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102 lines (84 loc) · 4.06 KB

ilkome frontend template

Powerful frontend boilerplate. HTML5 & CSS3, Pug, Stylus, ES6, Autoprefixer, Browsersync, Gulp



Template engine using Pug (ex Jade). Pug it's preprocessor HTML.


  • Stylus compilation including source maps
  • Components system with Stylus. Stylus it's preprocessor CSS. It's also can be SASS, LESS
  • Helpful mixins
  • Minify styles
  • Remove unused CSS styles. For example from CSS libraries like bootstrap
  • Autoprefixer. Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules


  • Compiles ES6 to ES5.
  • Minify.
  • Support ES6 import.


  • Browsersync. It's runs local server and reload the browsers across all your devices when you make changes in your application folder files
  • Hot reload for images. Minify images: svg, png, jpg, gif
  • Upolad builded files on the server


  1. Install nodejs
  2. Install gulp: npm install gulp -g
  3. Clone this repo
  4. cd to project directory
  5. Run npm install to install required files
  6. Rename ftp.config-demo.js to ftp.config.js. Optionally you can write your FTP config for auto upload files to the server.


Compile App and watch files for changes.

  • npm run dev development
  • npm run build make build
  • npm run upload make build and upload files to server


This command will give you a list of all tasks available.

gulp --tasks
  • browserSync-reload reload page in all your connected devices.
  • clean clean build folder.
  • jade compile jade files.
  • html prettify compiled html.
  • images minify images.
  • assets copy everything from assets folder. Used for favicons, fonts, css.
  • stylus compiles styles.
  • css analyze HTML files and clean unused CSS styles. Ignore styles with prefix .js-. Add vendor prefixes.
  • upload upload build folder on the server.
  • zip create archive with build files

Structure of main folders and files

├── app                                 # Application folder
│   ├── atoms                           # Atoms
│   │   └── atom-name                   # Atom's example. It's a component Jade + Stylus + Images
│   │       ├── img                     # Atom's images
│   │       ├── atom-name.jade          # Atom's markdown
│   │       └── atom-name.styl          # Atom's styles.
│   ├── js                              # JavaScript
│   │   ├── index.js                    # Entry
│   |   └── libs                        # Libraries
│   ├── layout                          # Layout files
│   │   ├── head.jade                   # Head
│   │   ├── layout.jade                 # Layout
│   │   ├── scripts.jade                # Scripts
│   │   └── styles.jade                 # Styles
│   ├── pages                           # Pages of application
│   |   |── index.jade                  # Index
│   |   └── contacts.jade               # Contacts
│   ├── assets                          # Assets
│   |   |── css                         # CSS
│   |   |── fonst                       # Fonts
│   |   |── icons                       # Icons
│   |   └── img                         # Images files. Will minify
│   ├── stylus                          # Stylus
│   │   |── base                        # Base styles
│   │   |── helpers                     # Helpers mixins
│   │   └── index.styl
│   │   └── layout.styl
│   │   └── variables.styl
├── build                               # Build folder
├── gulpfle.js                          # Gulp config and tasks
│   ├── index.js                        # Gulp main tasks and watchers
│   └── paths.js                        # Paths config
├── ftp.config.js                       # Config for FTP connection
└── webpack.config.js