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Set up the Raspberry Pi

Steps below are minimum steps for simple setup, so you should harden the security when you've checked that everything works. The following assumes you're using default user name pi, so replace it where needed

  1. Download Raspberry Pi Imager and install it (
  2. Start Raspberry Pi Imager
  3. Choose operating system (typically Raspberry Pi OS desktop or lite)
  4. Choose the drive where to flash the image
  5. Click the button with the cog to edit advanced settings. Enable SSH, choose preferred authentication method and configure the other settings (e.g. user name, host name, WLAN settings and locale) if needed
  6. Write the image
  7. Put the card to Raspberry Pi, connect it to LAN and power it on
  8. Connect to the PI using SSH (using authentication method, user name and host name) defined earlier
  9. Update the OS (sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade)
  10. Check BlueZ version by running bluetoothd -v. It should output "5.50" or newer
  11. Create new directory: mkdir ~/vahti && cd ~/vahti
  12. Download Vahti.Server binaries: wget
  13. Extract the files: unzip
  14. Copy config.template.json as config.json cp config.template.json config.json
  15. Update user permission on config.json so that only user you've defined can read it: chmod 600 config.json
  16. Edit the configuration file: nano config.json. See Configuration for details on how to configure the app.
  17. Add user to bluetooth group sudo adduser pi bluetooth (where pi is the user name you are using)
  18. Reboot sudo reboot now
  19. After Raspberry Pi is online again, connect to it again using SSH
  20. Now you can navigate to folder and start the app by executing cd ~/vahti && ./Vahti.Server

How to make Vahti a service starting up on boot:

  1. Create service file sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/vahti.service with following content (remember to use correct user name instead of pi)



Uncomment the RuntimeMaxSec=86400 line if you have stability issues with service/DBus. It restarts the service periodically (time in seconds). You can add similar line for bluetooth service (sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ to periodically restart Bluetooth service. If you edit the service files later, remember to reload the daemon (sudo systemctl daemon-reload) or reboot.

  1. Enable the service: sudo systemctl enable vahti

  2. Restart Raspberry Pi to check that service starts up correctly sudo reboot now

  3. Check that service has started: systemctl status vahti

vahti.service - Vahti
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/vahti.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-06-07 12:27:08 EEST; 35min ago
 Main PID: 1210 (Vahti.Server)
    Tasks: 17 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 27.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/vahti.service
           └─1210 /home/pi/vahti/Vahti.Server
  1. Logs can be found from Syslog. Example: sudo journalctl -u vahti