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Promise Dapp

Install Truffle Suite's Ganache and Metamask.

Environment setup

Once installed, use Ganache's Quickstart or create your own workspace. Set up Metamask in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and create a Custom RPC with:

Make sure your RPC Server in Ganache matches the RPC URL above. If not, go to settings and change Port Number to 9545 and check that Network ID is 5777.

To get the Chain ID, type in your console:

truffle develop

Once prompted, type:

> await web3.eth.getChainId();

The Chain ID should be shown, and simply input that number into Metamask's Chain ID field.

Once the network is added, import the first few Ganache accounts into Metamask using the provided private keys for each account. The balance of each account in Ganache should now match the corresponding account balances in Metamask.

Smart contract compilation and deployment

Compile and deploy the smart contract on your local blockchain.

truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset

The first account balance should have decreased slightly in Ganache after deployment.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

View the project

Copy and paste the localhost link to your web browser and view the decentralized web application!

More Metamask setup

Connect the localhost site to each of the imported accounts in Metamask. After doing so, each account in Metamask should display a green circle on the top left that says 'Connected'.

Set up complete!

You are all set to use our web application!


  • Make sure to refresh the browser each time you switch Metamask accounts to view the correct information.
  • If you are writing a contract, remember to switch back to your own Metamask account before clicking the 'Submit' button.


Ikechi Iwuagwu: 912684323,
Agnieszka Lupinska: 916670964,
Nuamaan Sheikh: 918940663,
Alicia Siu: 914005515,