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John Levon <>

IPD 2 Running smatch for Illumos builds


As part of Illumos's historical inheritance we, until very recently, ran lint against a significant portion of the source code (as mostly defined by Makefile.lint).

This was a continuing pain point for Illumos developers: we don't have the lint source, and the current version we have access to is gradually getting less and less able to compile the source it's given. Use of lint was also a blocker for other improvements, such as an improved definition of NULL.

Recent consensus has led to us removing the requirement for developers to lint their changes.

However, lint was still finding real bugs. In particular, complaining about code that fails to check the return value of functions still seems useful; it's highlighted real bugs in the past, and seems likely to continue to do so.

While newer GCC versions have greatly improved checks, this particular checking behaviour is not supported by any warning option. GCC can only check return values for functions explicitly marked, and does not respect cast-to-void, which we use to silence lint right now.

There is an alternative: smatch. This is a sparse-based static checker, mainly aimed at the Linux kernel. While it has a large number of Linux-specific checks, it's also usable as a general static checker. What is particularly interesting about smatch is that it is written in C, and is easily hackable. This should be considered a great advantage over many other checkers, which are either closed source, written in a language understood by few, or both.

We will use smatch to replace at least the checked-return functionality of lint across the Illumos source base. In fact, smatch is already far superior to that of lint: the parser catches calls through function pointers that lint does not, does not complain about memset() or printf() etc.

The approachability of smatch is also appealing for other reasons, as it would also to add source-specific checks relatively easily. For example, unchecked kmem_alloc(..., KM_NOSLEEP), unchecked user-supplied integers, Spectre gadget discovery, etc.

In addition, a range of existing smatch checks are already catching real, new, bugs in the Illumos code base.


Currently smatch is able to compile all of the Illumos gate, modulo some code that uses _Complex and related types. This is implemented by defining smatch as a shadow compiler: since smatch is designed to effectively take all of GCC's options, this works relatively well.

A number of options were considered for disabling or modifying smatch checks for parts of the source. For example, it makes little sense for us to run smatch against some 3rd-party source integrated into illumos-gate. A source base with some ... history ... uncovered quite a few peculiarities that required smatch changes. Code like:

#define elink_cb_get_friendly_name(cb) ''


char *
copyn(s1, s2, n)
register char *s1, *s2;

requires either disabling smatch for that code, or disabling one or more of the smatch checks. Some of the latter are sparse-level, and may lack a disabling flag in upstream; these are being added to smatch as needed.

As smatch is a shadow compiler, it runs against all the code, as opposed to lint, which was a separate pass defined in Makefiles. The approach being taken is to modify the Makefiles as needed. For example, to completely disable smatch in a sub-directory:


which becomes -_smatch=off. cw will spot this and not run smatch against those source files. usr/src/Makefile.smatch also defines a few default flags, where the checks are triggered by too many false positives, or too much legacy code.

Specific checks can also be disabled (or enabled) like this:

SMOFF += uninitialized,check_check_deref,unreachable
SMOFF += -_smatch=-Wno-vla

(The latter is an example of sparse-level check.)

This will mean a large number of one-line changes to Makefiles, but ultimately seems preferable to disabling large sections of the source base like Makefile.lint does. Where infeasible, we will still be disabling smatch for particular sub-directories.

A related question is how to integrate smatch itself into the build environment.

smatch itself ships with data files that are closely tied to the source base under inspection. The current version defines two different projects, illumos_kernel for usr/src/uts and illumos_user for the rest of Illumos, and specific function names are listed there for various reasons. We also anticipate some source-specific checks being added as described above.

For these reasons, it seems preferable to ship a version of smatch source under usr/src/tools, and build and run it directly from there. This is a local copy of

Upstreaming changes

As mentioned above, there have already been several changes as part of the proof of concept, and upstreaming has gone well. There will inevitably be some changes not relevant for upstreaming though. In particular, it doesn't seem to make sense to upstream the Illumos data files themselves, as they are tied to the source revision, not smatch itself. There is also at least one change rejected by upstream that we rely on.

Updating smatch

If we need to resync with upstream smatch, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Pull upstream into the master branch of
  2. Merge into the illumos branch.
  3. Tag as e.g. 0.9.1-il-1
  4. Copy sources over to illumos-gate usr/src/tools/smatch/src
  5. Update usr/src/tools/smatch/Makefile with the new tag information
  6. RTI

Caveats and Risks

smatch does not cover C++ code or SPARC code, unlike lint. Other architectures are unknown.

smatch integration/compatibility with clang/LLVM is unknown.

smatch cannot parse everything in our gate, and has known deficiencies (for example, __NORETURN is not properly respected).

Several locations cause smatch to time out (after 60 seconds typically). We should investigate why, and potentially fix smatch.

sparse's handling of the default macro definitions is extremely basic: essentially, we define just enough of the expected compiler and hardware environment to enable us to compile the sources by hand. Even the cgcc wrapper provided with sparse hard-codes a bunch of these macros. The risk here is that we miss significant checks by not defining the right set of macros we expect.

If the upstream project dies for whatever reason, we will have the burden of maintaining smatch, and potentially sparse, ourselves. However, if needed, the size and scope of these projects mean this is fairly doable.

A larger risk is the upstream sparse project taking a radical new direction that does not suit our needs.

Policy changes

It's anticipated that at some point we would require a clean smatch build for changes submitted to RTI.

Future work

As mentioned, there are a lot of additional checks that could be added.

smatch can also be used in a looser analysis sense, for investigating properties of the source. For example, it's possible to use smatch for tainting data.

We could and should gradually enable more smatch across the source base.