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gtokenserver is a google metadata server emulator that provides access tokens. gtokenserver allows Google Cloud SDK tools (gcloud, gsutil, bq) and applications using Google Cloud client libraries authenticate for Google Cloud Platform, instead of gcloud auth login, gloud auth application-default login, etc.


  • You can authenticate Google Cloud SDK tools (gcloud, gsutil, bq) and applications using Google Cloud client libraries in the same way.
    • gcloud auth requires you to use gcloud auth login (or gcloud auth activate-service-account) for Google Cloud SDK tools, and gloud auth application-default login (or the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable) for applications using Google Cloud client libraries.
  • You can authenticate applications using Google Cloud client libraries with user accounts and service accounts in the same way.
    • You have to run gloud auth application-default login for user accounts, and you have to configure the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable for service accounts.
    • You have to launch gtokenserver in different ways, but you can lanunch applications requiring authentication in the same way.


With docker

  1. Create a new network (gcloud for here):

    docker network create gcloud
  2. Run gtokenserver:

    • For user accounts:

      1. Create a new volume (gcloud-config for here):

        docker volume create gcloud-config
      2. Run gcloud auth application-default login:

        docker run --rm -it -v gcloud-config:/gcloud-config -e CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/gcloud-config \
            google/cloud-sdk:alpine gcloud auth application-default login
      3. Run gtokenserver:

        docker run -v gcloud-config:/gcloud-config -e CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/gcloud-config \
            --network gcloud -d --rm --name gtokenserver ikedam/gtokenserver
    • For service accounts:

      1. Run gtokenserver with the private key json file :

        docker run -v "/path/to/service-account-private-key.json` -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/key.json \
            --network gcloud -d --rm --name gtokenserver ikedam/gtokenserver
    • You may want to run with --restart always instead of --rm to have gtokenserver resident in your computer.

  3. Run applications require authentication:

    • Google SDK tools:

      docker run --rm --network gcloud -e GCE_METADATA_ROOT=gtokenserver \
          google/cloud-sdk:alpine gcloud projects list
    • Applications using Google Cloud client libraries (Let's use sops for example):

      cat test.yaml | \
          docker run --rm --network gcloud -e GCE_METADATA_HOST=gtokenserver -i \
          mozilla/sops:alpine --encrypt \
          --gcp-kms projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/sops/cryptoKeys/sops-key \
          --input-type yaml /dev/stdin
    • Be careful that Google SDK tools refers GCE_METADATA_ROOT but Google client libraries refers GCE_METADATA_HOST.

  4. To stop gtokenserver:

    docker kill gtokenserver

On the local machine

  1. Run gtokenserver:

    • For user accounts:

      1. Run gcloud auth application-default login:

        gcloud auth application-default login
      2. Run gtokenserver:

        • It binds locahost:8080 by default. You can change the port with the -p option.
    • For service accounts:

      1. Run gtokenserver with the private key json file :

        GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service-account-private-key.json gtokenserver
  2. Run applications require authentication:

    • Google SDK tools:

      GCE_METADATA_ROOT=localhost:8080 gcloud projects list
    • Applications using Google Cloud client libraries (Let's use sops for example):

      GCE_METADATA_HOST=localhost:8080 sops --encrypt \
          --gcp-kms projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/sops/cryptoKeys/sops-key \
          test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
    • Be careful that Google SDK tools refers GCE_METADATA_ROOT but Google client libraries refers GCE_METADATA_HOST.


  • gtokenserver doesn't provide all features of Google metadata servers. It's designed only to provide access token.