 語種 A possible pronunciations for an entry. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. コーエン.
13 iType 語頭変化型
14 iForm 語頭変化形
15 fType 語末変化型
16 fForm 語末変化型
17 iConType
18 fConType
19 type
20 kana
21 kanaBase
22 form
23 formBase
24 aType
25 aConType
26 aModType
27 lid
28 lemma_id
