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INI file configuration

iliasam edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 1 revision

config.ini is used for configuring some parameters of the utility.


  • cross_size=10 - mark size, pixels
  • font_size=8 - mark font size
  • draw_center_line=0 - draw center line, 0/1
  • cross_color=#FFFF00 - mark color
  • text_color=#FFFF00 - mark text color
  • filter_not_visible=1 - do not draw not visible marks
  • archive_length_days=500 - duration of storing files in archive idn days, older files will be deleted
  • meteor_m_2=30 - value of horizontal shift in "Auto" mode, for M2 satellite
  • meteor_m_2_2=-4 - value of horizontal shift in "Auto" mode, for M2-2 satellite
  • meteor_m_2_3=-4 - value of horizontal shift in "Auto" mode, for M2-3 satellite
  • timezone=3 - value of timezone in hours, not tested (08.2023)
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