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Angular IVH Treeview

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A treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.

Example usage

In your controller...

app.controller('MyCtrl', function() {
  this.bag = [{
      label: 'Glasses',
      value: 'glasses',
      children: [{
        label: 'Top Hat',
        value: 'top_hat'
        label: 'Curly Mustache',
        value: 'mustachio'

  this.awesomeCallback = function(node, tree) {
    // Do something with node or tree

  this.otherAwesomeCallback = function(node, isSelected, tree) {
    // Do soemthing with node or tree based on isSelected

In your view...

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <input type="text" ng-model="bagSearch" />



IVH Treeview is pretty configurable. By default it expects your elements to have label and children properties for node display text and child nodes respectively. It'll also make use of a selected attribute to manage selected states. If you would like to pick out nodes by ID rather than reference it'll also use an id attribute. Those attributes can all be changed, for example:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"

IVH Treeview attaches checkboxes to each item in your tree for a hierarchical selection model. If you'd rather not have these checkboxes use ivh-treeview-use-checkboxes="false":

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"

There's also a provider if you'd like to change the global defaults:

app.config(function(ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider) {
    idAttribute: 'id',
    labelAttribute: 'label',
    childrenAttribute: 'children',
    selectedAttribute: 'selected',
    useCheckboxes: true,
    expandToDepth: 0,
    indeterminateAttribute: '__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate',
    defaultSelectedState: true,
    validate: true,
    twistieExpandedTpl: '(-)',
    twistieCollapsedTpl: '(+)',
    twistieLeafTpl: 'o',
    nodeTpl: '...'


We support filtering through the ivh-treeview-filter attribute, this value is supplied to Angular's filterFilter and applied to each node individually.

Demo: Filtering

Expanded by default

If you want the tree to start out expanded to a certain depth use the ivh-treeview-expand-to-depth attribute:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">

You can also use the ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider to set a global default.

If you want the tree entirely expanded use a depth of -1.

Demo: Expand to depth on load

Default selected state

When using checkboxes you can have a default selected state of true or false. This is only relevant if you validate your tree data using ivhTreeviewMgr.validate which will assume this state by default. Use the ivh-treeview-default-selected-state attribute or defaultSelectedState.

Demo: Default selected state and validate on startup

Validate on Startup

ivh.treeview tries not to assume control of your model any more than necessary. It does provide the ability (opt-in) to validate your tree data on startup. Use ivh-treeview-validate="true" at the attribute level or set the validate property in ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider to get this behavior.

Demo: Default selected state and validate on startup


The basic twisties that ship with this ivh.treeview are little more than ASCII art. You're encouraged to use your own twistie templates. For example, if you've got bootstrap on your page you might do something like this:

  twistieCollapsedTpl: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>',
  twistieExpandedTpl: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span>',
  twistieLeafTpl: '&#9679;'

If you need different twistie templates for different treeview elements you can assign these templates at the attribute level:


Alternatively, you can pass them as part of a full configuration object.

Demo: Custom twisties

Tree Node Templates

Global Templates

Tree node templates can be set globally using the nodeTpl options:

app.config(function(ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider) {
    nodeTpl: '<custom-template></custom-template>'
Inline Templates

Want different node templates for different trees? This can be accomplished using inline templates. Inline templates can be specified in any of three ways:

With the ivh-treeview-node-tpl attribute:

<div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"

As a property in the ivh-treeview-options object:

<div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"
     ivh-treeview-options="{nodeTpl: variableWithTplAsString}"></div>

Or as transcluded content in the treeview directive itself:

<div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag">
  <script type="text/ng-template">
    <div title="{{trvw.label(node)}}">
      <span ivh-treeview-toggle>
        <span ivh-treeview-twistie></span>
      <span ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox>
     <span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-toggle>
     <div ivh-treeview-children></div>

Note the use of the ng-template script tag wrapping the rest of the transcluded content, this wrapper is a mandatory. Also note that this form is intended to serve as a convenient and declarative way to essentially provide a template string to your treeview. The template itself does not (currently) have access a transcluded scope.

Template Helper Directives

You have access to a number of helper directives when building your node templates. These are mostly optional but should make your life a bit easier, not that all support both element and attribute level usage:

  • ivh-treeview-toggle (attribute) Clicking this element will expand or collapse the tree node if it is not a leaf.
  • ivh-treeview-twistie (attribute) Display as either an "expanded" or "collapsed" twistie as appropriate.
  • ivh-treeview-checkbox (attribute|element) A checkbox that is "plugged in" to the treeview. It will reflect your node's selected state and update parents and children appropriately out of the box.
  • ivh-treeview-children (attribute|element) The recursive step. If you want your tree to display more than one level of nodes you will need to place this some where, or have your own way of getting child nodes into the view.

Supported Template Scope Variables


A reference to the tree node itself. Note that in general you should use controller helper methods to access node properties when possible.


A reference to the treeview controller with a number of useful properties and helper functions:

  • node[, Boolean isSelected])
    Set the seleted state of node to isSelected. The will update parent and child node selected states appropriately. isSelected defaults to true.
  • trvw.isSelected(Object node) -> Boolean
    Returns true if node is selected and false otherwise.
  • trvw.toggleSelected(Object node)
    Toggles the selected state of node. This will update parent and child note selected states appropriately.
  • trvw.expand(Object node[, Boolean isExpanded])
    Set the expanded state of node to isExpanded, i.e. expand or collapse node. isExpanded defaults to true.
  • trvw.isExpanded(Object node) --> Boolean
    Returns true if node is expanded and false otherwise.
  • trvw.toggleExpanded(Object node)
    Toggle the expanded state of node.
  • trvw.isLeaf(Object node) --> Boolean
    Returns true if node is a leaf node in the tree and false otherwise.
  • trvw.label(Object node) --> String
    Returns the label attribute of node as determined by the labelAttribute treeview option.
  • trvw.children(Object node) --> Array
    Returns the array of children for node. Returns an empty array if node has no children or the childrenAttribute property value is not defined.
  • trvw.opts() --> Object
    Returns a merged version of the global and local options.
  • trvw.isVisible(Object node) --> Boolean
    Returns true if node should be considered visible under the current filter and false otherwise. Note that this only relates to treeview filters and does not take into account whether or not node can actually be seen as a result of expanded/collapsed parents.
  • trvw.useCheckboxes() --> Boolean
    Returns true if checkboxes should be used in the template and false otherwise.

Custom onClick Handlers

Want to register a callback for whenever a tree node gets clicked? Use the ivh-treeview-click-handler attribute, the passed function will get called whenever the user clicks on a twistie or node label. Your callback will be passed a reference to the node and the tree that node belongs to.

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">

Custom onChange Handlers

Want to be notified anytime a checkbox changes state as the result of a click? Use the ivh-treeview-change-handler attribute to register a callback for whenever a node checkbox changes state. Your callback will be passed a reference to the node, the new selected status, and a reference to the entire tree the node belongs to.

Note that programmatic changes to a node's selected state (including selection change propagation) will not trigger this callback. It is only run for the actual node clicked on by a user.

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">

Demo: Custom Change Handler

All the Options

If passing a configuration object is more your style than inlining everything in the view, that's OK too.

In your fancy controller...

this.customOpts = {
  useCheckboxes: false,
  clickHandler: this.awesomeCallback

In your view...


Treeview Manager Service

ivh.treeview supplies a service, ivhTreeviewMgr, for interacting with your tree data directly., node[, opts][, isSelected])

Select (or deselect) an item in tree, node can be either a reference to the actual tree node or its ID.

We'll use settings registered with ivhTreeviewOptions by default, but you can override any of them with the optional opts parameter.

isSelected is also optional and defaults to true (i.e. the node will be selected).

When an item is selected each of its children are also selected and the indeterminate state of each of the node's parents is validated.

ivhTreeviewMgr.selectAll(tree[, opts][, isSelected])

Like except every node in tree is either selected or deselected.

ivhTreeviewMgr.selectEach(tree, nodes[, opts][, isSelected])

Like except an array of nodes (or node IDs) is used. Each node in tree corresponding to one of the passed nodes will be selected or deselected.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselect(tree, node[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselectAll(tree[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.selectAll with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselectEach(tree, nodes[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.selectEach with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.expand(tree, node[, opts][, isExpanded])

Expand (or collapse) a given node in tree, again node may be an actual object reference or an ID.

We'll use settings registered with ivhTreeviewOptions by default, but you can override any of them with the optional opts parameter.

By default this method will expand the node in question, you may pass false as the last parameter though to collapse the node. Or, just use ivhTreeviewMgr.collapse.

Demo: Programmatic expand/collapse

ivhTreeviewMgr.expandRecursive(tree[, node[, opts][, isExpanded]])

Expand (or collapse) node and all its child nodes. Note that you may omit the node parameter (i.e. expand/collapse the entire tree) but only when all other option parameters are also omitted.

ivhTreeviewMgr.expandTo(tree, node[, opts][, isExpanded])

Expand (or collapse) all parents of node. This may be used to "reveal" a nested node or to recursively collapse all parents of a node.

ivhTreeviewMgr.collapse(tree, node[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.expand with isExpanded set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.collapseRecursive(tree[, node[, opts]])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.expandRecursive with isExpanded set to false,

ivhTreeviewMgr.collapseParents(tree, node[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.expandTo with isExpanded set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.validate(tree[, opts][, bias])

Validate a tree data store, bias is a convenient redundancy for opts.defaultSelectedState.

When validating tree data we look for the first node in each branch which has a selected state defined that differs from opts.defaultSelectedState (or bias). Each of that node's children are updated to match the differing node and parent indeterminate states are updated.

Dynamic Changes

Adding and removing tree nodes on the fly is supported. Just keep in mind that added nodes do not automatically inherit selected states (i.e. checkbox states) from their parent nodes. Similarly, adding new child nodes does not cause parent nodes to automatically validate their own selected states. You will typically want to use ivhTreeviewMgr.validate or after adding new nodes to your tree:

// References to the tree, parent node, and children...
var tree = getTree()
  , parent = getParent()
  , newNodes = [{label: 'Hello'},{label: 'World'}];

// Attach new children to parent node
parent.children = newNodes;

// Force revalidate on tree given parent node's selected status, parent, parent.selected);

Tree Traversal

The internal tree traversal service is exposed as ivhTreeviewBfs (bfs --> breadth first search).

ivhTreeviewBfs(tree[, opts][, cb])

We perform a breadth first traversal of tree applying the function cb to each node as it is reached. cb is passed two parameters, the node itself and an array of parents nodes ordered nearest to farthest. If the cb returns false traversal of that branch is stopped.

Note that even if false is returned each of nodes siblings will still be traversed. Essentially none of nodes children will be added to traversal queue. All other branches in tree will be traversed as normal.

In other words returning false tells ivhTreeviewBfs to go no deeper in the current branch only.

Demo: ivhTreeviewBfs in action

Reporting Issues

When reporting an issue please take a moment to reproduce your setup by modifying our starter template. Only make as many changes as necessary to demonstrate your issue but do comment your added code.


Please see our consolidated contribution guidelines.

Release history

  • 2015-05-06 v0.10.0 Make node templates customizable
  • 2015-02-10 v0.9.0 All options are set-able via attributes or config object
  • 2015-01-02 v0.8.0 Add ability to expand/collapse nodes programmatically
  • 2014-09-21 v0.6.0 Tree accepts nodes added on the fly
  • 2014-09-09 v0.3.0 Complete refactor. Directive no longer propagates changes automatically on programmatic changes, use ivhTreeviewMgr.
  • 2014-08-25 v0.2.0 Allow for initial expansion
  • 2014-06-20 v0.1.0 Initial release


MIT license, copyright iVantage Health Analytics, Inc.


A treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.







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  • JavaScript 98.2%
  • CSS 1.8%