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A personal repo where I collect sample code for different use cases and techonlogies


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Learn, Tests, and Broken Things

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A personal repo where I collect sample code for different use cases and techonlogies

  • The language is Javascript (ES6+). Mostly Node.js, some React
  • Tests and code I use to learn libraries and tools
  • My best practices for tests, linters, code coverage, continuous integrations.
  • Infrastructure Code.
  • Various stuff I like to share, like my bash aliases and some bash scripts I find useful
  • Articles / Guides / How Tos... (coming soon...)

Mid-2020 addendum

I started this a few years ago when I was learning Javascript and Node.js after moving away from the Java language and environment.

Through the years I changed a lot the way I write tests, code and run applications, but for now I still am on EcmaScript / Node.js.

Some of this code samples and tests are therefor quite old but I try to keep this examples collection consistent and most importantly, the build green.


My standard tools include nodejs, eslint, jest and also pm2, dicital ocean cli, terraform cli, kubectl and a few more... I'll start adding some docs here and expand later.

NodeJS setup

# I use n (not nvm) as Node version manager.
curl -L | bash -s -- -y
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
echo "n-> $(n --version)"
n stable
npm i -g npm
npm i -g yarn
echo "node-> $(node --version)"
echo "npm-> $(npm --version)"
echo "yarn-> $(yarn --version)"

PM2 setup


npm i -g pm2
echo "pm2-> $(pm2 --version)"
# pm2 completion install // this will install the completion code directly into .bashrc, which is messy.
pm2 completion > ~/.pm2.completion
echo '[[ -r ~/.pm2.completion ]] && . ~/.pm2.completion' >> ~/.bashrc
pm2 install pm2-logrotate

Runnable stuff

Test first

cd nodejs
yarn test

Most of the learning is in form of working tests. I use Jest. Yes I did try the others (jasmine, mocha) and yes, I like Jest more. But I like the chai.expect more than Jest expect. Anyway, the tests are the core of this project.

Some learning code is just in the src folder anyway, because did not make sense, or I was too lazy, to put in test form

Websocket Server + React

cd nodejs && npm install && node src/websocket-server.js
cd reactjs/tutorial-app && npm install && npm start

This will launch a simple WebSocket server built on and the ReactJS tutorial app with a SocketIO component that connects to the server and print a welcome message.

There are also some interesting example with Nodejs streams, generators and highlandjs in the Node.js folder.

Start PM2 with server + gateway

cd nodejs && npm install
cd gateway && npm install && cd ..
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js


* to change the gateway port: ```export PORT=xxxx```

Now curl http://localhost:7070/ip will give your IP address while curl http://localhost:7070 will give you unauthorized. Obsiously calling directly the express server with curl http://localhost:3456 will return the actual JSON.

This happens because in the [Gateway configuration] I've set the 'api' endpoint to be secured with

    - jwt:
      - action:
          secretOrPublicKey: '...'

TODO: create credentials and use them from a client to access the API via the Gateway interface

Why this name

It's inspired by an episode of Game of Thrones, the TV Series, titled Cripple, Bastards, and Broken Things The reason is that today, March 16th 2018, I decided to create this mostly as the repo for broken things that I want to share with other people, especially myself in the future, to remember the good times spent fixing code and learning things.


A personal repo where I collect sample code for different use cases and techonlogies








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