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The Software Development Guidelines I developed while working as a team lead at Neuri.

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Software Development Guidelines

Scripts vs Modules

Scripts contain __main__ and are entry points to the code. They use the module code or can only serve as an example of how to use it. So coding rules can be more relaxed here as usually only the person who wrote the script will use it.

Module code should not contain __main__ and should contain excellent documentation and follow strictly the coding guidelines because it would be used by everyone and (if good) for a long time.


Create commits/merge requests with small diff

Learn how to write proper git commit messages (

Coding style & linting

Use linter to guide coding style. If possible integrate this into Gitlab pipeline (we need to discuss which linter to use)

Use 80 lines col limit and explain the reasons (it's not just for readability)

Use of tools: IDE is strongly suggested but can use any tool that has syntax highlighting, linting and way to debug

Logging (don't use print)

Logging: use configs (to define what to write and where).

Logging configuration is never done in the module code. Each runner of a script should configure its own logging config. Of course, we can share the logging configuration.

Put logs everywhere the code takes long time to complete so we know it didn't hang.

Log the values of important variables, example, variables containing results of function calls or external API calls

Use the appropriate logging levels, INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, not all to info.


Common argument/variable/function naming. Use python standard: Camel case for class names, snake case for variable and function names, upper case for constant. Consistency, consistent naming style for everything.

We would share the naming convention doc with the commonly used abbreviations, e.g. ts for time series, n_ts for number of time series, etc.

Remember, good code almost reads like English and requires no inline comments. So the names need to be descriptive and intuitive, variables are nouns, methods are verbs.

Documentation High Level

For each project, module or submodule write at least a README file that contains:

  • The goals of the code, i.e. what one can achieve with the code, the requirements
  • What are the problems in achieving the goal
  • How the problems are solved
  • Where the problems are solved, specific files.
  • Example script how to run/use the code,
  • Other things one who is using the code should be aware of, e.g. some unconventional practices, common mistakes, and wrong assumptions.
  • Who is responsible for the code, name and email, and date of the last major revision
  • Optional: include the alternative solutions (tried or just thought about them) to the problem and discuss their tradeoffs

Documentation: Mid Level

Do not write “this function ... “. Spend time to write good method documentation. It should contain what one will accomplish with the method, not how. How the method is working should be clear from the code. The method documentation is a story of what the method is accomplishing and how the method arguments and the method output are related. Google for examples, or just read the docs of pandas, numpy, etc.

Start each .py file with a docstring explaining what the file is doing in short. The "elevator pitch" for the code. For scripts, this is a good place to put expected data format, such as csv headers, etc. General useful things to know when running this script, e.g. it runs a long time, so go get a coffee.

Documentation: Low Level

In deep learning models code, it's useful to write the shape of the tensors being passed around as comments.

In data preprocessing scripts, it's useful to write the expected format of the data, i.e. csv headers, etc.

Again, good code almost reads like English and requires no inline comments. If you feel the need to explain your code with comment, then the code is most likely too complex and needs to be simplified.

Programming tips

A method needs to accomplish one major task, not a multitude, if you name the method with "and" in it, then there should be two methods

At the same time too much modularity, too much generalization (e.g. in models) can lead to unnecessary complexity. Trying to generalize too much when writing ML/research code typically fails as the new algorithms tend to have completely different logic.

And, following the execution of a method should not require opening too many files and jumping between too many methods. This leads to spaghetti code. So it's a fine line between too many and too few methods.

Avoid asserts, prefer using "if" statements and exceptions. Asserts belong to unit tests. The advantage of using exception over asserts is that you can define the exception type, and the caller can decide to catch it and what to do with it (exit the program, log and continue, etc)

Always use python built-in functions, such as "float", and well known and used packages, such as datetime, numpy, pandas, etc, instead of writing your own implementation.

Utmost goal is readability. Programming is the activity of reducing the complexity of problems, not increasing :) Always, think how code or solution can be simplified. Computational efficiency, code extensibility, etc. are second level concerns.

No surprises. Follow the most obvious and expected way something to work.

No global variables in modules code. Scripts can have global variables but in general, is good to avoid them.

Don't be afraid to delete old code and rewrite from scratch. If you need to refer to a past version of a file, use git. Avoid using ts_dataset_v2, ts_dataset_v3, .. etc, git is for versioning. There are other ways to handle backward compatibility issues. The high level documentation you wrote, i.e. the README files will help you rewrite the code much faster than the initial writing.

In general, never name something "v34", "final", "final_final", "really_final_final", etc.

No copy-paste (or limit if urgent)

One dot per line: nested functions should be split: easier to understand, no surprises, easier to debug.

No function calls on the return statement. Every output of a function must be held in a variable, otherwise is difficult to debug.

If statements to improve: name conditions and isolate long conditions. Never use nested if statements, they are hard to follow. If you have multiple conditions that are difficult to understand, encapsulate them in variables with appropriate names.

Improvement of testing scripts can wait for algorithm/model code. But for data preprocessing, fetching and similar we must write unit tests regularly.

Return only variables not function calls

Number 1 requirement is code readability and maintainability, performance is a feature, which has cost in terms of man hours, code readability and maintainability, so it needs to be decided whether that cost is justified

Method documentation is for what is doing not how is doing, and the inputs and outputs of the method

One line one sentence, one thought

Project template

We will soon share a common project structure/template. It will separate the code into functional parts, each with a consistent folder name. For example, all data preprocessing code in one part, model definitions in second, and third part training and executing.

Common excuses for not following the


"These guidelines are great, but I just don't have time now... I will fix it later"

  • It's ok to not follow the guidelines sometimes when really pushed for time, and especially when writing one-off scripts. But when done for a module code, keep in mind that you are borrowing time with interest, likely from someone else's future.

"The guidelines don't apply for my special case..."

  • Unfortunately, there are no special cases. Only sometimes you need to think harder..

Why follow the software guidelines?

Buggy code can invalidate the results of weeks of experiments

Bad code often leads to big differences between model performance on validation/test set and real application, e.g. paper trading

Bad code is hard to modify, understand, or even just use by others, significantly reducing the productivity of everyone involved


The Software Development Guidelines I developed while working as a team lead at Neuri.






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